Wrestling Thread Mar 15-21 | 3/21 TNA Destination X - Styles vs Abyss | Angle vs Anderson

The hell does the stunner have to do with it being PG?
They probably asked him to do it and he said nah.

The bleeping on the other hand...
so was RAW or iMPACT the better show tonight? I'mma try to find the replays for both right now
Originally Posted by iLL I AM

The hell does the stunner have to do with it being PG?
They probably asked him to do it and he said nah.

The bleeping on the other hand...

Nothing but I find it funny as hell people expected the OLD stone cold to come in, Who was he gonna stun? Vince? Cena? Big show? Bret?
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

^yea....appreaciating the sarcasm

anyway....next years manias hof class will be wcw stars...takes place in georgia so it makes sense......im callin goldberg, arn anderson so far
thats gonna be AWESOME. hope they do booker t too.

vince should have never killed wcw. should have ran it as its own company and have shane or stephanie be in charge

ecw would have never been able to be a failure and tna would have never been made
Sad I missed Raw tonight, seems like it was a 'meh' show anyways, I am NOT happy with the way Orton/Legacy has been booked for WM, people talking about MITB looking like it was poorly planned, at least there is some fresh faces in it, this Orton thing has almost been a slap in his face. He deserves better, oh well...

Also, Paging GWO, can I get in on this? Drew McIntyre available?
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog, which you can read in its entirety at JRsBarBQ.com. Ross reveals that after months of negotiations, he's come to terms with WWE for a new contract and will be signing it this week. Plus, Ross discusses Gorgeous George being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame and more.

Some highlights:His WWE Contract Status:I will be signing another contract extension this week with WWE to allow us to get past Wrestlemania and to give us more time to finalize our newest agreement which will hopefully see me remaining with WWE for the long term future. At least, that's the goal for all involved. I'm going into this negotiation with a positive frame of mind and hopeful that all will work out to everyone's mutual happiness at the end of the day.
Originally Posted by Captain Charisma85

Also, Paging GWO, can I get in on this? Drew McIntyre available?
I think "Gotholesinmysocks" took Drew a few weeks ago. You can pick another person, and I'll provide you the sig.

 And our gWo site is currently going under construction
Originally Posted by 100PROOF

Originally Posted by iLL I AM

The hell does the stunner have to do with it being PG?
They probably asked him to do it and he said nah.

The bleeping on the other hand...
Nothing but I find it funny as hell people expected the OLD stone cold to come in, Who was he gonna stun? Vince? Cena? Big show? Bret?
Why would he stun anyone else besides Vince?
I think we all expected it...+@!@, he did it at RAW's 15th anniversary...ain't no difference now.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

^yea....appreaciating the sarcasm

anyway....next yearsmanias hof class will be wcw stars...takes place in georgia so it makessense......im callin goldberg, arn anderson so far
thats gonna be AWESOME. hope they do booker t too.

vince should have never killed wcw. should have ran it as its own company and have shane or stephanie be in charge

ecw would have never been able to be a failure and tna would have never been made
Next year's class being all WCW stars is just a rumor at this point but it would make a ton of sense. They are trying to get Goldberg to sign a Legends deal and he would headline next year's class if he agrees to do it.

Look at how WWECW was...you're basically looking at what WCW would have been under that scenario. Just another WWE show.
Originally Posted by chino905

Originally Posted by Captain Charisma85

Also, Paging GWO, can I get in on this? Drew McIntyre available?
I think "Gotholesinmysocks" took Drew a few weeks ago. You can pick another person, and I'll provide you the sig.

 And our gWo site is currently going under construction

Ah damn! Oh well, seeing as I don't want to keep guessing names, you think you could just hit me up with the current roster if it isn't too much trouble?
Originally Posted by 100PROOF

Originally Posted by iLL I AM

The hell does the stunner have to do with it being PG?
They probably asked him to do it and he said nah.

The bleeping on the other hand...

Nothing but I find it funny as hell people expected the OLD stone cold to come in, Who was he gonna stun? Vince? Cena? Big show? Bret?
i just wanted to see a stunner doesen't matter on who. i would've taken santino.
Originally Posted by The Minister

Originally Posted by 100PROOF

Originally Posted by iLL I AM

The hell does the stunner have to do with it being PG?
They probably asked him to do it and he said nah.

The bleeping on the other hand...

Nothing but I find it funny as hell people expected the OLD stone cold to come in, Who was he gonna stun? Vince? Cena? Big show? Bret?
i just wanted to see a stunner doesen't matter on who. i would've taken santino.
I find it funny that last week it was dudes mad TNA cut out before hardy hit the swanton even though they've seen it a 1000 times and this week dudes wanna a stunner even though they've seen it all before. I can only imagine what this thread will look like if bret doesnt put Vince in the sharpshooter.
^ I'm pretty sure Dibiase isn't taken yet but ill double check. Ill send u the sig if he's available. If he's not, u can pick someone else. ill also post the roster of who's taken..
You got one TNA mark comparing Taker/HBK/Jericho to Flair/Hogan/Nasty Boys and you got another TNA mark trying to say WWE dropped the ball on Anderson, insinuating the guy didn't bury himself. Ya'll sound like WCW marks in my 6th grade class
Originally Posted by Fast Turtle

You got one guy who is right in pointing out bias in this thread and you got another guy trying to say WWE dropped the ball on Anderson when they gave up on him. That makes me wanna cry! I sound pathetic just like when i was in 6th grade when i was a brainwashed little kid
fixed for you. no need to thank me

Originally Posted by iLL I AM

Originally Posted by 100PROOF

Originally Posted by iLL I AM

The hell does the stunner have to do with it being PG?
They probably asked him to do it and he said nah.

The bleeping on the other hand...
Nothing but I find it funny as hell people expected the OLD stone cold to come in, Who was he gonna stun? Vince? Cena? Big show? Bret?
Why would he stun anyone else besides Vince?
I think we all expected it...+@!@, he did it at RAW's 15th anniversary...ain't no difference now.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

^yea....appreaciating the sarcasm

anyway....next years manias hof class will be wcw stars...takes place in georgia so it makes sense......im callin goldberg, arn anderson so far
thats gonna be AWESOME. hope they do booker t too.

vince should have never killed wcw. should have ran it as its own company and have shane or stephanie be in charge

ecw would have never been able to be a failure and tna would have never been made
Next year's class being all WCW stars is just a rumor at this point but it would make a ton of sense. They are trying to get Goldberg to sign a Legends deal and he would headline next year's class if he agrees to do it.

Look at how WWECW was...you're basically looking at what WCW would have been under that scenario. Just another WWE show.

when wcw folded it had a little over 3 million fanbase. It would have not been just another wwe heat or ecw show. it actually still had a huge dedicated fanbase because of the south. a fanbase 3 times of ecw. just like wwe and their loyal fanbase wcw had one too. I think mcmahon's hate for ted turner just got the best of him and he wasnt thinking right judging from how horrible the alliance angle was. he just bought the company for the library and to bury it.

@ wcw for still letting go of batista yet pushing guys like mike saunders and chuck palumbo
went to raw today and just finally getting back to orange county. it was a chill event, just decided last minute to buy some $20 tickets but anyone that's been to the sports arena knows every seat is decent. superstars had two decent matches (didn't know what to expect) starting with the Bellas vs. Jillian and some other chick followed by christian/yoshi/mark henry vs. swagger/regal/ryder.

was definitely hoping for more austin involvement and a stunner. Punk cut a promo during one of the commercial breaks and kept getting at Rey and what not. Rey vs. Punk was the dark match after Bret punked Vince. Rey had the hugest pop as we all expected. Rey hit the 619 to put punk away and then he had one of the best celebrations ever. some person through rey a mexican flag and rey was draped in it and then he started to do a dance around the flag.

it was a good/cheap event to get the juices going for WM. excited for WM but not excited for the long drive in a full car.

bought to check out impact right now...
Whats up guys i never post here on NT but i lurk all the time and read this thread everyday. I went to raw as well and it was pretty good to me especially since i got cheap seats for 20 bucks. Last time i been to a wwe event was at that very arena for the ppv when jericho won to become the undisputed champion. I was VERY disappointed that stone cold didnt give any stunners I was looking forward to that all night. Best match was the dark match between punk and meysterio punk has to be one of the best heels if not the best with his whole savior jesus look and the straight edge society.  Maaaaaaan these little kids love cena I knew they did but dang I didnt know it was like that hes their idol which I dont get. I was taking alot of heat because I was cheering for Batista when he came out even though I like him since his heel turn like the rest of you guys. Took heat too for cheering for jericho/orton/ and punk as well. A few other things I have been dissapointed about is whats up with kofi getting burried this guy went from getting pushed to getting squashed. Also I HATE that their trying to make orton a face or whatever their trying to do with legacy. well just wanted to chime in and give my 2 cents.
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