Wrestling Thread Mar 19-25 | 3/26 - New Thread Coming, Once In A Lifetime Special 8pm Tonight USA

 NTcore champion
I used to think Eve had the moonsault down til I saw this

The landing was ^@%#*$& ugly


Mason Ryan killing it over on Superstars

Spoiler [+]
- Alberto Del Rio was doing media for WWE in Puerto Rico this weekend and said that he is under the impression that he will not be performing at WrestleMania 28.

Del Rio said at one point, he was going to face Randy Orton and most recently plans called for him to be on Team Laurinaitis. Del Rio said he had just been told he’s no longer in the Team Laurinaitis vs. Team Long match.

- WWE Champion CM Punk spoke with InkedMag.com this week. Here are some highlights:

You seem to be cognizant of wrestling history. For example, after Macho Man Randy Savage’s death, you wore tights designed like his and performed his elbow drop. Why is the past so important to you?

Like they say, if you don’t remember the past you’re doomed to repeat it. Not that repeating pro wrestling’s past would be such a horrible thing; there were certain aspects that were a lot cooler back then. When I was a kid, Macho Man was the %*%%. When he passed away I just felt the need to do something. So I had some classic WrestleMania III Macho Man tights made and I wore them, thinking that maybe someone who didn’t know who he is would hear people talking about him and check him out. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Macho Man. He is cooler than anyone around today, myself included.

Leading up to your championship you were portrayed as an outsider and an underdog. You’ve talked about how you weren’t marketed correctly or enough. Now that you have been crowned champion, can you still make that claim?

Not without adding some sort of severe backlash from people. It’s hard to say you’re an underdog when you’re the champ. There are still people who are crossing their fingers waiting to see me fail. This industry has always been about image, and I don’t fit that image. I’m the one standing up and saying, “So what?
Damn I miss that Sting so much..His matches vs. Flair, Vader, and Rude back in the day were awesome..
I'm pissed off at how WWE has cheapened out their PPV schedule to be like TNA's from like 2006

gimmick pay per views take away from the importance of gimmick matches to use as a climax for a feud.

WHY CAN'T WE HAVE BASIC PPV NAMES??? Clash of the Champions, Halloween Havoc, War Games, Great American Bash, Backlash, No Mercy etc. etc. those were tight as hell.
Eve's moonsault has never been good. Her feet-knees always land first instead of stomach region. She's needed to fix that for a while now.
Originally Posted by Naija Nitemare

I'm pissed off at how WWE has cheapened out their PPV schedule to be like TNA's from like 2006

gimmick pay per views take away from the importance of gimmick matches to use as a climax for a feud.

WHY CAN'T WE HAVE BASIC PPV NAMES??? Clash of the Champions, Halloween Havoc, War Games, Great American Bash, Backlash, No Mercy etc. etc. those were tight as hell.
Annual gimmick ppvs helps the lazy writers out a lot.
Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

Cover for best of clash of the champions


SUCH an awesome cover.

Match List:

Disc 1:

The Real Story

NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match
‘Nature Boy’ Ric Flair vs. Sting
Clash of the Champions - 27th March, 1988

NWA World Tag Team Championship Match
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs. Lex Luger & Barry Windham
Clash of the Champions - 27th March, 1988

Why Wait a Whole Year?

NWA World Tag Team Championship Match
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs. Sting & Dusty Rhodes
Clash of the Champions II - 8th June, 1988

Russian Chain Match
Ricky Morton vs. Ivan Koloff
Clash of the Champions III - 7th September, 1988

“I Quit
Originally Posted by Agthekid

Originally Posted by Naija Nitemare

I'm pissed off at how WWE has cheapened out their PPV schedule to be like TNA's from like 2006

gimmick pay per views take away from the importance of gimmick matches to use as a climax for a feud.

WHY CAN'T WE HAVE BASIC PPV NAMES??? Clash of the Champions, Halloween Havoc, War Games, Great American Bash, Backlash, No Mercy etc. etc. those were tight as hell.
Annual gimmick ppvs helps the lazy writers out a lot.

War Games is my favorite WCW ppv..They used to do such a great job doing the build up to that ppv..One of the best things about wcw back in the day..  
Originally Posted by casekicks

Originally Posted by Agthekid

Originally Posted by Naija Nitemare

I'm pissed off at how WWE has cheapened out their PPV schedule to be like TNA's from like 2006

gimmick pay per views take away from the importance of gimmick matches to use as a climax for a feud.

WHY CAN'T WE HAVE BASIC PPV NAMES??? Clash of the Champions, Halloween Havoc, War Games, Great American Bash, Backlash, No Mercy etc. etc. those were tight as hell.
Annual gimmick ppvs helps the lazy writers out a lot.

War Games is my favorite WCW ppv..They used to do such a great job doing the build up to that ppv..One of the best things about wcw back in the day..  

this. wwe was teasing bringing war games back.
But thats all it'll ever be is a tease..I'd bet money that next to WM and RR, War Games would be the most successful ppv of the year for them..Especially if they could raise the ceiling about another foot or so to give the guys more room to work..
Any good streaming sites to watch Raw tonight using an iPad? The site I usually use on my pc isn't compatible.
Originally Posted by casekicks

Damn I miss that Sting so much..His matches vs. Flair, Vader, and Rude back in the day were awesome..
You ain't never lied. I still watch those matches to this day. Old school Sting was better than Hogan & Warrior. He was like the two of them combined. (Heard Ric Flair mention something along these lines last night while watching one of his biography's on Netflix.) Damn shame that we never got to see Sting at his pinnacle vs all of the WWF's big guns.

Originally Posted by Naija Nitemare

I'm pissed off at how WWE has cheapened out their PPV schedule to be like TNA's from like 2006 

gimmick pay per views take away from the importance of gimmick matches to use as a climax for a feud.

WHY CAN'T WE HAVE BASIC PPV NAMES??? Clash of the Champions, Halloween Havoc, War Games, Great American Bash, Backlash, No Mercy etc. etc. those were tight as hell.
 Haven't seen that name in yeeears.

Great point that I think about all the time. NWA/WCW had a classic schedule of PPV's. Outside of the Royal Rumble, Summerslam, Survivor Series and Wrestlemania WWE couldn't mess with Starrcade, Battle Bowl, Spring Stampede, the Great American Bash, Fall Brawl, Slamboree, World War 3 and Halloween Havoc. The only ones I never liked were Uncensored, Souled Out and Hog/Roadwild.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

The Cure For The Common Thread


At this time I will disclose my discussions with Method Man.
Although, in a way, all wrestling discussion is inherently premised in fantasy, it seems that many people who use the thread would prefer to keep the discussion focused on the actual events, characters, and storylines as opposed to "fan fiction," and I think that's perfectly understandable.  So, hopefully those of you who put a lot of work into maintaining these threads can use your influence to see to it that they remain well organized and easy for our fellow users to participate in and enjoy.  -Meth
Meth's Response to Me

You have to keep in mind that for everyone who posts, there are 5-10 people who just read the forums.  We need to make sure they're getting what they want out of the site, too, and proper content labeling is very helpful in that regard.  If the off topic stuff tends to dominate during a particular time of year, then that's probably when a separate thread should be made.  When it's overwhelming and people can't separate out the discussion they want to read (the content they expect to find in the thread) from the extraneous stuff, naturally they're going to complain about it.  Apparently that's the case at the moment, but I'll give you guys a chance to sort this out and find a better balance for everyone.Peace.
For those complaining, you must compromise as well. We are all here to enjoy this thread together. Now, granted since I don't know exactly who is complaining, I don't know what else can be done to change to meet their needs. We have already used Meth's suggestion of proper content labeling. So, I now have to resort to FURTHER action. Why the complaints? I don't know. I've changed the content to even feature video packages. And I quote..

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

I'm doing this #*#* WWE style. Tons of video packages and basicly no one knowing what the card will be like until probably the day before NTMania2
So, I've resorted to changing the format countless times. In addition, I guess I have to now announce that I will be using http://www.synchtube.com/ April 1st to run the NTMania2 show. There we will be able to chat in real time to not clutter the thread. (Which was always the plan)

I've done my part. Now I expect the complainers to now do their part and not ruin what is a good time for everyone who enjoys NTMania. We have adjusted to YOUR wants and needs. And now you must compromise and allow those who like NTMania to enjoy ourselves. It makes no sense to have two threads at this point and time. Why be that guy and try to ruin a fun thing for others?

NTWTFers contribute the most to these threads with media content, news, discussion, memes, gif and etc.

Without us you will have nothing to read/do.

So work with us. NTMania ends in a week. (Keep that in mind)
 Let's keep things fun and positive.


I want to really thank Lobo for taking control of this.  I have been a ghost the past few days, but I will be here and active everyday this week leading into Mania.  I'm starting work on the new thread now.
Don't forget, the Rock/Cena "Once in a Lifetime" special airs at 8pm tonight before Raw.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]The following is brought to you by the secretary of RJ:[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]after nothing but work and more work, also being in the gym all night (or real early morning) i have also been a bit ghost as well. I do know how you little bit-hes miss me. I will address the NTWTverse Tonight.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I will also be taking a tour and promoting NTWTmania II in Vegas this week/weekend. There will be an autograph session and pictures taken, while i drink, from 1 pm to 1:03 pm at Planet Hollywood. $74 dollars for a picture. $19.50 for an autograph. And if any of your girlfirends want to have sex, pictures will be free and uploaded to my twitter... @RJ_Three ... I will also, at some point, address my NTWTmania opponent while out there. If it's caught on camera, well... so be it. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]The following was brought to you by the secretary of RJ.[/color]
Originally Posted by im that one

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]The following is brought to you by the secretary of RJ:[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]after nothing but work and more work, also being in the gym all night (or real early morning) i have also been a bit ghost as well. I do know how you little bit-hes miss me. I will address the NTWTverse Tonight.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I will also be taking a tour and promoting NTWTmania II in Vegas this week/weekend. There will be an autograph session and pictures taken, while i drink, from 1 pm to 1:03 pm at Planet Hollywood. $74 dollars for a picture. $19.50 for an autograph. And if any of your girlfirends want to have sex, pictures will be free and uploaded to my twitter... @RJ_Three ... I will also, at some point, address my NTWTmania opponent while out there. If it's caught on camera, well... so be it. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]The following was brought to you by the secretary of RJ.[/color]

any chance you get a better reception this year?
i don't recall last year's ntmania session being too successful for you.

Spoiler [+]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]you don't remember because you were on the undercard. the losers were on the other end of the wing during autograph time. i remember me leaving and ending up like this by the end of it...[/color]

Spoiler [+]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]so sit down child. you're in over your head.[/color]
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