Wrestling Thread Oct 10-16 | 10/16 TNA Bound for Glory - Angle vs Roode, Sting vs Hogan

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I am really, really looking forward to this match, just to see how they pull it off.

Same here it will be interesting no matter how they have it laid out considering how beat up hogan looks and says he is...
Hogan getting the total babyface reaction. Sting even getting booed now.

Six minute in, and Hogan has yet to take a bump.

Fighting on the outside. Flair attacking Sting. Hogan hits a low blow. Used a weapon to bust Sting open. Back in the ring now.
Now the spike has been used on Hogan and he's busted.

Hogan looks like a damn fool with the red knee pads on the outside of his jeans.
Sting locked on the weakest Scorpion Deathlock of all time. Hogan tapped, but Jackson James didn't want to call for the bell, but after Hogan repeatedly tapped, James eventually called for the bell.

Sting wins and Dixie is back in control.
Flair jumped Sting after the match.

Immortal is out. Bully, Gunner, Steiner and Bischoff all beating on Sting. Taking turns with a steel chair. Bischoff gets the chair, but his son takes it away from him, so Bischoff takes his son out.

Sting crawls toward Hogan begging him for help. Immortal pulls Sting away. Hogan Hulks up in the corner. He takes out each member of Immortal. Sting and Hogan work together to beat down all of Immortal and then lay Bischoff out.

I really enjoyed this. Very nostalgic and a feel good segment with two legends.
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