Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

Booker T
Stop it you were complaining from his debate about why couldn't he go over Cena In a championship match :smh: like come on b

No, I was complaining during the Seth match.. his 2nd match. I didn't want him to win clean, I wanted a screwy finish with J&J, like a count out or something. it wouldn't of hurt Seth and would of been fine for Neville.. they have done better with him lately.. but he started his first month with what.. 2 wins and 4 losses? Some shh like that.
I wanted this Stardust gimmick to get some serious steam behind it, cause I felt like there's so many directions for it to go. But welp, it's a wrap. Cody needs to be sinister Cody, or Dashing Cody again.
Dog, that gimmick was dumb and MeneGene from day 1
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