Wrestling Thread March 1st-31st/ NTWT Mania Survey In OP/ WrestleMania This Sunday/ WWE Hall Of Fam

Jericho going into the cage with the title.... he's gonna drop it down towards the end of the match so KO can use it to win.
Remember that.
other than placing chairs under the ring for wrestler weapon use why else is there stacks of chairs just sitting under there?
Y'all are so mad. At least we'll have a dude that actually looks like a champ. Not some lard ***.
Y'all are so mad. At least we'll have a dude that actually looks like a champ. Not some lard ***.

At least the lard *** can wrestle, sell moves, and knows how to use in-ring psychology to tell a compelling story..The other guy is just muscles and jizz-filled hair..
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