Wrestling Thread Oct 10-16 | 10/16 TNA Bound for Glory - Angle vs Roode, Sting vs Hogan

And let's just remember... we're still waiting to find out who the Anonymous Raw GM is.

Think we'll ever get a payoff on that? I doubt it.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by toine2983

Interesting way to end Raw.

I guess Punk, Orton and Cena got a reprieve from the vote of confidence.

It just really, really bugs me that they weren't out there.
Cena will probably be out next Monday to try and "rally the troops" and get everyone back to work because this is the business he loves so much and would give anything to be apart of.  He does it for the WWE Universe, and everyone else should to.

I can definitely see this happening. Maybe even tomorrow night, with Orton or Cena.
Originally Posted by The Bad Guy

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

And as for JR leaving alone?  Why?  Because it allowed Vince to get his rocks off by having the crowd boo JR.  Vince will probably argue that since JR was booed, fans don't want him on commentary anymore and it will be all Cole all the time.
nahhhhhh i think its this here:

Originally Posted by PrinceLaney

JR has been the voice of the WWE for 15+ years, and if they have him walk out it lets Trips know that this is for real and they all are taking a "stand"
jr is respected so if he's leaving too then you know it's not just the whiners and babies like hhh was making it out to be.

I can see that.
Imagine if a spotlight went over the Anonymous GM with the robot voice and said, "I'm still with you, Paul."
I'd legit weep.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

And let's just remember... we're still waiting to find out who the Anonymous Raw GM is.

Think we'll ever get a payoff on that? I doubt it.

Linda will get elected to public office, Ric Flair will retire, John Cena will wear something besides jorts, and Big jugg shawty will be relavent before we evvvvveeeerrr find out who that GM is..
I agree, if you keep cena, orton, and punk backstage then you should have Henry back there too..Kinda makes him look less meaningful than the others..
Especially since King was out there, you can't have your next level monster nodding in agreement with Boss Barrett or giving emotional support to Regal as he looks back at H leaving.
UPDATED NTSeries Teams


1. VeintiSiete (Captain)
2. YardFather


1. 4Wrestling (Captain)

both teams must be fillled out by halloween at 11: 55 PM ET
Originally Posted by casekicks

I agree, if you keep cena, orton, and punk backstage then you should have Henry back there too..Kinda makes him look less meaningful than the others..

ADR shouldn't have been out there as well.
The Monday Night Football game had my full attention. . So I didn't watch raw.. the encore is on and I was going to watch it but my friends text me sayings don't bother watching raw WWE is going on strike..

4w, you won't even have to ask. You want the most must see NTWE superstar in history to be your ace in the hole at NT Survivor Series. It's time for those B show goons to get put in their place. These glorified jobbers and over the hill veterans need to open their eyes and see that there's a reason their shows are taped and our shows are live.

4w, I will gladly take answer your request for a co captain to team NTRaw. And as Co-Captain,I will assure you a swift and dominating victory for the guys in red.

Because I'm theDEEK.... and I'm..... AWEEESSSSOMEEEE.

PS. - If you're looking for a sure win, don't even bother letting that Sacktown loser Mister916 near this PPV.
Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by casekicks

I agree, if you keep cena, orton, and punk backstage then you should have Henry back there too..Kinda makes him look less meaningful than the others..

ADR shouldn't have been out there as well.
I saw nothing wrong with Del Rio being out there. It fits his characher
Originally Posted by Agthekid

Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by casekicks

I agree, if you keep cena, orton, and punk backstage then you should have Henry back there too..Kinda makes him look less meaningful than the others..

ADR shouldn't have been out there as well.
I saw nothing wrong with Del Rio being out there. It fits his characher

You're right. I completely forgot ADR was one of the main ones complaining about Triple H.
wow raw was interesting........

and me as a Technico and not a Rudo????

and im pretty sure it took DEEK 3 hours to come up with that D+ promo
Originally Posted by theDEEK

I'm pretty sure 3 hours was the total lifespan of the L4H.
well in that short lifespan it did a bigger impact than your NTWWE career. I suggest you take the same advice i gave Hymen you see he  tried to call me out and after I put him in his place and gave him a warning he went from calling out the big dogs to feuding with fcwNTers. So a little advice DEEK just lay low keep going to promo school and go back to your old avy  and maybe you wont be released after or before your two year contract expires.  
Originally Posted by In The Line For VIIs

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by VC3FAN

It was the b faces and all of the heels.

which pretty much tells you whats gonna happen next....
Team Triple H top faces - HHH, Cena, Punk, Orton, Rocky vs. Heels.

yup... heels aka team mcmahon or team laurinautis
Originally Posted by 3dgarfly23

Originally Posted by theDEEK

I'm pretty sure 3 hours was the total lifespan of the L4H.
well in that short lifespan it did a bigger impact than your NTWWE career.


Bigger impact than my NTWE career? Let's compare the two. I am the man who threw out a gauntlet of the greatest superstars (and Chino) that this thread had to offer in an over the top battle royal at the grandest stage of them all, NTMania. I won that match and became the #1 contender for a US or IC title opportunity that I never had due to backstage conspiracies and 'champions' that didn't have the balls to fight me. I was also one half of the greatest tag team duo you have ever seen in your life, the DeekHouse. We made an example of the champions and became #1 contenders for the titles. Once again, thanks to scared title holders and backstage conspiracies, we never got that title shot.

You on the other hand, I don't seem to remember you winning any matches. You started what could have been the greatest career any one has ever seen, but you blow it and botched an elbow drop. Losing to the menstrual fonted maniac himself, Im That One. After fading into obscurity, you make a return with 3 other scrubs in the most horribly executed invasion angle since ISS. Botch after botch after botch after botch.

You see, the difference between you and me is, I've been held back because of conspiracies and the sheer fear of my inevitable success in this thread and you've been held back because of the simple lack of any talent within yourself.

Now here we are. You think after all that you haven't done, you and your show full of D-grade CM Punk wannabes are the big dogs here? Ever since your inception it's been NTDown taking shots at NTRaw telling us and the whole NT Galaxy that your group of bottom feeding misfits don't even have the quality within your show to feud with your own selves. You guys have no choice but to go after me and the NTraw boys because we are the top sellers. We are the merchandise movers. This year JNSQ sold more profit in codpieces alone than the total ticket sales for NTdown shows ever. We are the flagship show. And the only way you think you can make a name for yourselves is by involving yourself with the guys who have already done that.

You should be praising Method Man himself that I felt the need to put one of you scrubs back into place. Usually, I don't address anyone associated with NTdown or CM Punk gifs like you, Peep_game, brasilian, and whoever the hell is on the new age JOB Squad, but this is the exception. Don't let me find you uttering the name of NTRaw again or NTSurivorSeries is where I finally put you away with the rest of your legacy of high hopes and dreams and laughable executions.

You better relish in this response because this is as close to awesome as you're ever going to get.
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