Wrestling Thread May 22-30/Brand Split is happening Smackdown will be live on Tuesday's in July

KO is likable to a lot of people, so no. Rusev can be, but he hasn't had any notable feuds lately cause he spent a lot of time tied up in LoN. and Jericho is just washed.
How fans react has NO bearing on how HE operates.

Owens carries himself as a heel. Unlike mostly everyone else.
But that has nothing to do with KO though..He's the purest heel in the company and it's not even close..

not the way I see it. a good chunk of the crowd cheers for him every night. how convincing of a heel could you possibly be if so many people like you?
I can't take Gallows/Anderson seriously after hearing their Jericho podcast

These dudes are goofy 

Cena using Cricket solidifies even further how much of a herb he is
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