Wrestling Thread May 22-30/Brand Split is happening Smackdown will be live on Tuesday's in July

So i stayed out of wrestling news since i didnt watch extreme rules or raw till today and come here to see a brand split!
A brand split after making roster cuts?
Nah, the cuts have been fewer than the people they're signing/people returning.
The End could mean several things....Joe-Balor most likely or Bayley leaving NXT doesn't exactly mean it's the bed of NXT in general
Thanks man
I somewhat feel like this sometimes man....

I mean we all got some problems....
DC fat
CP34 likes to pee in his booty Os
DFly jacks off every 4 hours
AF1 is straight again
Peep is dead

Lmao I got some Wild Irish Rose for you.
Jules turnt heel
22 confronting his demons
DC is morbidly obese

This thread is coming apart at the seams!
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