Wrestling Thread May2-9/ The NEW ERA/WWE Black Friday/ Hornswoggle, Cameron, Santino, Zeb Colter, Al

Ran earlier. Did 8 minutes of core work with the track team.
Proud of you man. Need you to lose that gut and be in shape by summertime man. Quit doin playground workouts with the middle school track team man. Go get yourself a gym membership
The plan last night was for the VaudeVillains to win due to The Dudleyz interference.
Im still confused as to what that spot was supposed to be tho

Hmmm those numbers are interesting
The superman punch when Styles was doing the forearm looks really dope in slo-mo....

I just like how AJ looked like he was still going for the move instead of just jumping up in the air & waiting to get hit
Why you going after that jobber belt KO
why can't we build a single interesting feud around the US belt instead of having three on the IC belt at once
This dude KO is the best heel in the game and the best guy on the mic, but they'll keep him in the mid-card the rest of his life..:smh:
Y'all need to chill with the DC's belly thing

I mean sure he's a big fat slob right now but at least he's making an effort to shed that weight
Proud of you man. Need you to lose that gut and be in shape by summertime man. Quit doin playground workouts with the middle school track team man. Go get yourself a gym membership
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