Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

We all know Dean's only in that match to eat the pin.

Yea I know but damn he aint have to say his name like dude aint got no chance at least competing for the WWE belt lol
He just wished mediocrity on him :smh:
DBrys heel turn already started :lol:
Man this sucks, now he's going to have to ask Cena for money again. :frown:
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Remember when you guys were all up in arms about him not winning the Royal Rumble?!?! Remember marks!!
Please make this bum DBry give back the belt...

Dbry is a joke. Literally a B+ player. Couldn't hang with the big boys. Anytime he was given a spot he blew it. :smh: WWE title. Hurt. IC title. Hurt. Maybe he and Brie can compete for the divas match... He'd probably get hurt in the divas division too. :smh:
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