Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

Not gonna lie, AJ been looking ugly lately. Or maybe because she's been next to Nikki a lot.

Crazy thing is, I said the same thing about Paige when she was next to AJ 
Didn't Naomi tap out to AJ two Smackdowns in a right like a month ago :lol: :x ? i mean, I know the WWE believes their fans have short term memory, but good lord

BrRrRrREEEEE MoOoOoOoODE!!!! :x :x :x
so what are the chances of us hearing the glass shatter? cause thats the only thing thats gonna save this train wreck
Not gonna lie, AJ been looking ugly lately. Or maybe because she's been next to Nikki a lot.

Crazy thing is, I said the same thing about Paige when she was next to AJ :lol:

So basically you're saying Ziggler >> Nikki > AJ > Paige looks and sex appeal wise?
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