Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

That pin sequence in the Ziggler and Cesaro match on smackdown was one of the most suspect things I've ever seen. Smh.
Had no idea which one was Ultimo.

Sidebar. Anyone have the clip of Reigns' superman punch on Cena from this past week?
He became the Divas champ at one point.
March 3rd raw will be in chicago. Just imagine how that crowd will be if there's no Punk.
The CM Punk situation is personally being handled by Vince McMahon himself, as opposed to Triple H or WWE’s Talent Relations department.

WWE officials are not happy at all about the story getting out and there being a big deal publicly. The hope was to keep it as an internal issue and deal with it within the company.
Yep, I've never actually seen him without his mask til that pic. And yes that's Ramon Sterio in the FUBU jersey
so he actually is from japan? I actually dude was from brooklyn.

Yep, Nagoya Japan. Only fake masked lucha/Japanese wrestler I remember is Blitzbrieg, who was from California :lol:

Random, but did ya'll know Curtis Hughes STILL wrestles?? Somehow I ran across one of his '93/'94matches

Then found this

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Watching Wrestle Kingdom 8: Prince Devitt vs Kota Ibushi. Never seen Devitt before.

I JUST watched it too. That entrance though. :pimp: and a Luke gallows sighting. Great match too. Kota had some nice moves. That reverse brain buster devitt did was awesome
1. AMbrose and Rollins on the news station was a good look. How often is this done in cities across the country? Solid way of getting casuals to tune into the product.

2. :smokin @ Yall talking about Devitt and New Japan. I love yall dudes. (No Clubs)
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