Wrestling Thread Jan/Feb | 2/29 RAW - The Undertaker Returns to Respond to The McMahons

I love New Japan, but I also understand PERSPECTIVE. It is a niche product and then you have the WWE which IS the defiition of wrestling for MANY people.

I think sometimes it is hard for us to realize that we aren't part of what is reality.

Sure the hardcore fanbase has grown over time but they are STILL the hardcore fanbase.

I wish there was a way to take a poll at a random WWE event and ask everyone, "Who is Dave Meltzer or Name 3 wrestling Promotions other than the WWE." You dudes would think 50%+ of the people in that arena could answer those questions? I mean, "They all have the internet."
I'll try this one last time because I'm just burning keystrokes at this point. I don't think it's the norm that the casual fan knows who Shinsuke Nakamura is or the lineage he carries.   

However, I do think it's possible that in 2016 where internet access/social media is very prevalent that the average fan may have seen his name more times than you'd think. I mean the WWE itself is posting about him on their own website that probably gets hundreds of thousands of hits a day. I think I'd actually argue that with entertainment being so fragmented these days, that we might be living in a time where the percentage of 'core' fans might be the highest it's ever been. Look at the dwindling ratings. 

Do I think any of this matters in the end? Not really. Chris Jericho is probably the shining beacon of someone receiving a crazy reception because of their "jump", but someone getting over solely because of past ties to a promotion have come & gone as the WWE has positioned itself so far away from the competiton. Goldberg came in and s*** the bed, and he was the face of WCW for years. Roman Reigns came in as a nobody and through being protected via STRONG booking with The Shield, he finds himself now main eventing a Mania. 

What's Nakamura's ceiling? I don't think he's main eventing Mania ever. Do I think he can get over? Sure, if he's booked well. 
As an aside, give me this era over Attitude Era any day of the week. In ring wise, this truly might be the GOAT era. 
Ultimo you should know that DC never mentioned Japanese wrestling once until you showed up...can't take him seriously
Ultimo you should know that DC never mentioned Japanese wrestling once until you showed up...can't take him seriously
Finally got my flight booked for Mania. Gonna get there thursday night and fly out tuesday morning and hopefully gonna get a ticket for raw
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FYI, Tongan Jeff, Blake and Murphy and Los Matadores drop today as DLC in 2k16.

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