Wrestling Thread May 22-30/Brand Split is happening Smackdown will be live on Tuesday's in July

Guess I'm stuck watching GoT instead of watching the ppv with y'all..:smh: ..I'm pissed right now..Fkin bday has been the drizzling shts..
No way man. Fans think she's the one tweeting and right now they know she's not capable of doing that right now so I gotta lay low with social media on her account.
Renee low key don't care about her self man. As basic as it gets. I heard there's way better in da heightz
Dean ain't hitting or treating her right.  He's probably like DBry and prefers his girls to dress like they're Amish.
Won't be around for the PPV tonight. Watching GoT by my girls place. If I read Sext returned I'm firing up the Network once I get home.

Enjoy fellas.
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We still doing the surveys?

Good to see Ru-Ru and Lana back together, rather Rusev not talk tho.
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