Wrestling Thread May 22-30/Brand Split is happening Smackdown will be live on Tuesday's in July

Has there ever been a WWE guy who was horribly booked in WWE, left the company, and then became a star elsewhere?

Gallows maybe? He wasn't really a star in NJPW though.

Drew Gallaway has REALLY upped his game since he left... He's the TNA champ, for what that's worth :lol:... But he's evolved and matured to a point that it's obvious WWE missed on this guy big time...

EC3 as well...

Matt Sydal too... Trent? to an extract...

I think Cody will be just fine in Japan..I hope he has some new moves to show us..Maybe some stuff Vince wasn't letting him do..It'll be interesting to see him in BOLA.. celticspride34 celticspride34 you're the resident PWG guru, what do you think?..Him and Hero could be very interesting..

I am currently watching All Star Weekend night 1 :nerd: :lol:... Cody will flourish on the indy's for a few reasons:

1- He's perceived at a getting a slightly raw deal by WWE... Smarks eat that up...

2- he's a really good wrestler and can do flashy stuff... His skill set is certainly ROH caliber...

3- his wife needs to do what Maria became... Maria was the best valet on the indy's/Japan by leaps and bounds and truly made the Kingdom a better tag team.... I think she has ability...

4- fresh match ups against high caliber talent... This will ALWAYS make someone look good... Unless they suck :lol:...

"Actually USUALLY I try to flip as least as possible"

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It really is true... You watch his Evolve work and he does very little flippy stuff... He's toned down his style a ton... But because he is probably the best high flyer in the world (and/or Ospreay), promotions want him to do flippy stuff...

Rhino how you doing brother?
Im distraught right now

Def not watching Game 7 

John Cena return >>>> Game 7
Winnipeg show was lit tonight no jojo doe it was saxton bum *** doing the ring announcing Jericho was over as **** dude played the baby face role against jeans
Prime Scott Steiner might have the highest Irish whip attempt frequency of any wrestler that comes to mind
What does the #1 girl from your high school years look like now?

Wasn't even there but she has two kids and a husband now. :smh:

3 out of the top 5 showed up, 2 look better than they did in high school and one doesn't.

To keep it wrestling related as I was leaving on chick said let hug like a WWE move.
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One girl who was a legit 250 pounder that always rocked Hardy Boyz shirts is down to about 130 now. I couldn't believe it.
Just finished watching Will Ospreay vs Ricochet and these Japanese MARKS got me in tears :lol: they chanting
" HOSHY SHAET " and " this is awesome " :lol: :smh:
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