Wrestling Thread Jan/Feb | 2/29 RAW - The Undertaker Returns to Respond to The McMahons


HIAC Match for the NTWT Hardcore Title

jcmojica vs. MeanGene (NTWT Hardcore) gimmick (Hell in the Cell)

Gizmo The Cat - This match is a Hell in the Cell for the NTWT Hardcore title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Miz's Front Porch accompanied by The Miz, MeanGene!!! (crowd boos ************)

[MeanGene comes to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds, from San Diego he holds the NTWT Hardcore title belt, jcmojica!!!

[jcmojica walks to the ring. Teddy Long is the referee for this contest. MeanGene executes a pumphandle suplex on jcmojica.
jcmojica checks his boots.
(ding, ding, ding) MeanGene nails jcmojica with a belly-to-back suplex.
jcmojica short lariats MeanGene.

Suniversal - jcmojica with a short lariat.

[MeanGene gets hit with a diving elbow smash from jcmojica.
jcmojica stands up.
jcmojica knees MeanGene and rolls back to his feet.
jcmojica measures MeanGene up and drops a closed fist.

Suniversal - MeanGene takes a fist drop.

[jcmojica climbs to his feet.
MeanGene stands up.
MeanGene connects with a somersault slam on jcmojica.
MeanGene swings a steel chair and hits jcmojica.
jcmojica is bleeding as a result.

Gizmo The Cat - I wish every match could be like this!

Suniversal - Blood is all over the ring.

[jcmojica with an illegal chokehold on MeanGene.
MeanGene gets back to his feet.
MeanGene uses a snap mare takeover on jcmojica.

Suniversal - snap mare!

[jcmojica is back on his feet.
MeanGene gets thrown into the turnbuckle. jcmojica comes over and smashes MeanGene's head into it.

had pants - jcmojica with a headsmash into turnbuckle.

[MeanGene gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
jcmojica grabs MeanGene's head and hites him in the face.
MeanGene places jcmojica on the turnbuckle and executes the double underhook superplex.
MeanGene climbs to his feet.
MeanGene with execites a bearhug on jcmojica.
Teddy Long asks jcmojica if he quits.
... ... jcmojica escapes.
MeanGene clotheslines jcmojica.
MeanGene goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on jcmojica.
jcmojica gets hit with the shooting star press from MeanGene.
Teddy Long counts the pin.
...1 ...2
jcmojica escapes.

Gizmo The Cat - Not even close!

[jcmojica climbs to his feet.
jcmojica bounces MeanGene off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat.
Now jcmojica standing.
MeanGene is back on his feet.
jcmojica pulls MeanGene's hair.
MeanGene comes from behind and bulldogs jcmojica.
MeanGene is back on his feet.
jcmojica gets up.
jcmojica rakes his fingers across MeanGene's back.

had pants - MeanGene takes a back rake.

[jcmojica hits MeanGene with a single arm DDT.
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
jcmojica and MeanGene move to ringside.

Gizmo The Cat - This is quality sports entertainment!

[jcmojica hits an electrifying flying sommersault headbutt on MeanGene.

Suniversal - That flying sommersault headbutt was very good.

[jcmojica stands up.
jcmojica throws the steel steps at MeanGene.
jcmojica executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of MeanGene.

Gizmo The Cat - MeanGene takes a flying knee drop.

[jcmojica moves back to his feet.
MeanGene stands up.
MeanGene with a high crossbody on jcmojica.
MeanGene jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on jcmojica.
MeanGene moves back to his feet.
MeanGene puts jcmojica in an arm grapevine submission.
jcmojica executes a ropeflip hiptoss on MeanGene.
MeanGene is back on his feet.
jcmojica gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by MeanGene.
jcmojica climbs to his feet.
MeanGene picks jcmojica up and side suplexes him to the ringside mat.
MeanGene swings a steel chair and hits jcmojica.
jcmojica is bleeding as a result.

Suniversal - This is quality sports entertainment!

[jcmojica is up again.
jcmojica short clothslines MeanGene.

Gizmo The Cat - jcmojica executes a short clothesline.

[MeanGene gets knocked on the ground and jcmojica flips onto him.

Suniversal - jcmojica executes a flip.

[jcmojica grabs MeanGene and applies an arm wrench.
MeanGene executes an over the shoulder stomachbreaker on jcmojica.
MeanGene swings a steel chair and hits jcmojica.
jcmojica is bleeding as a result.
MeanGene executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of jcmojica.
MeanGene gets back to his feet.
Now jcmojica standing.
jcmojica goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps MeanGene.
Now jcmojica standing.
Now MeanGene standing.
MeanGene bounces jcmojica off the ropes and faceslams him onto the ringside mat.
MeanGene moves back to his feet.
jcmojica gets up.
jcmojica gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
jcmojica climbs to the top and hits MeanGene with a flying clothesline.
jcmojica stands up.
jcmojica chokes MeanGene with a camera cable.

had pants - The ringside mat is covered with blood from that injury.

[jcmojica executes a corkscrew legdrop on MeanGene.

Gizmo The Cat - corkscrew legdrop!

[jcmojica is up again.
MeanGene climbs to his feet.
MeanGene strikes jcmojica in the chest.
MeanGene is hit with a backward kick.
MeanGene is up again.
jcmojica spinebuster bombs MeanGene onto the ringside mat.

Gizmo The Cat - Did you see that last move?

had pants - Oh yeah!

[jcmojica goes for a choke but MeanGene dodges the attack.
MeanGene runs out of the cage. jcmojica follows.
MeanGene locks jcmojica in a full nelson and slams him to the concrete.
Now jcmojica standing.

Suniversal - MeanGene's momma would be proud!

[MeanGene puts jcmojica on the top rope and executes a superplex.
MeanGene is up again.
Now jcmojica standing.
MeanGene gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.

Suniversal - MeanGene takes a corkscrew armdrag.

[jcmojica jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on MeanGene.
jcmojica gets back to his feet.
Now MeanGene standing.
MeanGene climbs to the top and hits jcmojica with a flying clothesline.
MeanGene is back on his feet.
MeanGene swings a chair and hits jcmojica.
jcmojica is bleeding as a result.

had pants - the outside of the cage is covered with blood from these fighters.

[jcmojica gets up.
jcmojica with an Aztecan suplex on MeanGene sends him to the concrete.
jcmojica climbs to his feet.
jcmojica goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on MeanGene.
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
MeanGene stands up.
MeanGene picks jcmojica up in a fireman's carry and flapjacks him.
MeanGene is up again.
jcmojica stands up.
The fight moves to the top of the cell.
MeanGene chokes jcmojica with a camera cable.
They lockup. MeanGene sends jcmojica to the corner of the top of the cage.
MeanGene executes the flying head scissors on jcmojica.
MeanGene moves back to his feet.
jcmojica is back on his feet.
MeanGene hits a dragon suplex on jcmojica.
MeanGene gets back to his feet.
jcmojica slams MeanGene through the roof onto the tacks! jcmojica goes after him.
They lockup. jcmojica sends MeanGene to the corner of the tacks.
jcmojica executes the jumping sidekick on MeanGene.
MeanGene is back on his feet.
jcmojica lands a Spinning Wheel Kick on MeanGene. MeanGene looks to be out cold!
jcmojica makes the cover with a roling reverse cradle.
Teddy Long counts.
...1 ...2 ...3

had pants - We've got ourselves a winner!

Gizmo The Cat - The winner of this match, and still NTWT Hardcore champion, jcmojica!!!

@jcmojica24 makes good on his promise.
HIAC Match for the NTWT Hardcore Title

jcmojica vs. MeanGene (NTWT Hardcore) gimmick (Hell in the Cell)

Gizmo The Cat - This match is a Hell in the Cell for the NTWT Hardcore title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Miz's Front Porch accompanied by The Miz, MeanGene!!! (crowd boos ************)

[MeanGene comes to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds, from San Diego he holds the NTWT Hardcore title belt, jcmojica!!!

[jcmojica walks to the ring. Teddy Long is the referee for this contest. MeanGene executes a pumphandle suplex on jcmojica.
jcmojica checks his boots.
(ding, ding, ding) MeanGene nails jcmojica with a belly-to-back suplex.
jcmojica short lariats MeanGene.

Suniversal - jcmojica with a short lariat.

[MeanGene gets hit with a diving elbow smash from jcmojica.
jcmojica stands up.
jcmojica knees MeanGene and rolls back to his feet.
jcmojica measures MeanGene up and drops a closed fist.

Suniversal - MeanGene takes a fist drop.

[jcmojica climbs to his feet.
MeanGene stands up.
MeanGene connects with a somersault slam on jcmojica.
MeanGene swings a steel chair and hits jcmojica.
jcmojica is bleeding as a result.

Gizmo The Cat - I wish every match could be like this!

Suniversal - Blood is all over the ring.

[jcmojica with an illegal chokehold on MeanGene.
MeanGene gets back to his feet.
MeanGene uses a snap mare takeover on jcmojica.

Suniversal - snap mare!

[jcmojica is back on his feet.
MeanGene gets thrown into the turnbuckle. jcmojica comes over and smashes MeanGene's head into it.

had pants - jcmojica with a headsmash into turnbuckle.

[MeanGene gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
jcmojica grabs MeanGene's head and hites him in the face.
MeanGene places jcmojica on the turnbuckle and executes the double underhook superplex.
MeanGene climbs to his feet.
MeanGene with execites a bearhug on jcmojica.
Teddy Long asks jcmojica if he quits.
... ... jcmojica escapes.
MeanGene clotheslines jcmojica.
MeanGene goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on jcmojica.
jcmojica gets hit with the shooting star press from MeanGene.
Teddy Long counts the pin.
...1 ...2
jcmojica escapes.

Gizmo The Cat - Not even close!

[jcmojica climbs to his feet.
jcmojica bounces MeanGene off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat.
Now jcmojica standing.
MeanGene is back on his feet.
jcmojica pulls MeanGene's hair.
MeanGene comes from behind and bulldogs jcmojica.
MeanGene is back on his feet.
jcmojica gets up.
jcmojica rakes his fingers across MeanGene's back.

had pants - MeanGene takes a back rake.

[jcmojica hits MeanGene with a single arm DDT.
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
jcmojica and MeanGene move to ringside.

Gizmo The Cat - This is quality sports entertainment!

[jcmojica hits an electrifying flying sommersault headbutt on MeanGene.

Suniversal - That flying sommersault headbutt was very good.

[jcmojica stands up.
jcmojica throws the steel steps at MeanGene.
jcmojica executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of MeanGene.

Gizmo The Cat - MeanGene takes a flying knee drop.

[jcmojica moves back to his feet.
MeanGene stands up.
MeanGene with a high crossbody on jcmojica.
MeanGene jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on jcmojica.
MeanGene moves back to his feet.
MeanGene puts jcmojica in an arm grapevine submission.
jcmojica executes a ropeflip hiptoss on MeanGene.
MeanGene is back on his feet.
jcmojica gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by MeanGene.
jcmojica climbs to his feet.
MeanGene picks jcmojica up and side suplexes him to the ringside mat.
MeanGene swings a steel chair and hits jcmojica.
jcmojica is bleeding as a result.

Suniversal - This is quality sports entertainment!

[jcmojica is up again.
jcmojica short clothslines MeanGene.

Gizmo The Cat - jcmojica executes a short clothesline.

[MeanGene gets knocked on the ground and jcmojica flips onto him.

Suniversal - jcmojica executes a flip.

[jcmojica grabs MeanGene and applies an arm wrench.
MeanGene executes an over the shoulder stomachbreaker on jcmojica.
MeanGene swings a steel chair and hits jcmojica.
jcmojica is bleeding as a result.
MeanGene executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of jcmojica.
MeanGene gets back to his feet.
Now jcmojica standing.
jcmojica goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps MeanGene.
Now jcmojica standing.
Now MeanGene standing.
MeanGene bounces jcmojica off the ropes and faceslams him onto the ringside mat.
MeanGene moves back to his feet.
jcmojica gets up.
jcmojica gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
jcmojica climbs to the top and hits MeanGene with a flying clothesline.
jcmojica stands up.
jcmojica chokes MeanGene with a camera cable.

had pants - The ringside mat is covered with blood from that injury.

[jcmojica executes a corkscrew legdrop on MeanGene.

Gizmo The Cat - corkscrew legdrop!

[jcmojica is up again.
MeanGene climbs to his feet.
MeanGene strikes jcmojica in the chest.
MeanGene is hit with a backward kick.
MeanGene is up again.
jcmojica spinebuster bombs MeanGene onto the ringside mat.

Gizmo The Cat - Did you see that last move?

had pants - Oh yeah!

[jcmojica goes for a choke but MeanGene dodges the attack.
MeanGene runs out of the cage. jcmojica follows.
MeanGene locks jcmojica in a full nelson and slams him to the concrete.
Now jcmojica standing.

Suniversal - MeanGene's momma would be proud!

[MeanGene puts jcmojica on the top rope and executes a superplex.
MeanGene is up again.
Now jcmojica standing.
MeanGene gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.

Suniversal - MeanGene takes a corkscrew armdrag.

[jcmojica jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on MeanGene.
jcmojica gets back to his feet.
Now MeanGene standing.
MeanGene climbs to the top and hits jcmojica with a flying clothesline.
MeanGene is back on his feet.
MeanGene swings a chair and hits jcmojica.
jcmojica is bleeding as a result.

had pants - the outside of the cage is covered with blood from these fighters.

[jcmojica gets up.
jcmojica with an Aztecan suplex on MeanGene sends him to the concrete.
jcmojica climbs to his feet.
jcmojica goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on MeanGene.
jcmojica moves back to his feet.
MeanGene stands up.
MeanGene picks jcmojica up in a fireman's carry and flapjacks him.
MeanGene is up again.
jcmojica stands up.
The fight moves to the top of the cell.
MeanGene chokes jcmojica with a camera cable.
They lockup. MeanGene sends jcmojica to the corner of the top of the cage.
MeanGene executes the flying head scissors on jcmojica.
MeanGene moves back to his feet.
jcmojica is back on his feet.
MeanGene hits a dragon suplex on jcmojica.
MeanGene gets back to his feet.
jcmojica slams MeanGene through the roof onto the tacks! jcmojica goes after him.
They lockup. jcmojica sends MeanGene to the corner of the tacks.
jcmojica executes the jumping sidekick on MeanGene.
MeanGene is back on his feet.
jcmojica lands a Spinning Wheel Kick on MeanGene. MeanGene looks to be out cold!
jcmojica makes the cover with a roling reverse cradle.
Teddy Long counts.
...1 ...2 ...3

had pants - We've got ourselves a winner!

Gizmo The Cat - The winner of this match, and still NTWT Hardcore champion, jcmojica!!!

@jcmojica24 makes good on his promise.

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