Wrestling Thread Jul 2-8 | 7/5 TNA Impact LIVE 8p et- Destination X Go Home Show, More CLAIRE LYNCH

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

AJ could've practically sunk her face between Eve's two thangs. Right at eye level with them joints.
I was seriously waiting for AJ to get her rub on with dem thangs
right on cue
I thought Tensai destroyed Sakamoto.....

You gotta be kidding me if Kidd gets squashed here. LOLOLOLOLOLOL NEVERMIND

The guy who beat PUNK AND CENA CLEAN, just lost to Tyson Kidd in under 30 seconds.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I thought Tensai destroyed Sakamoto.....

You gotta be kidding me if Kidd gets squashed here. LOLOLOLOLOLOL NEVERMIND

The guy who beat PUNK AND CENA CLEAN, just lost to Tyson Kidd in under 30 seconds.
Kidd > Cena & Punk?
Cole really had to throw that winless in 2 years thing in there huh?
That loss from Tensai reminded me of Punch Out when you would time it right and beat King Hippo quick as hell.

ROFL @ catchphrase battles.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

AJ could've practically sunk her face between Eve's two thangs. Right at eye level with them joints.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Hopefully Show is legit injured and can't compete in MITB.
You're better than that.
That's GHIMS status.

what are you talking about. I wished it on 1 guy. 4w has wished death on r truth.
Troll level was over nine thousand in that segment with D. Bryan and Jeritroll.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

AJ could've practically sunk her face between Eve's two thangs. Right at eye level with them joints.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Hopefully Show is legit injured and can't compete in MITB.
You're better than that.
That's GHIMS status.

Sorry. I'll stick to only wishing injury on Cena, HHH, and all of the McMahons.
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