Wrestling Thread Jan/Feb | 2/29 RAW - The Undertaker Returns to Respond to The McMahons

I'm late to the party but Shane
MY GOD. And verse Taker...
Shane is 46

You too? You excited for this like the rest of these dudes?

Disappointed in you man

Nowhere did I say I was excited at all I'm with you this is just a shock mov by wwe cause the marks have been asking Shane to come back for years. Idgaf wasn't planning on watching WM anyway
I just got finished smashing a fat chick... Then I read on Deadspin Shane McMahon is wrestling the Undertaker in HIAC?... What in the blue hell?...


I really might not watch WM this year :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:...
Minus how over the top that was, at least we know as a face, that's 100% Dean Ambrose, and the crowd responded in kind. Notice how Heyman mentioning Ambrose led to 100% cheers, and Reigns name led to 80% boos? Yea, they need to go ahead and let Ambrose shine
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