Wrestling Thread Oct 10-16 | 10/16 TNA Bound for Glory - Angle vs Roode, Sting vs Hogan

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by illmatic34

Do we even have the main event for Vengeance?
del rio vs cena for the title 
PPV main events are just afterthoughts to these captivating Raw angles.
i'm going to hell for laughing at them showing that commercial involving bells and cerebral palsy after they fire JR on Raw...
One of these days the heel team in these multiple man tag matches will win.

God this Cena movie looks horrible.
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1. VeintiSiete (captain)
2. YardFather
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1. 4Wrestling (captain)
2. JNSQ (no testicles included)
Where does this Cena vs Del Rio match at Vengeance leave CM Punk at?
N !## at JR getting fired AGAIN.
Sumone kill Michael Cole already
Ive hated him since like 01 smh
Well at least Miz n R Truth are back now but dat entrance song remix dat they got or wutever it is jus corny lol
Johnny Ace makes for a good heel gm
Cm Punk & HHH vs Awesome Truth at Vengeance? It looks like it

EDIT: Well dat aint take long to book lol n co sign wit illmatic
Idk wut to think of da WWE nowadays lol
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

I'm going with Punk and Trips vs. Awesome Truth at Vengeance. 
Do you have the lotto numbers for tomorrow too?

HHH teaming up with Punk, the WWE really must not care about the product keeping up with itself.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why?............ head slam against the desk.
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