Wrestling Thread Mar 23-29 | 3/23 RAW - Edge vs Big Show; HHH vs Orton/Dibiase

Originally Posted by DimondJ15

Originally Posted by 22stylez

Originally Posted by DimondJ15

Originally Posted by 22stylez

and that right hand finisher by big show is the STUPIDEST finisher ever!
umm.. no.... people's elbow, hogans leg drop, warriors splash, and umanga's spike, are way more stupid than a 500 pound punch to the face
ok you just lost all credibility after that. You can't tell me a damn punch is better then the people's elbow...that move alone had sooooo much swagg

you do know he started doing it at house shows as a joke right? if cena was doing the people's elbow (if the rock never did it) you would be crapping all over it.

ok you are seriously not comparing cornball cena to the rock are you? cena can only wish he has as much swag as the rock had. even if cena was in the attitudeera i doubt he'd have any swag about him. he is seriously a cheeseball. The Rock started all these gimmick finishers now everyone else is tryna copy himlike cena...kufi...etc they just can't pull it off quite as well as the rock cause the rock had IT
Originally Posted by 22stylez

Originally Posted by DimondJ15

Originally Posted by 22stylez

Originally Posted by DimondJ15

Originally Posted by 22stylez

and that right hand finisher by big show is the STUPIDEST finisher ever!
umm.. no.... people's elbow, hogans leg drop, warriors splash, and umanga's spike, are way more stupid than a 500 pound punch to the face
ok you just lost all credibility after that. You can't tell me a damn punch is better then the people's elbow...that move alone had sooooo much swagg

you do know he started doing it at house shows as a joke right? if cena was doing the people's elbow (if the rock never did it) you would be crapping all over it.

ok you are seriously not comparing cornball cena to the rock are you? cena can only wish he has as much swag as the rock had. even if cena was in the attitude era i doubt he'd have any swag about him. he is seriously a cheeseball. The Rock started all these gimmick finishers now everyone else is tryna copy him like cena...kufi...etc they just can't pull it off quite as well as the rock cause the rock had IT

he wasnt the first b... but then again i guess i was never slurping the rock's strudel like a lot of other people... especially once he started doing theWORST sharpshooter ever....
Originally Posted by DimondJ15

Originally Posted by 22stylez

Originally Posted by DimondJ15

Originally Posted by 22stylez

Originally Posted by DimondJ15

Originally Posted by 22stylez

and that right hand finisher by big show is the STUPIDEST finisher ever!
umm.. no.... people's elbow, hogans leg drop, warriors splash, and umanga's spike, are way more stupid than a 500 pound punch to the face
ok you just lost all credibility after that. You can't tell me a damn punch is better then the people's elbow...that move alone had sooooo much swagg

you do know he started doing it at house shows as a joke right? if cena was doing the people's elbow (if the rock never did it) you would be crapping all over it.

ok you are seriously not comparing cornball cena to the rock are you? cena can only wish he has as much swag as the rock had. even if cena was in the attitude era i doubt he'd have any swag about him. he is seriously a cheeseball. The Rock started all these gimmick finishers now everyone else is tryna copy him like cena...kufi...etc they just can't pull it off quite as well as the rock cause the rock had IT

he wasnt the first b... but then again i guess i was never slurping the rock's strudel like a lot of other people... especially once he started doing the WORST sharpshooter ever....
he was the first that actually made it significant and yea he did have one of the worst sharpshooters out there...that i can agree with but thenagain i dont think anyone else could pull it off as great as bret hart

EDIT: and he was probably one of the first that made a joke of a move into a real finisher. but i think his was by far the best...i mean who else is actuallygonna be sooo fazed on the ropes and take a stupid kick to the face in which they call "the 619"
dumbest move ever. so is the five knuckle shuffle...
Originally Posted by KingofIlladelph

If I could be serious for a moment...

- Haven't been following wrestling much lately (I'll get to that in a second), but from what I'm noticing, there have been�lots of complaints about the Wrestlemania 25th Anniversary card that, at least on paper, looks pretty weak.� So in my boredom, I played GM for a day and created a Wrestlemania 25 card...

The Colons v Miz�& Morrison v Priceless v Cryme Tyme for the unified tag titles…Just makes more sense to give all of these guys something to do since Priceless is SUPPOSED to be relevant and CT is one of the most over tag teams (that gets buried weekly).

Monsters Ball (Big Show v Umaga v Kozlov v Henry v Kane v Mike Knox)…Straight from Vince's fantasy file.

JBL v Mysterio…I don't know what historic thing he's gonna do, but I must say I'm intrigued.

25 diva battle royal…Makes sense to me.

MITB (MVP v CM Punk v Shelton Benjamin v Kendrick v Finlay v Kofi v Bourne v Rey Mysterio)…Jack Swagger could be inserted here to replace Kendrick or Bourne if need be.� I left R-Truth out because he is the devil.� Plus, Vince has a strict policy against too many negroes in one match.

Undertaker v Shawn Michaels…I find it amazing that in the almost 20 years these two have been in the E they've only fought something like 3 times.

Orton v Triple H…Everyone can hate this match now, but if Randy goes over like he should, there is no way this isn't everyone's favorite match on the card.

Edge v Matt v Jeff v Christian in a TLC match (or not..I just want to see them all in the same ring)…If they created an atmosphere where we truly believed�it was every man for himself...this could easily be match of the night.

Cena v Jericho…I honestly believe they should have never taken the title off of Jericho to give it to Cena on his first night back.� I think they could have built this feud up this entire time.� I feel (like I'm sure most of you do) that Jericho deserved an extended title run.�They could have had it so that Jericho kept getting narrow victories or DQs where he kept the title, and then have Jericho brag about how he completely destroyed Cena.� They could have incorporated Jericho's disdain for Cena for getting him fired�years ago�and Jericho disrespecting legends.� This could have lead to a Ric Flair passing the torch/backing up sort of deal with Cena.� Hell they could have even had it so Mickey Rourke was in Cena's corner.� And not to mention…this is the biggest heel and biggest face fighting for the strap which is the way Wrestlemania should be.

-�In the late 80's, my family and I were stationed in Berlin, Germany as my dad was doing his bid...I mean serving his country in the Air Force.� We only had one channel and that was the Armed Forces Network.� During that time I remember my brother being 13 and me being 6 watching�the only show we liked�, Saturday�Night's Main Event and discovering the wrestler who made me a fan of the�sport.� No it wasn't Hulk Hogan or the Macho�Man...My first favorite wrestler was none other than "The Birdman" KoKo B Ware.� Til this day the Brainbuster remains one of my all-time favorite wrestling moves.� Congrats to the Birdman on the hall of fame.� You're the reason I was and still am a fan.

- So basically the reason I've been missing is...well...I got the axe.� The company I was with at the time made cuts and apparently I was not giving my boss' the Vince McMahon treatment so they let me go.� Here's a pretty accurate reenactment of how the scene played out...my boss (HHH) just told me (Shawn Michaels) that I was "Non-Essential Personnel"...

It's all good though.� I found a job that pays double what I was making and I'm living with my brother until I find another place.� So Niketalk's #1 wrestling thread segment is now officially back and will be here every week sometime between Tuesday and Thursday...like anyone cares.

My only problem with that card is that Cena would have won the Royal Rumble for the 2nd year in a row (
) if him and Jericho were to have faced off...but I do agree that they shouldhave built that feud up and Jericho should have had an extended run as champ.
@ Vince doesn't allow to many negroes in one match.

Sorry to hear about your job...but
that you bounced back with a better paying one. Good stuff homie.
Originally Posted by dmxfury

"WM 25 is going to be the worst Mania" ever are completely absurd and the furthest from the truth.
Just curious what you think the worst Mania is. II? IX? XI? XV? 2000?

I'm going to half to give it to Wrestlemania XI. The whole thing didn't have that special event feeling to it. It focused too much on the celebrityappearances. They were having audio problems all night. Bam Bam Bigelow vs LT shouldn't have been the main event, that would've been like Big Show andMayweather main eventing last year. But I guess they didn't have much choice because Diesel's run as champion was awful because nobody really caredabout him and they never should've taken the belt off of Bret Hart who was clearly the biggest star at the time. Worst of all, they somehow managed tothrow Hart in a bad match, that's when you know you have an awful show.

What do you think?
MITB (MVP v CM Punk v Shelton Benjamin v Kendrick v Finlay v Kofi v Bourne v Rey Mysterio)…Jack Swagger could be inserted here to replace Kendrick or Bourne if need be.� I left R-Truth out because he is the devil.� Plus, Vince has a strict policy against too many negroes in one match.
I really hope Edge goes over at Mania, spears Vickie and ends this *$%!$%%$. This whole Vickie angle is starting to hurt his career.
News & Notes

The Chris Jericho matches you won't see at Wrestlemania; update on the current plans.

- Prior to WWE deciding to go with Chris Jericho vs. Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, and "Rowdy" Roddy Piper at WrestleMania there was legitimate talk about doing Jericho vs. Steamboat in a singles match. The feeling was out of all the legends involved in the angle Steamboat had the best chance of having a respectable match with Jericho and is the most familiar with the current state of the business given he works as a producer backstage. The biggest concern was Jericho vs. Steamboat would not be a big enough draw which is why Piper and Snuka were added. There was talk all along for Piper and Snuka to still be involved in the match with a possible run-in to seek revenge on the attacks from TV.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]-- Lawler vs. Chris Jericho will happen live next week on RAW. Believe it or not, that match was actually talked about for WrestleMania 25 at one point several weeks ago. Lawler has never wrestled at WrestleMania and this likely would have been his last chance.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]-- There are currently various scenarios planned out for Chris Jericho and Mickey Rourke at WrestleMania. The plans are said to be changing on a regular basis, and Vince McMahon continues to keep them very quiet. Right now Jericho is advertised to face a series of different legends (Steamboat, Piper, Snuka, and possibly others), this would build up to Mickey Rourke coming in the ring at the very end and knocking an exhaused Jericho out.

WWE may decide to go with another option now that this one has leaked out, but right now it is still the front runner.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]It's sad how they had a chance to get Austin but because they can't long-term plan for%!*@...they dropped the ball. Terrible.[/color]

Backstage news on Hall of Fame inductees and other names that were brought up.

- There are a lot of people within WWE who are negative on Koko B. Ware going into the WWE Hall of Fame this year, saying that it made everything less prestigious when the bar is lowered enough that a guy like Koko goes in. Other people point out some of the names that are already in the Hall and say the WWE Hall of Fame is what it is - people that Vince McMahon wants to honor or is convinced that year to honor someone who pushes hard enough.

Sources say there was less talk regarding the Hall of Fame this year than any year in a long time. Koko going in was a pet project of Brian Gewirtz that took a life of it's own. Even though WWE went with somewhat of a Texas theme year, it's said that the Von Erich family wouldn't be going in if it weren't for Michael Hayes. Most people who matter pushed for Ted DiBiase to be inducted this year but the belief is that he will go in at some point. When Howard Finkel was brought up this year, nobody expected it but Vince approved of the idea right out of the blue.

Apparently Sting's name came up this year during Hall of Fame talks and he actually got support from those involved which is funny because some people who were asked for input weren't even aware he was working for TNA. When Sting's career is over, WWE will likely do a DVD on him and find a spot for him in the Hall of Fame but don't look for any of that to happen while he's still working for TNA. Other names brought up this year included Honky Tonk Man, Jake Roberts, John Tenta, Paul Boesch, Bruiser Brod, One Man Gang, Big Bossman, Mil Mascaras, Stan Hansen and Tully Blanchard.

Former WWE writer reveals Wrestlemania 25 predictions.

Former WWE creative team writer Seth Mates has given his prediction on what the finish for the Triple H vs. Randy Orton Championship match at WrestleMania 25 should be on his latest blog at newsday.com. "The only logical finish for the Triple H vs. Randy Orton match is for Orton to win the title, but having a heel victory in the main event of WrestleMania is not how you want your fans to walk away from the biggest show of the year. It sucked the life out of WrestleMania 2000 when HHH won the main event as a heel."

He also gave his prediction on the Triple Threat Championship match, "I expect babyface Cena to walk out of the Triple Threat with Edge and Big Show as champion, the match just has no "oomph" to it. I really wish they'd just done a singles match with Edge and Cena, which has a "WrestleMania" feel to it and could have been a slam-dunk as a last match."

Mates said that he would add Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker as the last match at WrestleMania 25.

RAW Rating drops again.

This past Monday's edition of WWE Raw did a 3.49 (which will be rounded to a 3.5) cable rating off hours of 3.32 and 3.65 with an average audience of 5.2 million viewers. This number is down from last week's 3.6 cable rating the show did and has continued the downward trend as of late.

Vince McMahon interview; discusses WWE ratings, TNA, UFC and more.

The Hollywood Reporter has a new Q&A now online with WWE Chairman Vince McMahon to promote WrestleMania 25. Below are the highlights:

When asked if the latest TV ratings, which have been weaker than hoped for, are a cause for concern: : Quite frankly our TV ratings have been very good. We averaged over a 4, I think, three weeks ago. Last week and the week before it was a bit less so because of a number of factors: how many people watched TV and one-off events. What you have to look at is our overall reach in the course of a week. On TV, we reach over 15 million people each and every week, 52 weeks a year.

How the success of UFC and mixed martial arts has impacted WWE: Most people thought at one point that we would be competitors. But it turns out they are not competition to us at all, or hardly at all. They are sport, we are entertainment; it's a huge difference. The revenue they have cut into is that of boxing.

If he is concerned about TNA Wrestling: My concern with TNA is not in terms of competition. My concern with TNA is that they are TV-14, and we are PG. They have to change with the times. I think some of the things they do on television are reprehensible, but it is a TV-14 rating. That's the only bone I have to pick with them. Their TV ratings are a fraction of ours.

Asked if it is OK to show Triple H show up with a sledgehammer at the house of Randy Orton: Right. What we try to do in situations like that is use things that you can't find around the house. You will never see us use a baseball bat. You don't find folding metal chairs around the house. We are very selective. You can go up to the line. It's storytelling; that's how our business thrives. If you have well-defined characters and put them in the right story line against other characters, people care about their welfare.

Aspirations for WWE Studios: We would do two to three theatricals a year. That way you can really key on your projects. And we would maybe do six to seven direct-to-DVD titles as a max. It's a natural extension to what we do. We have already developed characters for our audience. John Cena's film "12 Rounds" comes out Friday. He has been built as a character in WWE; he is part of our intellectual property. Here we have a built-in advantage. Nobody else in Hollywood has that. When he goes on "The Tonight Show," he can talk about WWE and "12 Rounds." And we can turn our global promotional machine on to promote the film across our various platforms.

Regarding celebrity tie-ins and WrestleMania: We will have Kid Rock doing a medley of his tunes at WrestleMania. The lead singer of the Pussycat Dolls will sing "America the Beautiful." Mickey Rourke is going to be, in all likelihood, in attendance. And if you have heard what (WWE superstar) Chris Jericho has said, he is likely to slap Mickey right in the face. That could be interesting television. Sometimes such stuff does broaden our audience in terms of people talking about the event. But some of our highest (PPV) buys have been with our talent as the only celebrities. You have to keep things organic in deciding when to do this. You can't just reach out and use an outside celebrity. That can feel artificial.

Click here to read the full Q & A.

POSSIBLE SPOILER: Edge to take some time off after Wrestlemania.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]» Edge is not listed for the upcoming WWE European tour because he is currently battling several nagging injuries. This is also why he has had such a light workload on TV and house shows recently. He is trying to work his way through the injuries until WrestleMania 25 in two weeks. He's taking some time off right after WrestleMania.[/font]

Honky Tonk Man to confront Ric Flair at Wrestlemania weekend.

Former WWE Intercontinental Champion The Honky Tonk Man said that he will "Whip Ric Flair's A**" when he confronts him with the WWE Hall of Fame approaching. Honky Tonk Man will be inducting Koko B. Ware into this year's Hall of Fame and Ric Flair will be inducting Ricky Steamboat.

"For the things he said about me in his book, I will finally get a chance to confront him in Conn. this coming Friday night. If he dodges me, I will confront him on Sunday night in Mass. If he dodges me again, I will confront him at HOF, and if he skates on me there I will catch him at Mania. I want to know why he says I would be nothing without a Hogan rub when I spent 12 years working main events before I went to WWE with out a Hogan rub and Flair knows that." Honky said on his official website, honkytonkman.net.

Howard Finkel is the last name announced for 2009 Hall of Fame.

Ring announcer Howard Finkel was officially announced as a 2009 WWE Hall of Fame inductee on last night's edition of ECW.

Below is a full list of 2009 WWE Hall of Fame inductees that will be inducted the night before WrestleMania 25 on Saturday, April 4, 2009 from the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas:

* Steve Austin
* Terry & Dory Funk, Jr. (inducted by Dusty Rhodes)
* Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat (inducted by Ric Flair)
* "Cowboy" Bill Watts (inducted by Jim Ross)
* Koko B. Ware (inducted by The Honky Tonk Man)
* The Von Erichs (inducted by Michael Hayes)
* Howard Finkel

Sting set to make history.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]-- Assuming that the title doesn't change hands before the morning of April 19, Sting will go into TNA Lockdown as the longest reigning TNA champion ever, and will also have the longest World championship reign of his entire career, one day longer than his 1990-1991 NWA title reign of 188 days. Samoa Joe's TNA title reign is currently the longest, but Sting will pass that.[/font]

Juventud Guerrera accuses Konnan of taking a %!*@ in his bag; gets his nose broken.

The Sun out of the United Kingdom is reporting on a rib gone bad at a recent AAA show in Mexico. According to the publication, Juventud Guerrera accused Konnan of defecating in his gym bag which led to an altercation that got physical.

Juvdentud explained to The Sun it was his second show back with AAA and Konnan was not happy about it. He said he tried to speak with Konnan earlier in the night but he was ignored. Juve said after his match he found his gym bag in a different area and full of human feces.

Juve brought the bag to the owners of AAA who were "in shock" according to Guerrera. Guerrera accused Konnan but he denied it. Juve said he then felt Jack Evans grab him from behind, who he felt had stiffed him in their match earlier in the night. According to Juve, Konnan got out of his seat and started hitting him in the face, leaving him with a broken nose and several bruises.

Click here to read The Sun's coverage.

Updated news on injury Ric Flair suffered on RAW.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]-- Ric Flair needed 11 staples to close the wound in his head suffered last night. To correct an earlier report, the wound didn't actually come from being hit by a camera, but rather sometime earlier in the scuffle. It wasn't a blade job, but that's not to say the cut wasn't intentional.[/font]

How workers felt backstage on this week's RAW.

- Everyone backstage at Raw on Monday in Kansas City was said to be extremely tired and burned out. WWE has been running their most intense house show schedule of the year with the build to WrestleMania and cross-over promotion on television.

Edge vs. Big Show match was slated for 500th episode of Smackdown.

- The Edge vs. Big Show match that took place on RAW this week was originally scheduled as the main event for the 500th SmackDown last week. Vince pulled it from SmackDown and put it on RAW after getting mad at Michael Hayes for trying to book a more loaded SmackDown with a major RAW vs. SmackDown interbrand match on top. Vince made a point about how there are more important things going on right now than the 500th SmackDown.

No charges will be filed in Chris Jericho parking lot incident.

The Times Colonist is reporting that no charges will be filed in the infamous parking lot incident involving Chris Jericho and fans after a WWE house show in February at the Save-on-Food Memorial Centre. Victoria police have interviewed several witnesses and watched hours of video recordings of the incident. Police spokesman Sgt. Grant Hamilton said the evidence presents conflicting stores and charges would not be approved.

"It's hard to determine who provoked who." Hamilton told the Times Colonist

Jericho alleges he was assaulted by 20-year-old Ashley Levey and her boyfriend Kalen Johl when he got out of his Chevrolet Tahoe when it was blocked by a mob of people. Levey accused Jericho of spitting on her and punching her in the face.

Hamilton says Jericho has cooperated with police.

Click here for coverage by the Times Colonist.

Next episode of ECW to be All-Divas episode?

- The current plan is for next week's edition of ECW to be an all-Divas episode.

Update on 25-Diva Battle Royal.

WWE has pulled Gail Kim and Candice Michelle from the 25-Diva Battle Royal graphic, promotigng the forthcoming WrestleMania match. From what we understand, Kim will still be in the match but was removed from the graphic because she has not made her return on television.

As for Candice Michelle, the latest word is she has been pulled from the match because of a nagging ankle injury and will not be on the WrestleMania card. This will be the second year in a row Candice has missed WrestleMania because of injury.

Vince high up on Maryse.

-- WWE Divas Champion Maryse is said to be very high in Vince McMahon's good books at the moment.

Debra wants to sign with TNA.

Former WWE Women's Champion Debra has expressed her interest in signing with TNA Wrestling. Her agent posted the following statement on her official MySpace page (www.myspace.com/officialdebra) urging fans to contact TNA:


Hello Fans, this is Marvin Ward, Debra's agent. It is such a thrill for all of us having Debra come back to wrestling. The feedback and emails from fans have been overwhelming. Debra has been very emotional from all the love and support you are showing her.

Fans, we need your help. With the continued need for new talent and fresh story lines in wrestling today, we are on a quest to reunite Debra with Jeff Jarrett in TNA, but for some reason it is very hard to get management to call you back. They don't seem to think Debra has enough fan power to be heard. So we are asking for your help to let TNA know the fans want Debra back on TV.

Listed below are two email addresses to TNA. We are asking fans to email TNA and let them know you want to see Debra. Thanks everyone, get your friends and as many email addresses you can to let them know TNA needs Debra to set the women's division straight.

Thanks everyone!

In the subject line put URGENT - JEFF JARRETT & DIXIE CARTER

Tell them you the fans want to see them bring Debra to TNA Wrestling.

Why Iron Sheik's book was dropped.

-- One of the main reasons the Iron Sheik autobiography was cancelled is because of WWE's link to being PG, reports Mike Johnson of PWInsider.com. There was no way for the book to be published without stories of Sheik's craziness and drug use. There has been no word on a replacement book to be released, however a Rey Mysterio biography and a History of DX book are scheduled to be released later this year.

Kevin Fertig (Kevin Thorn) interview; says he wanted to get fired, Orton and Cena have Vince's ear and more.

SLAM! Wrestling has a new article online featuring quotes from Kevin Fertig (formerly known as Kevin Thorn). Fertig discusses a number of things including his run as Mordecai, his vampire gimmick with Shelly Martinez on ECW, and more. His most interesting comments were when he expressed his discontent with WWE. Below are the highlights:

Wanting to get fired from WWE:

"They could have made me a babyface, but the ball got dropped. The agents said I was too much of a heel. They assumed black meant you were a heel. Before November I did the blog and it was like a big FU. I wanted to get fired. I did the blog saying I just wanted to be me. Plain old guys don't get over unless Vince wants to push them to the moon and he only likes guys with the same look."

"I decided that I was going to start a brotherhood on their WWE Universe blog. I am a nice guy; I stick up for the abused and picked on. We are all brothers and sisters and we have all been picked on at some point in our life by someone who didn't want us to succeed. I had 80,000 views. Why in the hell would a guy who hasn't been on TV in a year get this much traffic on a WWE Universe site? I had 80,000 views. The top guys didn't have that many. They had petitions and fan sites starting brotherhood factions. According to them nobody cared. I proved them wrong without any TV time."

"You look at the Hardys and how many times did they try to stop it. There has to be a time when they listen to fans."

After putting John Cena over, Fertig told SLAM that top acts like Cena and Randy Orton have influence over Vince McMahon:

"I think Cena has a lot (of power) and Randy is getting a lot. Those are two guys that are cornerstones and futures of the business. They have a lot of say. They have the ability to influence where others go. Just a side comment to Vince can change what happens to others."

"You are not in his inner circle until you are a top guy. He just looks at you like so and so until you make him a lot of money."

Final comments from Fertig:

"I can't really talk to anybody until April 5. I went to a ROH show two weeks ago. They have phenomenal athletes and they drive all over the country to do what they love. TNA is becoming a bigger threat by the day. With Abyss, (Matt) Morgan, some of those guys, I could be a good fit. I want to go to a company and do my character my way. I want to prove how wrong WWE is."

http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Wrestling/2009/03/24/8870126.html]Click here[/url] to read the full article.

ECW to get re-branded?

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]-- Variety Magazine recently looked at the strong ratings among males for WWE television on the USA Network, Sci Fi, MyNetworkTV and soon on WGN America with the forthcoming "WWE http://www.24wrestling.com/news.php?subaction=showfull&id=1237879624&archive=&start_from=&ucat=6&#]Superstars[/url]" show that begins in April. The article quotes WWE's VP of marketing Kevin Dunn who notes that WWE is working closely with Sci Fi executives to develop a re-branding plan for the weekly http://www.24wrestling.com/news.php?subaction=showfull&id=1237879624&archive=&start_from=&ucat=6&#]ECW[/url] program.[/font]

The 2008 salaries of the executive officers of WWE.

- Below are the total 2008 salaries for the executive officers of World Wrestling Entertainment. The below numbers include salary, bonuses, stock awards, options awards, non-equity incentive plan compensation, and all other compensation:

* Vince McMahon (Chairman) - $858,880
* Linda McMahon (CEO) - $508,880
* Donna Goldsmith (COO) - $1,041,402
* Kevin Dunn (EVP, Television Production) - $1,967,821
* George A. Barrios (CFO) - $793,254
* Michael Sileck (COO) - $1,414,708
* Frank G. Serpe (CFO) $573,485
Orton better go over and Edge better not come back and be with Vickie again. Hopefully Vickie fires him, then he takes his time off and randomly shows up atRaw or a PPV to either help or cost Christian.
If he is concerned about TNA Wrestling: My concern with TNA is not in terms of competition. My concern with TNA is that they are TV-14, and we are PG. They have to change with the times. I think some of the things they do on television are reprehensible, but it is a TV-14 rating. That's the only bone I have to pick with them. Their TV ratings are a fraction of ours.
Vince must not watch his product. TNA is guilty of being stupid and dumb but reprehensible?

TV-14 > TV-PG
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

The 2008 salaries of the executive officers of WWE.

- Below are the total 2008 salaries for the executive officers of World Wrestling Entertainment. The below numbers include salary, bonuses, stock awards, options awards, non-equity incentive plan compensation, and all other compensation:

* Vince McMahon (Chairman) - $858,880
* Linda McMahon (CEO) - $508,880
* Donna Goldsmith (COO) - $1,041,402
* Kevin Dunn (EVP, Television Production) - $1,967,821
* George A. Barrios (CFO) - $793,254
* Michael Sileck (COO) - $1,414,708
* Frank G. Serpe (CFO) $573,485
Spoiler [+]
One former WWE
creative team member tells the Pro Wrestling Torch Newsletter that the Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy feud will likely be a short one. The source said, "The fact that they're doing a gimmick match (at WrestleMania 25) tells me that this is it," he said. "They won't be going to SummerSlam like Bret and Owen (Hart)."
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

^That's not really a spoiler.

Son playing it safe now lol.

yea a few ppl caught feelings with that mishap i had
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

If Sting loses the belt to Mick Foley

who would even bother to watch that

Yo real talk i dont even watch WWE or TNA anymore i caught the last 30 mins of raw last week that about it in a few weeks for me. I ve been watching ROH andindie mostly
Dory Funk, who is set to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame on April 4 alongside his brother Terry, recently called Bret Hart to ask him if he could inducthim. Hart actually accepted, but it should be noted that WWE makes the decisions and they plan on having Dusty Rhodes induct both Funk brothers into the Hallof Fame.
In a post on his newly launched website, www.HonkyTonkMan.net, The Honky Tonk Man is looking to confront Ric Flair before or at the WWE Hall of Fame on April 4in Houston for the things he said about the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion of all-time in his 2004 book release, Ric Flair: To Be the Man.

"For the things he said about me in his book, I will finally get a chance to confront him in Conn. this coming Friday night," Honky said. "If hedodges me, I will confront him on Sunday night in Mass. If he dodges me again, I will confront him at HOF, and if he skates on me there I will catch him atMania."

Honky is upset with Flair saying he was only a main-eventer in WWE because of Hulk Hogan.

"I want to know why he says I would be nothing without a Hogan rub when I spent 12 years working main events before I went to WWE without a Hogan rub andFlair knows that," Honky said.
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