Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

john cena
I've seen Cena do a suplexes and DDTs tho. Cena has mat wrestled exchanging locks and holds. Not to defend Cena but Roman literally pushes them in the corner does his clothesline thing. Running kick spot, superman punch, howl, spear over or repeat. Samoan Drop on occasion.

I'd be perfectly fine if Roman least utilized the basics.
I hope Tamina kicks Brie's head completely off.

And thank god Naomi switched her hair back. I dig braids but wasn't feeling those


They guy still sucks
when bdb admitted he liked big joints i stopped paying attention to his opinion on women

Big/small its all pink inside. but ya making it seem like they just absolutely bad. No they are just mixed and half ya never messed with an exotic/mixed looking chick. They trash
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