Wrestling Thread Oct 10-16 | 10/16 TNA Bound for Glory - Angle vs Roode, Sting vs Hogan

Release that scrub Mister916, dude's been MIA ever since I put him and his sorry excuse of a city in it's place.

Originally Posted by toine2983

Not every Superstar, however, harbors such grievances. As was stated by Triple H in a WWE.com Exclusive, Superstars John Cena, CM Punk, Randy Orton, Sheamus and Big Show will headline Monday's Raw Supershow. How will their fellow Superstars react when these men attempt to enter the arena? To find out, check back with WWE.com for full coverage.

So is it implied that all these superstars are backing Triple H?

If so I guess Punk conveniently forgot that he was going at Triple H for months calling for "change".

Exactly it's like they actually think people believe that people like Jerry Lawler and the refs who up until HIAC got the crap kicked outta them by superstars now are tired of being pushed around. Why is beth phoenix talking about fearing for her safety she and Natty thick thighs have been beating up the divas without looking out for their safety but now they are. 
They needed to have a top star out there and walk out on HHH who cares if they got booed. It be great if it was Orton who was the top guy who walked out. Maybe some top guy will eventually do that. What's boss barrett done lately other than getting punked and bent over like he the on screen version of melina. It just makes no sense...
Is GHIMS on NTRaw or NTSD? Or is he the COO? I like to keep up with this NTWT thing even though I'm not involved.
im on NTRaw

Deek, no way Mister916 gets released.

hes a top official and a member of the creative team
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Is GHIMS on NTRaw or NTSD? Or is he the COO? I like to keep up with this NTWT thing even though I'm not involved.

He's the man of 1004 nut shots.
He's the head of talent relations.
He's the head booker.

And he has a HHH sized ego for putting himself right above the poster boy of the NTWE in the power rankings.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Big WWE 12 News - Special Legends Character
Former WWE and UFC champion Brock Lesnar will be announced as a "Legend" for the WWE '12 videogame this week by THQ. As we noted several months back in the PWInsider Elite section, UFC approved Lesnar's inclusion in the game, as long as he was presented as Lesnar the wrestler and not Lesnar the MMA fighter. 

The belief among those we spoke to when we first broke the news was that Paul Heyman, who's Looking for Larry Productions works closely with THQ, was involved in packaging the deal to bring Lesnar over to his first WWE-related licensing since he departed the company in 2004.
Last time Brock Lesnar was in a WWE game was this one..

I was a pretty big Lesnar fan when he was just a dominating powerhouse who let Paul Heyman speak for him.

This debut was

And then he dropped Heyman and turned face. Then into typical whining heel.
I think Sheamus is going to build enough momentum going into 2012 that he may end up winning the Rumble.

Im calling it now, fellas.

Spoiler [+]
I'm in a relatively good mood so tomorrow night there will be not 1 but 2 new picks for Team Blue tomorrow.
I think the one of the picks will leave the roster a little hyper.

Stay tuned. 
EDIT: yes, i was a huge Lesnar fan immediately. Excellent debut and build up of the character and probably one of the best talents to come around ever.

I wonder how Cena's popularity would have been effected had Lesnar never left.

at that point, Brock was definitely the WWE's golden boy at 25 years old and was someone that they coul'dve built the company around.

Only for Cena to start hitting it big right around the time Lesnar left, thus getting the nod.
I ain't going nowhere, Deek.

You just want me gone cause you know what I'm gonna do to you after the last time I confronted you.

You're running your mouth all over NTWT and I'm gonna do all of us a favor and shut you up.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

was anyone here a big lesnar fan?

he was ehhh

I was a kid when he was at his apex so I can't quite remember

Here comes the pain was 
One of the best WWE/F games ever

The way he got into the ring was 

The only thing that comes to mind on his career were:

The Big Show Suplex

Him throwing Zach Gowen down the stairs

Him beating the rock at SS
Originally Posted by Mister916

I ain't going nowhere, Deek.

You just want me gone cause you know what I'm gonna do to you after the last time I confronted you.

You're running your mouth all over NTWT and I'm gonna do all of us a favor and shut you up.

Finally, it's nice to know you're still here and reaching for my star now that it's rising faster than anyone in this business.

But you aren't reaching far enough
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

I think Sheamus is going to build enough momentum going into 2012 that he may end up winning the Rumble.

I hope you're wrong about this, because if my boy Ziggler doesn't win that rumble, there is gonna be problems.
Originally Posted by theDEEK

Originally Posted by Mister916

I ain't going nowhere, Deek.

You just want me gone cause you know what I'm gonna do to you after the last time I confronted you.

You're running your mouth all over NTWT and I'm gonna do all of us a favor and shut you up.

Finally, it's nice to know you're still here and reaching for my star now that it's rising faster than anyone in this business.

But you aren't reaching far enough
Look who's talking.

I'm reigning NTWT Intercontinental Champion, and you're... starting feuds with anyone who posts.

It's OK though, keep it coming. It's nice to have jobbers who can talk for a change.
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

[DFly, NTWT's Sexual Chocolate, stands next to JNSQ nodding agreeingly]

[DFly continues to nod agreeingly]
Now I'm like a big Sin Cara Azul/Booker T hybrid now.
You're also the agreeable Mark Henry to my Boss Barrett rant.

Some choice tweets from NTWT Superstars and toine:



GHHHIMS wants people to step up, we want him to step down #GHHHIMSout
35 minutes ago



Vote of no confidence, boycott tomorrow's thread
1 hour ago


@NTWTElCubanoDel510 CubanoDiva
All us DIVAS!!! agree, down with ghims
3 hours ago


@NTWTtoine2983 Koko B Toine
i refuse to pick up my camera or bags until ghims is out
7 hours ago

@NTWTtoine2983 Koko B Toine
i refuse to pick up my camera or bags until ghims is out
7 hours ago


I too was a huge fan of Lesnar in his WWE days. He was one of the few big win who could actually wrestle.

I remember how over he was at Summerfest when he won his 1st championship from The Rock.
boycott all u want, i wont be stepping down.

however, i will be de-pushing ppl if they dont get back to work.
Originally Posted by theDEEK

I was gonna shoot on Brasilianmami for that influx of Kaitlyn pictures, but he redeemed himself in the form of Layla.



you couldn't shoot an interview if Paul Heyman wrote your script.

you couldn't shoot a gun if Brian Pillman put it in your hand and pointed it at Steve Austin.

you couldn't shoot a syringe of heroine if Meth Hardy was holding it for you.

don't embarrass yourself.

i'll be "celebrating"
Spoiler [+]
my 23rd b-day tomorrow, so i won't be here for RAW tomorrow night.

i will be making my way back to the ring by wednesday. 

there's a microphone with my name on it. 
i dunno why JNSQ is starting a revolt.

is being ranked 3rd some sort of disrespect?
GotHolesInMySocks, wearing an ill fitting suit, pacing in his office:
i dunno why JNSQ is starting a revolt.

is being ranked 3rd some sort of disrespect?
[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)][handsomely replies via satellite][/color]

gHHHims, I'm not "starting a revolt" because I'm ranked 3rd.
I wouldn't start a revolt if my rank was 27.
Let's face it, disrespect towards me isn't my concern considering the whole locker room has seen me crawling ringside, looking for my left testicle at the grandest thread of the year. After that humiliation, nothing could faze me.

I am voicing my displeasure at the fact that you, a person with such low talent and such high ambition in this pretend business, rank yourself among us.
Now I'm sure you're putting in the same amount of imagination as the rest of us, but it's not enough to give yourself the 7th spot, far from it.
Also...a tweener? No Miz/Deek, but really? Really? You use lowblows, which I'm intimately aware of, so that's heelish, yet you're not popular...at all.
You couldn't get over with a ladder.

No Punk/3dgar, put I speak for the voiceless. Not because they can't speak, but because you don't listen.
I speak for all the boys up in the rafters, the 2 or 3 walking around in the back, and toine holding this camera.

[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)][toine nods camera][/color]

They've lost confidence in you a long time ago.
There will be dire consequences in tomorrow's thread.

[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)][toine pans away and focuses on DFly rubbing cocoa butter on his shoulder, fades to black][/color]
No confidence, GotHHHoles. Sorry.

I'll be joining JNSQ tomorrow in addressing not only NTRaw and NTDown but the NTWT Galaxy as well.

Til then can someone tell Dfly to grab my bags? Tell him I'll give him more AJ pictures tomorrow.
u want me to step down?

fine.......heres your chance to see that happen

u tell 4w u are off the NTSeries team and u face me 1 on 1 in a steel cage match at NTSeries.

if i lose, no complains, no *****ing, no cryin, i will step down.

if u lose, you are my lackey for 1 year.

that means u get my coffee, my dry cleaning and if i tell u to interfere in my matches or anyone elses, u have to do it.

will u accept?
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