Wrestling Thread May27-June9 | 6/6 Impact LIVE - Quinton RAMPAGE Jackson Appears Tonight

The Shield have never been defeated in 6 man competition?  So what about that loss to Super Cena a few weeks ago after they had eliminated Team Hell No?
Greetings NT wrestling fans....I trust that I am not the only one flipping between this and game 7
I thought Vince looked rediculous with the dyed hair. But good see the the slickback.
I'd mark out if psycho happy yelling Orton became a reoccuring thing. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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These repeat matches over the last few weeks since WM29 have been very annoying and boring to say the least.
But forreal, they are overdoing the hot tag thing. I mean damn, not EVERY week.

I love it but don't overdo it
D Bry on FIRE!!!!

So why wasn't that Shield run in to break up the Yes Lock a DQ?

And D Bry takes another pin.  Kane sucks.  Randy Orton sucks.  The crowd loves D Bry.  But he's small, so he loses.

Game 7 time.
:lol: :pimp: @ that first dropkick D.Bry did on Reigns that launched him off the apron.
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