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SmackDown Spoilers For 5/31/2013
* Kane defeated Seth Rollins with a chokeslam.

* Roman Reigns beat Daniel Bryan by DQ when Kane hit Reigns. Kane and Bryan argued after the match.

* Damien Sandow did another mental challenge segment in the ring. He ripped Edmonton and went to explain the rules but was interrupted by Sheamus. Sandow cheated in the challenge and Sheamus laid him out with a Brogue Kick.

* Ryback came out in an ambulance before squashing Kofi Kingston. After the match, Ryback stacked three tables and put Kofi through them. Kofi was taken out on a stretcher.

* Big E Langston defeated Alberto Del Rio by pinfall. AJ Lee interfered towards the end and got in a cheap shot.

* Curtis Axel beat Sin Cara in a quick match. Axel cut a promo before the match and talked about beating Triple H and John Cena. Axel won with a Perfectplex.

* Chris Jericho came out and cut a promo on CM Punk and WWE Payback. Jericho then defeated Cody Rhodes with the Walls of Jericho.

* Randy Orton beat Dean Ambrose by DQ when Reigns and Rollins interfered and attacked Orton. Kane and Bryan came out for the save to end SmackDown.

i feel like i've already seen this episode of smackdown...

Those Big /Del Rio matches are okay ork-wise... but they're getting darn repetitive. Do they really have to do that every week? Twice a week even? :smh:
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SmackDown Spoilers For 5/31/2013
* Kane defeated Seth Rollins with a chokeslam.

* Roman Reigns beat Daniel Bryan by DQ when Kane hit Reigns. Kane and Bryan argued after the match.

* Damien Sandow did another mental challenge segment in the ring. He ripped Edmonton and went to explain the rules but was interrupted by Sheamus. Sandow cheated in the challenge and Sheamus laid him out with a Brogue Kick.

* Ryback came out in an ambulance before squashing Kofi Kingston. After the match, Ryback stacked three tables and put Kofi through them. Kofi was taken out on a stretcher.

* Big E Langston defeated Alberto Del Rio by pinfall. AJ Lee interfered towards the end and got in a cheap shot.

* Curtis Axel beat Sin Cara in a quick match. Axel cut a promo before the match and talked about beating Triple H and John Cena. Axel won with a Perfectplex.

* Chris Jericho came out and cut a promo on CM Punk and WWE Payback. Jericho then defeated Cody Rhodes with the Walls of Jericho.

* Randy Orton beat Dean Ambrose by DQ when Reigns and Rollins interfered and attacked Orton. Kane and Bryan came out for the save to end SmackDown.

i feel like i've already seen this episode of smackdown...
Those Big /Del Rio matches are okay ork-wise... but they're getting darn repetitive. Do they really have to do that every week? Twice a week even?
same with team hell no/shield, shaemus/sandow
-7 people were ejected and 4 were arrested in the crowd brawl during the main event last night on Raw.

-WWE is very unhappy with Mark Henry at the moment.  He is injured, but not severely enough to need surgery, so WWE feels he should work through the pain while Henry is choosing to sit out.  Henry's proposed babyface push storyline has now been given to Big E, who will likely be feuding with Dolph Ziggler in the coming months.  We saw the start of the turn last night.

Would love to see the footage

Reader Steven passed along these details about the brawl:

“I was at the RAW show last night, on the edge of the upper bowl directly overtop of the incident during the Cena – Axel match. It pretty much came out of no where in the back of the floor level seating when a fan (not sure if he was drunk, but he appeared so afterwards) threw a punch, and very quickly a larger tussle broke out that appeared to be quite violent. The entire crowd’s attention turned to it and people started a ‘Fight! Fight! Fight!’ chant. Security rushed over very quickly, and one of the event staff actually knocked down one of the guys throwing punches pretty hard. A couple of the guys and the girl involved were so worked up and crazy that it took 4+ men to hold them back, and even then barely could do so.

“At this point nobody was watching the match in the ring anymore and the whole crowd was buzzing and standing to see what was going on. Police rushed over to cuff those involved, and in the end 3 guys and one large woman were cuffed and escorted out by security, with the crowd cheering and yelling loudly at them. There were some people on the edge of the aisles that guided them out with DX glowsticks, like a plane.”

DEAD @ One Large Woman

I need video

There was a video floating around of the brawl, but it was super grainy and from another level. Could not see much.

God those dudes were annoying with that Security chant they tried to get going.

All I saw was pushing and shoving. There has to be better out there somewhere it will turn up.
WWE.com is now saying that Kingston will have to undergo surgery to fix his damaged elbow. As WWE puts it, this was already an injury that Kingston had, and that Ryback "furthered" the damage. Obviously, this was a way for WWE to write off Kingston from television for the next 4-8 weeks.
Bray gets booked to face John Cena at the PPV after next

"I remember you, you're Husky Harris!"

"Looks like you ate too many twinkies, twinkie butt!"


"Twinkie Butt is now trending worldwide on twitter!"

And the Wyatt family is dead.
:wow:  its like you see into the not so distant future 

Also cena's dumb enough not to know that Twinkies are no longer in production. His grade school fans won't care anyway.
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[h1]John Cena and CM Punk to Voice Flintstones Characters[/h1][h2]Boots to Bedrock.[/h2]

by Matt Fowler

May 29, 2013

About a year ago we wrote about how Seth MacFarlane's Flintstones reboot was permanently delayed, but now comes the news, via Deadline, that Warner Bros. and WWE Studios are teaming up for a new animated Flintstones movie - to be released worldwide on Blu-ray, DVD, VOD and digital download in 2015.

And being that it's a joint venture with the WWE, expect some notable WWE Superstars and Divas to make voice appearances - like John Cena as John Cenastone and CM Punk as CM Punkrock. And, naturally, Vince McMahon as Vince McMagma. Yes, Fred and Barney will attend a prehistoric WWE main event. No word on whether or not the only WWE star who wouldn't need to change his name, The Rock, will be involved.

A page right out of history.

“WWE is family-friendly entertainment, so partnering with Warner Bros. on a Flintstones/WWE project was a natural extension of our Scooby Doo deal,” Michael Luisi, President, WWE Studios told Deadline. “This new, animated feature allows us to showcase our brand with young fans and loyal Flintstones enthusiasts alike.”

This news also comes after last summer's announcement that Warner Bros. and WWE Studios were teaming up for a new Scooby-Doo animated movie featuring a mystery at WrestleMania and the voices of Triple H, John Cena, Kane, The Miz, Brodus Clay, Santino Marella, Sin Cara, and AJ Lee.
- There is said to be a lot of excitement within WWE NXT right now about Bray Wyatt and The Wyatt Family coming to the main roster. The group is considered to be one of the best acts in WWE developmental right now and are liked a lot by the other talents.
An angle shot last night in  Edmonton at the Smackdown tapings where Ryback destroyed Kofi Kingston, who was carried out on a stretcher, was the cover story becuase Kingston will be undergoing elbow surgery tomorrow.

He's expected out of action for one to two months.

Credit: Wrestling Observer
An angle shot last night in  Edmonton at the Smackdown tapings where Ryback destroyed Kofi Kingston, who was carried out on a stretcher, was the cover story becuase Kingston will be undergoing elbow surgery tomorrow.
He's expected out of action for one to two months.
Credit: Wrestling Observer

Well, look who pulled a GHIMSlater.

:rofl: wow

That injury might actually be a blessing for Kofi. Dude needs a change badly as he's been on a treadmill ever since Orton called him stupid. Seems like a forgone conclusion some type of change should happen just cause of the way he lost. That feud (if you consider that a feud) with Ambrose should be over regardless if Kofi wasn't injured. What Would happen if he wasn't injured? ANOTHER rematch clause pops up?? Let him recover and find something else for him other than a transitional US/IC reign and a fake "meanstreak".

And ditto on Sheamus. He's probably the first face constantly doing heel stuff that I don't care for, other than a good number of his matches.
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That injury might actually be a blessing for Kofi. Dude needs a change badly as he's been on a treadmill ever since Orton called him stupid. Seems like a forgone conclusion some type of change should happen just cause of the way he lost. That feud (if you consider that a feud) with Ambrose should be over regardless if Kofi wasn't injured. What Would happen if he wasn't injured? ANOTHER rematch clause pops up?? Let him recover and find something else for him other than a transitional US/IC reign and a fake "meanstreak".

And ditto on Sheamus. He's probably the first face constantly doing heel stuff that I don't care for, other than a good number of his matches.
he's a less talented Shelton Benjamin . On an unrelated note holy cow i see the wwe is pushing their youth and maybe hhh was on to something with making sure that before talent comes up they need to have a concrete plan for them, i dont know how this wasnt the thought process before though. but in saying that i hope they have more in store for wade barret , cesaro, and others already on the main roster.
:rofl: wow

That injury might actually be a blessing for Kofi. Dude needs a change badly as he's been on a treadmill ever since Orton called him stupid. Seems like a forgone conclusion some type of change should happen just cause of the way he lost. That feud (if you consider that a feud) with Ambrose should be over regardless if Kofi wasn't injured. What Would happen if he wasn't injured? ANOTHER rematch clause pops up?? Let him recover and find something else for him other than a transitional US/IC reign and a fake "meanstreak".

I was thinking the exact same thing. Give him a purposeful return and maybe a heel repackaging.
:rofl: wow

That injury might actually be a blessing for Kofi. Dude needs a change badly as he's been on a treadmill ever since Orton called him stupid. Seems like a forgone conclusion some type of change should happen just cause of the way he lost. That feud (if you consider that a feud) with Ambrose should be over regardless if Kofi wasn't injured. What Would happen if he wasn't injured? ANOTHER rematch clause pops up?? Let him recover and find something else for him other than a transitional US/IC reign and a fake "meanstreak".

And ditto on Sheamus. He's probably the first face constantly doing heel stuff that I don't care for, other than a good number of his matches.

he's a less talented Shelton Benjamin
. On an unrelated note holy cow i see the wwe is pushing their youth and maybe hhh was on to something with making sure that before talent comes up they need to have a concrete plan for them, i dont know how this wasnt the thought process before though. but in saying that i hope they have more in store for wade barret , cesaro, and others already on the main roster.

I've been saying that in here for years. Literally. Even with a heel turn (because that is some how the fix to everything), Kofi will never amount to **** in the WWE. He's gonna be used for good matches and keeping a meaningless title warm until he quits, gets fired for hurting someone, or legit injured.
^Though a heel turn would be obvious, i feel like he could be a good upper level face, just have to tweak hom a bit.

Forgot Main Event was on, and it seems like Barrett/Sheamus went 15-20 minutes. I was very interested at catching the re-airing later based on the highlights...until I saw Barrett take 2 Brogue kicks and eat the pin. Barrett, fighting champion.
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