Wrestling Thread July 11-18/WWE Live Draft July 19th/ WWE Champ is Who The Hell Knows

Been playing keep up with this thread. Haven't been able to keep up and watch wrestling too much. Good thing there's podcasts
Tired of these shots Meangene45 Meangene45 ...Iz you gonna put some respek on my name or do we need to shoot the fair one...? In all honesty i have no problem puttin an old looking man from Cleveland down. I ain't Steph Curry *****.
I don't have time For you I am famous I got people that will bury you in your Nick Young jersey in the valley fam.

@6 rings MJ
Nobody lied here. Kurt Angle was called by HHH. They agreed to nothing. He expected it would lead to something. People in the company expected it would lead to something. Somebody then decided it would not.
He's not the only guy who had been offered something that they changed their mind on in recent days. They want no controversies right now.
Kaitlyn should be ashamed of herself

If you have to lean forward like Smooth Criminal MJ to make your *** poke out, you need to just stop
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