Wrestling Thread Jul 16-22 | 7/22 NT Money in the Bank PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted p19!

Originally Posted by Peep Game

So PTP, the "#1 contenders", lose last night on PPV, then lose clean to the champs the day after...? It's WWE, makes sense to me.

To me it says Vince liked them one week, so they were made #1 contenders.
The next week, he said "God dammit, who are these two guys?  Why is this AW guy talking?  Who the hell came up with this trash?"  So they've been jobbed out week after week, and we probably won't see them again outside of Superstars.
womp womp
Oh my lord..this increased social media kick they're on now is gonna fail so hard.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Re: Punk's face run

Punk's PPV defenses:
vs. Alberto Del Rio (November 2011), * * * ¾
vs. Miz vs. Alberto Del Rio (TLC Match, December 2011), * * * ½
vs. Dolph Ziggler (January 2012), * * * ¼
vs. Chris Jericho vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston vs. R-Truth vs. The Miz (Elimination Chamber Match, February 2012), * * *
vs. Chris Jericho (April 2012), * * * ½
vs. Chris Jericho (Chicago Street Fight, April 2012), * * * ¾
vs. Daniel Bryan (May 2012), * * * * ½
vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Kane (June 2012), * * * ¼
vs. Daniel Bryan (July 2012), * * * *

Look at that list.. pretty damn good stuff there. And all of punk's matches have been good and made the other guy look good.
Yeah, I'm not complaining. (Even if he does say "WWE Universe" and is a bonafide babyface & not a tweener)

I didn't see any ROODE WINS LOL during his reign and he couldn't even win his matches clean. (No one was probably watching TNA yet) And I loved the Roode reign.

It's becoming really apparent that a majority or a very vocal minority (can hardly tell with the RNGs sometimes) just simply hate faces winning. I guarantee had Roode won at Bound for Glory, TNA watchers would've turned on him and I am waiting for Aries to be turned on now.

Smark on, brothers. I'm gonna enjoy my wrestling.

I never said Punk had bad matches.  Punk has had very good matches before and after his championship run.  My argument is he was the talk of the wrestling world a year ago.  This year, he's a top of the hour segment or midcard PPV match guy despite being WWE Champion.
SMH I didn't see this thread thought we were using the old one.

- why is AW mic on...what is the reason for it?

Vickie doesn't have a mic, Rosa doesn't have a mic...so dumb

- anyone think Chyna will be with the DX Reunion?


- who is your pick for Eve?

I'm assuming the person she picks will feud with Bryan...how about Ziggler?
"Zack Ryder was one of the first guys to make a name for himself using social media!"
Zack Ryder gets destroyed and taps out in under 90 seconds.

The moral of the story kids, don't try to get yourself over.  If you're not a WWE creation, you will NOT be pushed.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

"Zack Ryder was one of the first guys to make a name for himself using social media!"
Zack Ryder gets destroyed and taps out in under 90 seconds.

The moral of the story kids, don't try to get yourself over.  If you're not a WWE creation, you will NOT be pushed.
Rey back

Y'all be hating on the boy but put him in the right program and he still delivers quality matches.

Looks a little bloated though.
I hate to agree with 4w but the set-up for the 619 is horrendous.
Maybe it works in the fun, wacky world of Mexican wrestling,where dudes are tiger-bombing trannies, but it doesn't work here.

It dude look cool on Heroes though.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

SMH I didn't see this thread thought we were using the old one.

- why is AW mic on...what is the reason for it?

Vickie doesn't have a mic, Rosa doesn't have a mic...so dumb

- anyone think Chyna will be with the DX Reunion?


- who is your pick for Eve?

I'm assuming the person she picks will feud with Bryan...how about Ziggler?

AW has a mic to take the focus off of the PTP's.
Rosa doesn't have a mic, but her dancing is ALWAYS the focus of Primo's and Epico's matches.

Chyna will never been back in WWE.  Time heels old grudges for a lot of Vince's enemies, but between Chyna's drug problems and hardcore porn, she won't even be associated with WWE again.  Plus, she has been very vocal about HHH and talked very negatively about Steph.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Rey back

Y'all be hating on the boy but put him in the right program and he still delivers quality matches.

Looks a little bloated though.

Rey got the WWE out of so many rough patches its ridiculous
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