Wrestling Thread Jan 4-10 | Missed TNA iMPACT on Monday? Replay on Spike Thurs 9pm ET

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Welp, time to switch, sorry Terry.


I think Shane might make an appearance too.
itll be somewhat interesting to see what NTers stick with what product
How's he been in the back if he just pulled up? Who was in the motorcade? SHANE O?!?! Please say it is so.
I still need a RAW stream so if anyone can help out, it's much appreciated.
TNA: God scott is FAT! I'm sure xpac and scott were brought in to make a point that 'its going to be different this time' from wcw/nwo. Hulk isconfronting hall and pac about doing the right thing for business.

Scott hall "things are going to change, with ya, or without cha'"
God, please no nwo stuff.

WWE: Bret wearing the jorts!
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