Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

Happy Thanksgiving NTWT. So thankful for this thread that we get to post our thoughts on wrestling in every week. :smokin

True that. This thread is the reason I got back into wrestling. So idk if I should thank yall or hate yall for it :lol:
Let me start it off

1. Not to sound like a b*tch but Yea I thank you dudes and the MLW Radip podcast for getting me back into wrestling. Been away from something I love so much for such a long time. I thank yall forreal man.

2. I am thankful for Daniel Bryan's run this year. Yea it didn't last long but has there ever been a more likeable dude in wrestling man? Just thinking about the scene from WrestleMania man.

3. I am thankful that we have so many alternatives available and don't have to rely on stupid WWE to be entertained week after week. Sick of those dudes.

4. I am thankful for NXT in particular. Thanks HHH, but just hearing how you did Punk, I have one eye open at you man. Thanks for NXT, everything else, nah.

5. I am thankful for the WWE Network. You young dudes might not understand how this is a dream to have and keep asking, "Should we renew." Having all of this content, especially the WCW/NWA stuff, at my fingertips, dream come true man.

6. Thankful for the future of New Japan and how they are starting to cater to the American fans. It was only a matter of time man.
7. Thanks to the Shield for consistently putting on classic tag matches no matter who was put in front of them. I miss those dudes together man.
If Warrior can come back to WWE so can Punk but it's gonna be a long time and I really don't care if he does or not that podcast didn't change my opinion about him he isn't bigger than the company and he still comes off to me as a whiny brat. Needed someone like JR to interview him to get some real hard questions thrown his way.
And I'm thankful that I was able to witness the beginning and conclusion of DBry reaching the mountain top from SummerSlam to WM30 in person at both events.
JR talks too much. Stone Cold is the best podcast host. He doesn't try to get jokes in. He just lets the guy talk. Case in point with Bray and anyone he interviews, they'll be parts where Austin doesn't talk for a good 10 minutes. He just listens. Always say less than nessesary.

Glad to hear Punk's side of the story. It came off honest. Triple H and Vince came off as scumbags as I would have expected. Triple H always comes off as the ultimate cornball.

I don't think Punk owes me or anyone for that matter. It was quite sad to hear him talk about not getting the WM main event because he did deserve it and the other guys who got it aren't even there anymore. Punk stuck to his principals and values and it's hard not to respect that.
Let me start it off

1. Not to sound like a b*tch but Yea I thank you dudes and the MLW Radip podcast for getting me back into wrestling. Been away from something I love so much for such a long time. I thank yall forreal man.

2. I am thankful for Daniel Bryan's run this year. Yea it didn't last long but has there ever been a more likeable dude in wrestling man? Just thinking about the scene from WrestleMania man.

3. I am thankful that we have so many alternatives available and don't have to rely on stupid WWE to be entertained week after week. Sick of those dudes.

4. I am thankful for NXT in particular. Thanks HHH, but just hearing how you did Punk, I have one eye open at you man. Thanks for NXT, everything else, nah.

5. I am thankful for the WWE Network. You young dudes might not understand how this is a dream to have and keep asking, "Should we renew." Having all of this content, especially the WCW/NWA stuff, at my fingertips, dream come true man.

6. Thankful for the future of New Japan and how they are starting to cater to the American fans. It was only a matter of time man.

THIS!!! So much stuff i never got to watch as a kid is now at my fingertips and for that price you cannot beat it. Never gonna hear me complain ab the network
JR talks too much. Stone Cold is the best podcast host. He doesn't try to get jokes in. He just lets the guy talk. Case in point with Bray and anyone he interviews, they'll be parts where Austin doesn't talk for a good 10 minutes. He just listens. Always say less than nessesary.

Glad to hear Punk's side of the story. It came off honest. Triple H and Vince came off as scumbags as I would have expected. Triple H always comes off as the ultimate cornball.

I don't think Punk owes me or anyone for that matter. It was quite sad to hear him talk about not getting the WM main event because he did deserve it and the other guys who got it aren't even there anymore. Punk stuck to his principals and values and it's hard not to respect that.

Agreed that Austin is top notch It would've been nice to see Punk on his podcast. Trips and VKM are notorious scumbags so that doesn't surprise me at all but alas once VKM is gone the company will be in good hands with Trips IMO.
I'm not sure it will be tbh. I want to hope it will but Triple H comes off as sneaky to me. He just seems to be in the right place at the right time. And at the end of the day, he'll put money over the art of pro wrestling.

I think Triple H has changed. NXT has good matches. Are the stories good? Not really.

I hears an interesting podcast with Vince Russo. He said he thinks the WWE is for kids. We sit here and anylize it but its not for us, its a children's show. I'm starting to see it like that too now. Question is, will they grow as the children grow or will it always be targeted towards children? For the past six years, not much has really changed.
Dunno if anyone talked about this but the New day guys debut tomorrow. Tomorrow is Black Friday. Coincidence? I don't know but WWE would do some petty **** like that.
Just finished listening to the whole Podcast...I don't think anything he outlined regarding the WWE, Vince, Trips, whatever is anything that hasn't been known for what seems like forever now...It's well known that this is how they roll...Promise you the world and call you family then send somebody out to intentionally injure you...Follow that up with sending you a termination letter on your wedding day and it's a standard work day for the WWE...Honestly not surprised at all...

The "doc" = complete douche...

The whole thing just kind of reminded me of Vince and Bret Hart for some reason...
With any kind of luck we'll get to hear the WWE side of things in short order...

I'm sure the "Self Destruction of CM PUNK" Documentary was ordered to start production this morning...
His terrible performance really makes sense with him explaining the situation after his return at Payback.

I kinda wish it wasn't Colt interviewing him so that some good questions could of been asked, he said he was going to play Devils Advocate, but when he starts asking something.. its like he doesn't want to offend his friend (which makes sense) and backs off it or asks it in a way he can pull the answer Punk's direction.

Regardless, glad we got some closure. My favorite Superstar of the past 10 years. :pimp:

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

The only question that even remotely bordered on legit was when he asked Punk if thought he (Punk) may have given his co-workers and the higher ups the felling that he (Punk) was hard to work with due to his attitude...Even that question got swept under the rug though...
Wonder if those comparisons with Steve Austin leaving in 02 finally end. He was fired . He didn't take his ball and go home.
Wonder if those comparisons with Steve Austin leaving in 02 finally end. He was fired . He didn't take his ball and go home.

Yeah he eventually got fired in JUNE dude left at the RAW right after the Rumble so he did take his ball and leave and he finally got canned several months down the road.
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