Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

Nikki wearing some heat tonight because she is sick of NT talking about the usual Payless **** she wears .
I'll be watching Swerved
Breaks ALL types of Kayfabe
Even her heat is wack... Just cause she upgraded to the nike factory clearance rack doesn't mean it's heat...
Y'all can hate on my dude Bryan all you want.. he gave me my favorite moment of the past 10 years winning at Mania.

Yes, my indy darling won the big one. F off.
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They made it seem like dude retired. He'll be back. And im still not gon care until he shows that he can be healthy for a full year at least
Neville on his second ppv is in the second to last match and yet yall (heyman, jrs) wanna act like he's buried already cause he didn't beat cena twice :smh: if that's buried then what's LI ryder?
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Wait why is DBry taking the belt to the Physical Therapist??? Not even Crash Holly was that dedicated to a title.
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