Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

I don't get as angry as you guys about not having a match at the beginning. Under the current storyline, the table needs to be set. Maybe it doesn't have to take 20 mins, but I feel like it has to be done...
I don't get as angry as you guys about not having a match at the beginning. Under the current storyline, the table needs to be set. Maybe it doesn't have to take 20 mins, but I feel like it has to be done...

I think they should change it up every now and then... a 20 minute segment almost every Raw is OD
cena so terrible man ,hate to wish injuries.but...

tag match should be ok ,n saved by rollins harper and dolph 

new day bout to be new tag champs **** it im fit for that 
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