Wrestling Thread Nov 21-27 | 11/24 Happy Thanksgiving to NTWT!

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72


I want my PS3 back! soon enough, though.

I'll probably have it back in time for NTSS.

whenever that's gonna be... 
No one listened when me and JNSQ tried to warn everyone about leaving Catman and HoleySocks in charge. Now you see what happens? NTWTRumble is RIGHT around the corner...

And what do we have to show for ourselves up until this point?

A SuperShow? NO

SurvivorSeries? NO

At least a FREAKING CARD poster so we can at least pretend like this is going to happen!? NO NO NO NO...

Am I the only one that finds this to be unacceptable? Because I sure hope not.

In honor of the returning WWE legend Roddy Piper on tonight's episode of RAW I will be addressing the NTWT Galaxy during the return my OWN..

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72


I want my PS3 back! soon enough, though.

I'll probably have it back in time for NTSS.

whenever that's gonna be... 
No one listened when me and JNSQ tried to warn everyone about leaving Catman and HoleySocks in charge. Now you see what happens? NTWTRumble is RIGHT around the corner...

And what do we have to show for ourselves up until this point?

A SuperShow? NO

SurvivorSeries? NO

At least a FREAKING CARD poster so we can at least pretend like this is going to happen!? NO NO NO NO...

Am I the only one that finds this to be unacceptable? Because I sure hope not.

In honor of the returning WWE legend Roddy Piper on tonight's episode of RAW I will be addressing the NTWT Galaxy during the return my OWN..


The Night Club > Lobo's Lair
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

whenever that's gonna be... 
No one listened when me and JNSQ tried to warn everyone about leaving Catman and HoleySocks in charge. Now you see what happens? NTWTRumble is RIGHT around the corner...

And what do we have to show for ourselves up until this point?

A SuperShow? NO

SurvivorSeries? NO

At least a FREAKING CARD poster so we can at least pretend like this is going to happen!? NO NO NO NO...

Am I the only one that finds this to be unacceptable? Because I sure hope not.

In honor of the returning WWE legend Roddy Piper on tonight's episode of RAW I will be addressing the NTWT Galaxy during the return my OWN..


The Night Club > Lobo's Lair
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]first off, you were drinking my kool-aid, as was everyone else, since i was the first to bury the crappy coo. Mr. another boring promo himself. I've said he is horrible in the position and has no idea what he's doing. "Oh great you guys all have titles, let's strip them and never do anything about it.".... "uhhhhhhh why, that makes no sense what so ever.".... "because i like to play with myself muahahahahaha..."[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]second... [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]^[/color]
im that one wrote:

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]first off, you were drinking my kool-aid, as was everyone else, since i was the first to bury the crappy coo. Mr. another boring promo himself. I've said he is horrible in the position and has no idea what he's doing. "Oh great you guys all have titles, let's strip them and never do anything about it.".... "uhhhhhhh why, that makes no sense what so ever.".... "because i like to play with myself muahahahahaha..."[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]second... [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]^[/color]

People listen to you? Don't give yourself so much credit. Last time I checked not a single member on the roster has mentioned the promo you cut this past weekend. What a comeback.

Side note, I don't drink "kool-aid".
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Tenn's Hip Hop House > The Night Club > Lobo's Lair

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]

........ well there went the laughter.[/color]
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

im that one wrote:

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]first off, you were drinking my kool-aid, as was everyone else, since i was the first to bury the crappy coo. Mr. another boring promo himself. I've said he is horrible in the position and has no idea what he's doing. "Oh great you guys all have titles, let's strip them and never do anything about it.".... "uhhhhhhh why, that makes no sense what so ever.".... "because i like to play with myself muahahahahaha..."[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]second... [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]^[/color]
People listen to you? Don't give yourself so much credit. Last time I checked not a single member on the roster has mentioned the promo you cut this past weekend. What a comeback.

Side note, I don't drink "kool-aid".

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]i'm the spark that ignited everyone to grow some balls and say something. so yes, people listened. before i said anything, all of you sheep and puppy dogs were running around obeying what your master said. I want you to Re-Read your sentence... Listen... means using your ears and taking things in. Not talking, responding, or mentioning anything. So which is it, people don't listen or people don't mention me? I don't need anyone to mention me, not necessary because we know people here can't go one on one with me on a mic.  Oh... and if people don't listen, how do you know i cut a promo?..... oh... so you Were listening. As was everyone else. Here's another cup of kool-aid kiddo. Maybe i should give you a steak or something too while I'm at it. Your mom still saying your a little guy? it's OK man, not everyone was built to be a beast, there's always a cruiser weight division.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]wait... don't drink kool-aid huh, racist. not surprised in the least.[/color]
Originally Posted by theDEEK

About time some NTWE promos came around from someone who isn't bkmac.

 for real though. i've had some ether cooked up for over 2 weeks now and have just been waiting for NTWEF to kick off again, didn't want my promo going unnoticed.

Spoiler [+]
like bkmac's 
trying to finish Hero Story in RTWM before RAW comes on. In the hell in a cell match at Starrcade getting heated at the game freezing 3 diff times.
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