Wrestling Thread Jan/Feb | 2/29 RAW - The Undertaker Returns to Respond to The McMahons

Read somewhere earlier that the original plan for the Rumble match was to have Reigns and HHH be the final two, but after Reigns got booed when he came out, they decided to go with Ambrose because they didn't want the crowd to cheer HHH for throwing out Reigns to win, and they knew the crowd would be sympathetic to Ambrose...
i told my brother this. My guess was to have HHH come across as the heel, and no shot that would of happened if it was him and reigns as the final two. So they chose to put a face in there that the crowdhas no choice other than to cheer (ambrose). Smart booking, but at this point if you have to go through all these hoops and rings of fire to protect Reigns from getting booed then just turn him heel.
Imagine if shawn didn't rub Bret the wrong way and imagine if Bret went along with the direction the company was going. Their on screen rivalry was one of the best ever. Every match was on point. The heat came across as real life tension ( i guess because backstage it was ). If shawn would of just jobbed to him when he was supposed to and we got to see the fall out from the screwjob it would of been gold.

but then again maybe we don't get the mr mcmahon character and so on. But as wrestling fans we were robbed of many more altercations between those two that would of been nothing short of 5 star match after match after match.
The battle royal for the hardcore title at wrestlemania 2000. Straight jokes for 15 mins.
@brendasdeadbaby  What kind of candle do you burn? Or do you use incense? I have been messing around and scooping out these Paula Deane candles I bought from WalMart and mixing the wax together. 
as much as i hated seth's post shield gear at first . his ring gear is up there with the best in todays WWE. the all white and gold was awesome.

That white gear was vicious

I hope he keeps it on the shelf for special occasions
Smackdown spoiler. Regarding Allen Jones.

The Styles clash was used tonight on Smackdown vs Axel.
wHEN she got into her trouble, there were 15.2 oz candles on sale for $1. WalMArt was trying to get rid of those things man
So, you don't mind supporting a racist as long as the price is right, huh?
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