Wrestling Thread Mar 3-9 | 3/9 TNA Lockdown - Magnus v Joe | Team MVP v Team Dixie Lethal Lockdown

Got a free ticket to the MSG house show tomorrow
To much talking, should a let Seth walk off to the back Monday, dean and reigns break up tonight. Triple threat at mania
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The shield kinda became faces by default during their feud with the wyatts. Organically if you will...
There is no better ending to a Raw, ever.
So would yall consider Daniel Bryan to be today's Mankind?

Also I didnt realize some run-ins in the attitude era would play their theme music. Was this just a special case to get the crowd to pop?
Anyone going to the TNA Lockdown ppv? I'm not too far from the bank united center and $15 tickets sound good.

You will be able to sit anywhere since like 50 ppl will show up.

Bully and Angle want to go to back to WWE badly and Samoa Joe is considering leaving when his contract is up.
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