Wrestling Thread May27-June9 | 6/6 Impact LIVE - Quinton RAMPAGE Jackson Appears Tonight

AJ Lee is bad as ****. I want my wife to be exactly like her (real life, not her character)
Bret Hart sighting 
Dean Ambrose slowly becoming one of my favorites, especially after DC posted those promos from FCW in the other thread
I love the dude. He has some of the best faces during match. Reminds me of Ohtani when it comes to story telling via facial expressions. Just pay attention.
I don't like how that match ended. They went from outside of the ring into the finisher in the ring. I guess since the move outside of the ring was a head/neck shot it made sense.
I'm so sick of hearing about the app, what's the point if you're going to show us what's happening on the app after the commercial
i wonder how uncomfortable it is to wrestle in all the gear the shield wears and just noticed reigns is shorter than ambrose 
I love the dude. He has some of the best faces during match. Reminds me of Ohtani when it comes to story telling via facial expressions. Just pay attention.
Exactly. Dude is truly a different breed when it comes to going above just the wrestling aspect.

Solid match with Kofi as well. The pop he got when he won 
i wonder how uncomfortable it is to wrestle in all the gear the shield wears and just noticed reigns is shorter than ambrose 
1. I recently thought about how restricted they must be with that ring gear. I know it is holding Rollins back athletically looking at his work from FCW.

2. Man we joked about Reigns last week and how he is a 6'2 ******/dwarf. Short arms. He just looks like he should be taller than what he is
I at least thought JBL was gonna call the Hart Attack, since they are in Canada and all. I figured Cole and Lawler wouldn't
NTWT WWE Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Results
  • 62 entries (my fault, sorry for posting the contest so late)
  • 530 possible points (yeah, I couldn't add to 500 that day)
  • 246 average score
  • 76% correctly predicted 2 title changes
  • 92% correctly predicted Dean Ambrose would defeat Kofi Kingston
  • 94% correctly predicted The Shield would defeat Team Hell No
  • 1 entrant correctly predicted a No Contest in the Cena/Ryback Last Man Standing Match
  • 84% incorrectly predicted it would be the final match of the PPV
  • 86% correctly predicted Brock Lesnar would defeat HHH
  • 29% correctly predicted the victory would be via pinfall.
Congratulations to our winner toine2983  with an impressive 390 points, beating the 2nd place finisher by 55 points.  The Extreme Rules victory also moves toine into first place in the overall standings as well.  Overall standings are available through the link in my signature.


I'm really starting to hate WWE. you got a live as crowd like this with The Shield bein the biggest thing going right now and a Team Hell No that is still over as f.
You want to keep this joke of a tag division relevant? Make this match not seem so predictable?
why not Give this match a big fight feel for RAW and make it the main event. But no you have this match start impromptu in the middle of an already boring show, on the ******g WWE app. Of all things.
And have a lack luster zOMG Cena fluke loses In a boring match to this star that we are blowing our load on and monster pushing as your main event.

I know you dudes like McGuillicutiglikeathisisthegenesisofcutti but this **** is no different than Tensai debut last year. Dude gets super pushed for no reason beats Cena and Punk for no reason on live TV and look at him now.

Axel will be dancing down to the ring in bell bottoms with Fandango as the Curtis Circus by this time next year.

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