Wrestling Thread May 22-30/Brand Split is happening Smackdown will be live on Tuesday's in July

Damn, Ryan Ward was the one hitting on NXT honeys?

Tonight on TNA Impact:
  • EC3 vs Matt Hardy - If EC3 wins, he will be one step closer to his rematch with 'The Miracle' Mike Bennett
  • Al Snow vs Grado
  • Trevor Lee (c) vs Andrew Everett vs DJ Z vs Eddie Edwards in an Ultimate X match for the X Division title
  • Announcement regarding the main event of Slammiversary
Current Storylines/Feuds


Last week, we finally received a highly anticipated match: Drew Galloway goes one-on-one with Lashley for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. However, the Lumberjack match ended in chaos when all the stars of Impact got involved and chaos ensued. Drew Galloway ended the show standing tall, but it remains to be seen whether Lashley will finally get his 1-on-1 shot for the title.

Drew Galloway achieved his dream and won the world title when he cashed in his 'Feast or Fired' briefcase and defeated Matt Hardy a couple of months ago. Since then Drew has beaten back all challengers, including Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy and Tyrus. Lashley however has been on a path of destruction since he defeated Kurt Angle in his final match for TNA, where Lashley offered Angle his respect after the match...before hitting Angle with a cheapshot and spearing him three times. Drew came down and told Lashley to back off, and Lashley put his hands up and backed away to the corner, only to them drop Galloway with a spear as well when he turned back around.

Prior to the #1 contender gauntlet a month back, Lashley told Galloway to enjoy his title reign whilst it lasted because he was gunning for him. Lashley was eliminated by the Pope (who wasn't even in the match), but after Lashley destroyed Pope a few weeks ago, he turned his attention back to Galloway, as he came out after Galloway had gone through a gruelling match and speared him twice in the ring, before spearing him once again in to the steel steps at ringside

A few weeks ago, the show started with a video of Lashley attacking Galloway in a gym, which led to the two brawling inside an MMA octagon before being pulled out. The main event set by Dixie Carter last week was to be Jeff Hardy vs Mike Bennett vs Lashley in a #1 contenders match, with Drew as special guest referee. The result was a Lashley victory, which Drew was not happy about, and when Lashley demanded Drew hold his arm up in victory, tensions boiled over and the two brawled in the ring as Impact went off air.

Tonight, Josh Matthews has predicted that an announcement will be made regarding the main event of Slammiversay, lets hope for everyones sake it involves these two men going at it once again.


This brother vs brother feud has been going on for a couple of months, ever since Matt 'cheated' in order to defeat EC3 for the World Title. Jeff was unhappy with Matt's actions, but when he confronted him about it he was attacked by Eric Young. Matt Hardy then stood by and watched as EY did a piledriver on Jeff Hardy through a table, taking Jeff out of action for the whole UK tour. Jeff then returned to exact revenge on EY, and with him out of the way turned his attention back to his brother, who had continued down his underhanded path of retaining the title

After Matt ultimately lost the title to Drew Galloway, finally the two would face each other one-on-one, and after Matt and Tyrus managed to defeat Jeff and Galloway in a tag match (via use of hammer!) Matt was able to choose the stipulation: an I Quit match. This excellent match ended with Jeff performing a Swanton Bomb on Matt through a table from high up in the Impact Zone, ending the match in a no contest as both men were carried out by EMTs.

However, three weeks ago Jeff Hardy was taken out by Decay in the main event, which cost him a shot at Drew Galloway's title. Following this, two weeks ago Jeff and Storm were in a tag team title match against Decay, when Willow suddenly appeared on stage, providing a distraction for the mist for Decay to retain. Later backstage, 2 more Willows jumped Jeff Hardy when he was gunning for revenge.

Last week, Jeff had a one-on-one match with Willow, who he quickly defeated before preparing to unmask him, only to be stopped by a second Willow. Then the third Willow came limping down to the ring, and was revealed to be none other than Matt Hardy. He told Jeff how this was his revenge, then Matt choked him out and left him in the ring.

Later that night, Jeff told Matt Hardy that they will settle this at Slammiversary!


This feud began when Mike Bennett interfered in EC3's title match against Matt Hardy and take EC3 out of the match, with the help of a steel chair. EC3 vowed revenge, and seemed to have it when he managed to eliminate Bennett from a #1 contenders Gauntlet match, only for Bennett to eliminate EC3 from ringside, after which Bennett and Maria ran away to the back. After some great promo interaction between the two, they would then square off in a one-on-one match, with Maria at ringside.

In this match, EC3 had Bennett beat 3 times, but Maria at ringside coupled with Bennett's own underhanded tactics ensured that the referee failed to notice any of these victories. EC3 was so frustrated that he then took a chair to Bennett, causing his own DQ, and allowing Maria to gloat that Bennett got the win. This helped to set up the main event match at sacrifice, which was a No Disqualification match. EC3 went in to this match unpinned and unsubmitted for 30 months since his Impact debut, but Bennett did the seemingly impossible when he managed to get a fluke victory after EC3 refused to give up his sleeper hold, which cost him his long undefeated streak.

Three weeks ago, Bennett addressed his victory from the week prior, gloating about finally doing what no other man has done in TNA. EC3 confronted him prior to the main event, and gave his congratulations to Bennett. But warned him that this is not the end, and they will certainly fight again.

Two weeks ago, EC3 asked for a rematch, but Bennett had a counter-proposal. EC3's 'Road to Redemption', where if EC3 is able to defeat all the opponents Bennett puts in front of him, he will get his rematch. He then defeated Rockstar Spud in Six Sides of Steel, and last week Tyrus in a Last Man Standing Match. Tonight, EC3 faces the man who took his World Title away from him, twice. Matt Hardy.


Gail Kim was KO's champion since last Autumn, and a dominant one at that. In fact, the first time Gail seemed vulnerable was when Jade managed to pin her in a tag team match with a package piledriver, leading to a title match for Jade, which Gail won. Following this, Maria, who had already shown interest in the division, decided to take a more prominent role and told Jade that she had what it takes to defeat Gail, but in order to do so she had to leave her Dollhouse teammates (Marti and Rebel) behind, and Maria claimed she had the power to make a #1 contenders match between the three Dollhouse members, which Jade won convincingly. However, Dixie Carter was unhappy with Maria, and decided to make another #1 contenders match between the two members of the Beautiful People, Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne, to add to the title match and make it a 3-way. Madison won and was added to the title match, which ended when Maria interfered from ringside to allow Jade to pick up the win and her first KnockOuts Title.

After which, Maria demanded Jade pass over the tilte to her so that she and the other KnockOuts could accept her as the leader of the division. Jade refused, and eventually Billy Corgan would come out and create a 7-way ladder match where the winner would be granted control of the KnockOuts division by TNA Management. Maria managed to win this match whilst largely avoiding harm, and her first action two weeks ago was to put Gail Kim in a match with Decay's Rosemary, and then again interfere to distract the referee and allow Rosemary to win via mist and an F5.

Three weeks ago, Maria turned her attention back to the KO title, but Jade remained defiant of Maria and stood up for herself as champion when Maria again asked her to hand over the title. Maria then decided to do business another way and introduced Sienna (formerly Allisyn Kay) who proceeded to clash with Jade and leave her laying in the middle of the ring.

Two weeks ago, Sienna continued her dominance when she interrupted a title match between Jade and Gail Kim and laid out both competitors, leaving her standing tall.

Then Maria unveiled her 'apprentice' Allie (formerly CherryBomb) who informed Velvet Sky last week that she had a match against the dominant Sienna. And if Velvet lost, she would be fired from Impact Wrestling. Sienna went on to take another victim, as Maria's power over the KO division became very clear last week. Tonight, we can expect mind games, shows of dominance and maybe some information regarding Maria's plans for Slammiversary too.
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