Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

Seth gotta troll and really use the pedigree full time

This prodigy type deal could work wonders....
Ambrose's clothesline is the worst thing going in on the WWE right now...

I think this move is the sole reason why I dislike his character right now, just to animated foe my liking. that and the lunatic fringe moniker the announcers say 10x during his match
Favorite 3 wrestlers

Favortie 3 matches

Like other have said, don't come in here reporting people
My favorite 3 current Wrestlers are Bray Wyatt, Antonio Cesaro, and Dolph Ziggler/ Luke Harper hard to pick. My favorite 3 matches in WWE have to be the CM Punk vs Cena at Money in the bank in 2011 I think,  Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels 1, and Cesaro vs Zayn 2 out of 3 falls. I won't report anybody.
Ive been out the last few weeks. What exactyly happend to d bry last monday he is put extensively again?

Sucks for his career moght be over
Seth gotta troll and really use the pedigree full time

This prodigy type deal could work wonders....

I think it works too. Y'all right about Ambrose too. Liked him better with the shield he wasn't as quirky. Some of his interviews on the independent scene :x

I try to go back and watch some of the old ECW.  I try to watch ROH when its on, but I can't wait to see what GFW is going to do.
Do you have the WWE Network?

Aight man. Make sure you check back in every day. A couple of us post some random matches from various promotions.

 's father worked in ECW. So if you have questions, ask him

 is the NXT guru

@had pants
 Is the ANimated .gif king

 Is the residential Goldust

 is the modern day police/Eric Bischoff

 Posts old news

@af1 1982
 Jerks off to Dolph Ziggler birthday cards

@Peep Game
 is a pevert. If you have a daughter, keep her away

:rofl: :rofl:

Shield Triple Threat at WM32

Rocky in Ramen's corner

Trips in Sext's corner

SCSA in Jeans' corner
first time poster in this thread, but been a fan of wwe since I was a kid.  All I have to say is Owens is looking bad@ss, I'm thinking he is going to be the one to beat cena for the belt.

Welcome to NTWT.


Do you have the WWE Network?

Aight man. Make sure you check back in every day. A couple of us post some random matches from various promotions.

 's father worked in ECW. So if you have questions, ask him

 is the NXT guru

@had pants
 Is the ANimated .gif king

 Is the residential Goldust

 is the modern day police/Eric Bischoff

 Posts old news

@af1 1982
 Jerks off to Dolph Ziggler birthday cards

@Peep Game
 is a pevert. If you have a daughter, keep her away

Man I was so looking forward to Naomi winning the Divas title tonight.

Was gonna @ my dude @Mr DragonFly Jones and tell him with Naomi the Divas champ and New Day tag team champions Blackdown was finally happening.

But alas....
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