Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

Natalya's walk is MEAN when it comes to being on beat witht he entrance theme.

She still doesn't look good in the face though
Network froze at the Adam Jones segment n then I gotta error message after I tried to rewind it. Back watching it now. Natty outfit dont look as good as her other one
Last 2 episodes weren't even that bad fam.

I don't know I kinda gave up and just follow the behind the scene at Nxt now. The product really has been weak compared to last year. No reason these Indy guys should be taking all the spotlight from guys that need the work and improvement. A massive call up is needed
I don't know I kinda gave up and just follow the behind the scene at Nxt now. The product really has been weak compared to last year. No reason these Indy guys should be taking all the spotlight from guys that need the work and improvement. A massive call up is needed

I feel you. But things seem to be looking up a bit so who knows?
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