Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

Dropped my dam laptop right on the side were the charger was plugged in now won't charge,warranty is up.smh nt mobile it is for now
One real life troll thing I do. 

If I am at the grocery store, I go to the cereal isle and grab a random box of EYE LEVEL cereal and shake it up loudly and look at the box and scratch my head in hopes that someone sees me and purchases the cereal. I have seen it work like 4 times. No joke. Try it out man

I usually do it, walk away and look at the person that was in the isle with me
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ive never been. it's not like mini miami in there anymore?

It was cool the first 2 maybe 3 summers but fizzled off now. Just drug dealers in there now a lot of problems and what not now. Wasn't like that before. I'll pass on clubs and lounges uptown matter fact I only go uptown to see friends and family nothing more.
It was cool the first 2 maybe 3 summers but fizzled off now. Just drug dealers in there now a lot of problems and what not now. Wasn't like that before. I'll pass on clubs and lounges uptown matter fact I only go uptown to see friends and family nothing more.
Ninjahood still hanging around there?
r.i.p. Tna

As you know by now, we reported last week that Destination America had made the decision not to renew iMPACT! Wrestling and that the show would cease to air on the network in September. While TNA soon followed up with a vague statement claiming defamation and threatening legal action, no reports of actual legal letters being sent out have been reported. The whole thing was complicated today when it was reported that Destination America had signed a deal to air Ring of Honor before Impact as a lead-in through the end of the year and TNA didn’t address cancellation reports during a conference call with talent today.

Well, here’s where it starts to really get interesting. We now have the memo that the Discovery Network allegedly sent out regarding the decision not to continue with TNA. The memo reads:

Destination America is not renewing TNA Wrestling next year. While the ratings were strong, the audience was not large enough to justify the program investment. We plan to honor the current contract and continue to air original episodes of TNA Wrestling on Friday nights through the end of the third quarter 2015. When the up-front rate card is released, the Friday night anthology title will now be called ‘American Tales,’ which will be a combination of Paranormal and Americana programming. I hope this is good news given all of the advertisers that included TNA on their DNA [Do Not Advertise] list.[\spoiler]
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