Wrestling Thread May2-9/ The NEW ERA/WWE Black Friday/ Hornswoggle, Cameron, Santino, Zeb Colter, Al

I've enjoyed wrestling more ever since I stopped slumming it here with ya'll pessimistic smarks.
Nino <3. It's been a while.

Hate to say it, but I kind of agree with this. It's not an indictment on the thread though. Smarks in general are a hell of a lot more pessimistic than the average fan while also being stubborn (yet won't admit it). Couple that with the amount of spoilers that leak out and get discussed on a regular basis...it absolutely took away enjoyment from the product for me.

It's nice to unplug from the Matrix every once in a while. Not just with wrestling either, this goes for other popular TV series, movies, etc.

Live posting every week is fun, and it's cool to have that instant interaction with others who share your passion for the product. However the groupthink that often runs wild can get a little OD and become a distraction. Also might interfere with your honest assessment of what you're viewing.

I do feel like there is such a thing as "knowing too much". Y'all know I keep up with news & notes, but I don't need to know EVERY single little thing about what's being planned for the future.

Just my opinion. And I know what resonates with me isn't necessarily the same for others.

I still got love for y'all though. I wouldn't have gone to a Wrestlemania, NXT live show, RAW, and an indy event if it wasn't for this thread.
I've been enjoying the product more since there is less "WWE products" being featured ad nauseum and more guys who had a name before they got to WWE. I feel the product has improved in the last 2 years from what it was.

The NXT system works.
This is also accurate. I agree.

I prefer this fresh feel post-WM instead of a bunch of rematches and lazy continuations of feuds.
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Sami Zayn on Talk is Jericho it's a good listen.


He's a pretty interesting fellow.

Did you listen to it? Listening to Jericho describe his travel from the past few days was exhausting

From Malaga Spain to Paris with a one hour lay over and had to have the plane held so he could get on and than a 12 hour flight to LA to do Talking Dead after his bags went missing and than took a red eye to Hartford for RAW and than a flight to Tampa :x
"Ric Flair was treated for a cut on his hand at Logan International Airport in Boston Wednesday morning ... but witnesses say it was the culmination of a very bizarre morning involving the WWE legend. Here's what we know ... Flair hit up Lucky's Lounge in the airport before his flight -- and multiple witnesses say Flair was acting like a drunk person. One witness says Flair was loud and obnoxious. Another witness says he was "having a tough time" and "shambling about." But we spoke with Airport Police Sgt. Donlon who tells us Flair was NOT intoxicated. Sgt. Donlon says airport officials got a call for a "man with a cut on his hand" -- and police and medical personnel responded. Flair was treated -- deemed not drunk -- and was allowed to get on his flight.

We spoke with Flair's rep who told us Ric is fine -- and made his flight. As for how Flair injured his hand -- we're working on it."

I appreciate Arn being humble and saying the other Horsemen were way better than him, but I have to disagree..With the exception of Flair, AA was thee best Horsemen of them all..And to this day I think he and Jake Roberts are the 2 most severely underrated wrestlers/promo men of the last 35 years..AA's SpineBuster and Steamboat's Arm Drag are tied, for me, as the most perfectly executed moves in the history of the business..

These Wrestling With Wregret vids are some pretty funny timekeepers :lol:

Watched that gimmick change one posted a couple pages back and thought it was pretty funny...The How WWE Should Book guy is good too....
Flair is just staying in kayfabe as a crazy alcoholic, he should be applauded.
I respeck it. I stay in character until I get my next movie role. Right now I am a Marine I have 150 confirmed kills and I can't look in the mirror any more afraid I might shoot the bastard looking back at me.
 Sheesh man Nancy is vicious man
22Stylez sent me an Uso shirt and I was gonna get shoes the same color as the shirt. Comedy ensues for several months


Anyone see William Regal's new shirt? Pretty dope. I'll post a picture once I get to my laptop personal computer.
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