"To show how spur of the moment things are done, even though they pretty much decided a few weeks ahead of time that the Vaudevillains were debuting after Mania, they didn’t even know it. When they were flown to Dallas for WrestleMania, they were supposed to fly back to Florida with the NXT crew after the show. They weren’t actually told themselves that they were debuting on Raw until the day of Mania, one day before, and at the last minute WWE had to rebook tickets. I’m not sure they were the only ones that fell into that category because we heard about travel being rebooked because they didn’t finalize who was debuting right after Mania until the last minute. HHH had previously wanted six months worth of plans to be made for talent being brought up so they wouldn’t be brought up and then have nothing to do, flounder, and make it look like NXT stars failed on the main roster. That makes all the sense But obviously, that hasn’t happened given the way NXT stars have been brought up with no long-term whatsoever."