Wrestling Thread Oct 20 - Nov 2 | 10/27 Raw - Rollins Defeats Ambrose in HiaC w/ Help of Bray Wyatt

First match up:

BDB vs. D Fly

BDB vs. DragonFly (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Gizmo The Cat - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 220 pounds, from Da Heightz, BDB!!! (crowd boos ****)

[BDB comes to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - and his opponent, weighing in at 232 pounds, from Philadelphia, DragonFly!!!

[DragonFly walks to the ring. Teddy Long is the referee for this contest. Teddy Long checks BDB's boots and knee pads.
DragonFly places BDB on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex.
(ding, ding, ding) A side kick by BDB turns the match around by knocking DragonFly to the mat.
BDB is up again.
DragonFly delivers a kick to the head of BDB.
BDB gets hit with the shooting star press from DragonFly.
Referee Teddy Long makes the count.
BDB escapes.

Suniversal - Not even close!

[BDB gets back to his feet.
DragonFly double underhook faceslams BDB hard to the BDB.
DragonFly puts BDB in an arm grapevine submission.
BDB gets hit with the shooting star press from DragonFly.
Teddy Long counts the pin.
BDB kicks out.

Gizmo The Cat - Not even close!

[BDB moves back to his feet.
DragonFly gets thrown into the turnbuckle. BDB comes at him and drills him with the splash.
BDB sucks chants start in the crowd.
BDB drags DragonFly to the floor.

Gizmo The Cat - DragonFly is much safer at ringside. BDB can't get a pin there.

[Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
Now DragonFly standing.
DragonFly delivers a spinning backbreak to BDB.
BDB is back on his feet.
BDB kicks DragonFly's head out of desperation because DragonFly blocked BDB's first kick.

Suniversal - DragonFly takes a enzuigiri.

[BDB gets up.
BDB hits DragonFly with an elbowdrop.
BDB climbs to his feet.
BDB takes DragonFly into the ring.
BDB hits DragonFly with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
BDB climbs to his feet.
DragonFly puts BDB on the top rope and executes a superplex.
BDB trys for a splash but DragonFly avoids it.
BDB drags DragonFly to the floor.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
BDB swings a Steel chair and hits DragonFly.
DragonFly is bleeding as a result.
BDB executes the twisting moonsault on to DragonFly.
BDB climbs to his feet.
DragonFly does a cartwheel and kicks BDB in the face.
BDB moves back to his feet.
DragonFly takes BDB off his feet with a short-arm clothesline
BDB climbs to his feet.
BDB takes DragonFly into the ring.
BDB hits a jumping elbow hrust on DragonFly.

had pants - BDB executes a jumping elbow thrust.

[DragonFly is driven further into the mat by BDB with a diving elbow smash.
Now BDB standing.
DragonFly gouges BDB's eyes out.
BDB get nailed with a double axhandle chop from DragonFly.
DragonFly hits BDB with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
DragonFly is up again.
Now BDB standing.
BDB jumps from the top rope and hits DragonFly with a flying armdrag.
BDB stands up.
DragonFly gets up.
DragonFly holds his head after recieving an earringer from BDB.
DragonFly bites BDB's arm out of desparation.

had pants - BDB takes a arm bite.

[BDB jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on DragonFly.
BDB climbs to his feet.
DragonFly is driven further into the mat by BDB with a diving elbow smash.
BDB moves back to his feet.
DragonFly gets back to his feet.
DragonFly pokes BDB in the eye with his thumb.

Suniversal - BDB takes a thumb to the eye.

[DragonFly gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
BDB gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on DragonFly.
BDB executes a ropeflip hiptoss on DragonFly.
DragonFly moves back to his feet.
Out of desperation, BDB dives from the second turnbuckle, shoulder blocking DragonFly.
BDB moves back to his feet.
BDB hits DragonFly with an elbowdrop.
BDB stands up.
BDB hits DragonFly with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
BDB covers DragonFly.
Teddy Long counts.
DragonFly escapes.
DragonFly gets up.
DragonFly goes for a backdrop driver but BDB dodges the attack.
DragonFly nails BDB with a belly-to-back suplex.
DragonFly climbs to his feet.
DragonFly kicks BDB on the mat.
BDB stands up.
BDB elbow smashes DragonFly in the nose.
BDB goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps DragonFly.
BDB gets back to his feet.
BDB covers DragonFly.
Teddy Long counts the pin.
DragonFly escapes.

Gizmo The Cat - BDB should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[DragonFly is back on his feet.
DragonFly grabs BDB by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
DragonFly uses a running lariat to take BDB down.
DragonFly drags BDB to the floor.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)

Suniversal - ringside is covered with blood from these fighters.

[BDB moves back to his feet.
Flying somersault drop kick by BDB puts him back in the match.
Now BDB standing.
BDB gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by DragonFly.
DragonFly bends over as BDB elbows him in the midsection.
They fight into the aisle.
BDB and DragonFly move back to ringside.
BDB and DragonFly move back into the ring.
BDB hits a flying karate chop right to DragonFly's neck.

had pants - BDB executes a flying karate chop.

[A flying shoulder block send DragonFly to the mat.
BDB stands up.
DragonFly with a gut-wrench suplex on BDB.

had pants - That gut-wrench suplex was very good.

[DragonFly stands up.
DragonFly executes a leg hammerlock on BDB.
Teddy Long is checking for a tap out.
... DragonFly tightens the hold. ... BDB trys to escape. ... DragonFly tightens the hold. DragonFly breaks the hold.
DragonFly sends BDB to ringside.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)

had pants - What an outstanding match!

DragonFly measures BDB up and drops a closed fist.
BDB climbs to his feet.
BDB goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps DragonFly.
BDB moves back to his feet.
BDB kicks DragonFly's head out of desperation because DragonFly blocked BDB's first kick.
BDB stands up.
BDB takes DragonFly into the ring.
DragonFly is driven further into the mat by BDB with a diving elbow smash.
BDB stands up.
BDB hits DragonFly with an elbowdrop.
Now DragonFly standing.
BDB hits DragonFly with the Asia moonsault bodyblock.
Now BDB standing.
BDB drags DragonFly to the floor.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
DragonFly comes from behind and bulldogs BDB.
DragonFly moves back to his feet.
BDB gets hit with a diving elbow smash from DragonFly.
DragonFly executes a corkscrew legdrop on BDB.
DragonFly gets back to his feet.
DragonFly and BDB move back into the ring.
DragonFly rolls onto BDB connecting with a knee.
BDB gets up.
BDB sends DragonFly into Teddy Long he goes down.
DragonFly gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
BDB sucks chants start in the crowd.
BDB dives off the top rope with a somersault bodyblock, taking the wind out of DragonFly.
BDB is back on his feet.
EdgarFly comes to the ring.
22Styles runs to the ring.
22Styles suplexes BDB.
22Styles grabs BDB's arm, drops down, and has him in an arm grapevine.
22Styles chants start.
BDB stands up.
EdgarFly suplexes BDB.
EdgarFly sucks chants start in the crowd.
BDB stands up.
EdgarFly on the turnbuckleBDB rising from the mat,EdgarFly leaps from the top rope with a bodypress.
EdgarFly gets up.
Now BDB standing.
Ordered is restored.
Teddy Long gets up.
DragonFly sends BDB to ringside.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
DragonFly sets BDB up DDTs him into the floor.
BDB gets up.
DragonFly kicks BDB in the stomach.
BDB is up again.
DragonFly slaps BDB.
DragonFly hits BDB with a single arm DDT.
DragonFly gets back to his feet.
DragonFly with a falling splash on BDB.
Now BDB standing.
DragonFly nails the bridging back suplex on BDB.
DragonFly gets up.
DragonFly body slams BDB.
DragonFly applies an arm wrench to BDB.
DragonFly hits BDB with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
DragonFly stands up.
DragonFly climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on BDB.
DragonFly climbs to his feet.
DragonFly places BDB on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex.
DragonFly is back on his feet.
DragonFly knees BDB and rolls back to his feet.

Suniversal - They better get back to the ring!

[DragonFly puts BDB in an arm grapevine submission.
BDB is back on his feet.
DragonFly spinning mule kicks BDB.
BDB climbs to his feet.
DragonFly hits BDB with the double arm DDT into the floor.
DragonFly dives head first into BDB.
DragonFly climbs to his feet.
DragonFly goes to the ring. (.........9)BDB moves toward (...........10).

Gizmo The Cat - DragonFly has won the match!

Gizmo The Cat - The winner of this match, DragonFly!!!


Guess you couldn't adapt.
I'm done for an hour or so..Gotta finish the Rock's version of Hercules before the wife goes to bed..
First match up:

BDB vs. D Fly

BDB vs. DragonFly (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Gizmo The Cat - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 220 pounds, from Da Heightz, BDB!!! (crowd boos ****)

[BDB comes to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - and his opponent, weighing in at 232 pounds, from Philadelphia, DragonFly!!!

[DragonFly walks to the ring. Teddy Long is the referee for this contest. Teddy Long checks BDB's boots and knee pads.
DragonFly places BDB on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex.
(ding, ding, ding) A side kick by BDB turns the match around by knocking DragonFly to the mat.
BDB is up again.
DragonFly delivers a kick to the head of BDB.
BDB gets hit with the shooting star press from DragonFly.
Referee Teddy Long makes the count.
BDB escapes.

Suniversal - Not even close!

[BDB gets back to his feet.
DragonFly double underhook faceslams BDB hard to the BDB.
DragonFly puts BDB in an arm grapevine submission.
BDB gets hit with the shooting star press from DragonFly.
Teddy Long counts the pin.
BDB kicks out.

Gizmo The Cat - Not even close!

[BDB moves back to his feet.
DragonFly gets thrown into the turnbuckle. BDB comes at him and drills him with the splash.
BDB sucks chants start in the crowd.
BDB drags DragonFly to the floor.

Gizmo The Cat - DragonFly is much safer at ringside. BDB can't get a pin there.

[Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
Now DragonFly standing.
DragonFly delivers a spinning backbreak to BDB.
BDB is back on his feet.
BDB kicks DragonFly's head out of desperation because DragonFly blocked BDB's first kick.

Suniversal - DragonFly takes a enzuigiri.

[BDB gets up.
BDB hits DragonFly with an elbowdrop.
BDB climbs to his feet.
BDB takes DragonFly into the ring.
BDB hits DragonFly with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
BDB climbs to his feet.
DragonFly puts BDB on the top rope and executes a superplex.
BDB trys for a splash but DragonFly avoids it.
BDB drags DragonFly to the floor.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
BDB swings a Steel chair and hits DragonFly.
DragonFly is bleeding as a result.
BDB executes the twisting moonsault on to DragonFly.
BDB climbs to his feet.
DragonFly does a cartwheel and kicks BDB in the face.
BDB moves back to his feet.
DragonFly takes BDB off his feet with a short-arm clothesline
BDB climbs to his feet.
BDB takes DragonFly into the ring.
BDB hits a jumping elbow hrust on DragonFly.

had pants - BDB executes a jumping elbow thrust.

[DragonFly is driven further into the mat by BDB with a diving elbow smash.
Now BDB standing.
DragonFly gouges BDB's eyes out.
BDB get nailed with a double axhandle chop from DragonFly.
DragonFly hits BDB with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
DragonFly is up again.
Now BDB standing.
BDB jumps from the top rope and hits DragonFly with a flying armdrag.
BDB stands up.
DragonFly gets up.
DragonFly holds his head after recieving an earringer from BDB.
DragonFly bites BDB's arm out of desparation.

had pants - BDB takes a arm bite.

[BDB jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on DragonFly.
BDB climbs to his feet.
DragonFly is driven further into the mat by BDB with a diving elbow smash.
BDB moves back to his feet.
DragonFly gets back to his feet.
DragonFly pokes BDB in the eye with his thumb.

Suniversal - BDB takes a thumb to the eye.

[DragonFly gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
BDB gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on DragonFly.
BDB executes a ropeflip hiptoss on DragonFly.
DragonFly moves back to his feet.
Out of desperation, BDB dives from the second turnbuckle, shoulder blocking DragonFly.
BDB moves back to his feet.
BDB hits DragonFly with an elbowdrop.
BDB stands up.
BDB hits DragonFly with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
BDB covers DragonFly.
Teddy Long counts.
DragonFly escapes.
DragonFly gets up.
DragonFly goes for a backdrop driver but BDB dodges the attack.
DragonFly nails BDB with a belly-to-back suplex.
DragonFly climbs to his feet.
DragonFly kicks BDB on the mat.
BDB stands up.
BDB elbow smashes DragonFly in the nose.
BDB goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps DragonFly.
BDB gets back to his feet.
BDB covers DragonFly.
Teddy Long counts the pin.
DragonFly escapes.

Gizmo The Cat - BDB should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[DragonFly is back on his feet.
DragonFly grabs BDB by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
DragonFly uses a running lariat to take BDB down.
DragonFly drags BDB to the floor.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)

Suniversal - ringside is covered with blood from these fighters.

[BDB moves back to his feet.
Flying somersault drop kick by BDB puts him back in the match.
Now BDB standing.
BDB gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by DragonFly.
DragonFly bends over as BDB elbows him in the midsection.
They fight into the aisle.
BDB and DragonFly move back to ringside.
BDB and DragonFly move back into the ring.
BDB hits a flying karate chop right to DragonFly's neck.

had pants - BDB executes a flying karate chop.

[A flying shoulder block send DragonFly to the mat.
BDB stands up.
DragonFly with a gut-wrench suplex on BDB.

had pants - That gut-wrench suplex was very good.

[DragonFly stands up.
DragonFly executes a leg hammerlock on BDB.
Teddy Long is checking for a tap out.
... DragonFly tightens the hold. ... BDB trys to escape. ... DragonFly tightens the hold. DragonFly breaks the hold.
DragonFly sends BDB to ringside.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)

had pants - What an outstanding match!

DragonFly measures BDB up and drops a closed fist.
BDB climbs to his feet.
BDB goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps DragonFly.
BDB moves back to his feet.
BDB kicks DragonFly's head out of desperation because DragonFly blocked BDB's first kick.
BDB stands up.
BDB takes DragonFly into the ring.
DragonFly is driven further into the mat by BDB with a diving elbow smash.
BDB stands up.
BDB hits DragonFly with an elbowdrop.
Now DragonFly standing.
BDB hits DragonFly with the Asia moonsault bodyblock.
Now BDB standing.
BDB drags DragonFly to the floor.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
DragonFly comes from behind and bulldogs BDB.
DragonFly moves back to his feet.
BDB gets hit with a diving elbow smash from DragonFly.
DragonFly executes a corkscrew legdrop on BDB.
DragonFly gets back to his feet.
DragonFly and BDB move back into the ring.
DragonFly rolls onto BDB connecting with a knee.
BDB gets up.
BDB sends DragonFly into Teddy Long he goes down.
DragonFly gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
BDB sucks chants start in the crowd.
BDB dives off the top rope with a somersault bodyblock, taking the wind out of DragonFly.
BDB is back on his feet.
EdgarFly comes to the ring.
22Styles runs to the ring.
22Styles suplexes BDB.
22Styles grabs BDB's arm, drops down, and has him in an arm grapevine.
22Styles chants start.
BDB stands up.
EdgarFly suplexes BDB.
EdgarFly sucks chants start in the crowd.
BDB stands up.
EdgarFly on the turnbuckleBDB rising from the mat,EdgarFly leaps from the top rope with a bodypress.
EdgarFly gets up.
Now BDB standing.
Ordered is restored.
Teddy Long gets up.
DragonFly sends BDB to ringside.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
DragonFly sets BDB up DDTs him into the floor.
BDB gets up.
DragonFly kicks BDB in the stomach.
BDB is up again.
DragonFly slaps BDB.
DragonFly hits BDB with a single arm DDT.
DragonFly gets back to his feet.
DragonFly with a falling splash on BDB.
Now BDB standing.
DragonFly nails the bridging back suplex on BDB.
DragonFly gets up.
DragonFly body slams BDB.
DragonFly applies an arm wrench to BDB.
DragonFly hits BDB with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
DragonFly stands up.
DragonFly climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on BDB.
DragonFly climbs to his feet.
DragonFly places BDB on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex.
DragonFly is back on his feet.
DragonFly knees BDB and rolls back to his feet.

Suniversal - They better get back to the ring!

[DragonFly puts BDB in an arm grapevine submission.
BDB is back on his feet.
DragonFly spinning mule kicks BDB.
BDB climbs to his feet.
DragonFly hits BDB with the double arm DDT into the floor.
DragonFly dives head first into BDB.
DragonFly climbs to his feet.
DragonFly goes to the ring. (.........9)BDB moves toward (...........10).

Gizmo The Cat - DragonFly has won the match!

Gizmo The Cat - The winner of this match, DragonFly!!!


Guess you couldn't adapt.

I want a no dq street fight!
First match up:

BDB vs. D Fly

BDB vs. DragonFly (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Gizmo The Cat - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 220 pounds, from Da Heightz, BDB!!! (crowd boos ****)

[BDB comes to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - and his opponent, weighing in at 232 pounds, from Philadelphia, DragonFly!!!

[DragonFly walks to the ring. Teddy Long is the referee for this contest. Teddy Long checks BDB's boots and knee pads.
DragonFly places BDB on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex.
(ding, ding, ding) A side kick by BDB turns the match around by knocking DragonFly to the mat.
BDB is up again.
DragonFly delivers a kick to the head of BDB.
BDB gets hit with the shooting star press from DragonFly.
Referee Teddy Long makes the count.
BDB escapes.

Suniversal - Not even close!

[BDB gets back to his feet.
DragonFly double underhook faceslams BDB hard to the BDB.
DragonFly puts BDB in an arm grapevine submission.
BDB gets hit with the shooting star press from DragonFly.
Teddy Long counts the pin.
BDB kicks out.

Gizmo The Cat - Not even close!

[BDB moves back to his feet.
DragonFly gets thrown into the turnbuckle. BDB comes at him and drills him with the splash.
BDB sucks chants start in the crowd.
BDB drags DragonFly to the floor.

Gizmo The Cat - DragonFly is much safer at ringside. BDB can't get a pin there.

[Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
Now DragonFly standing.
DragonFly delivers a spinning backbreak to BDB.
BDB is back on his feet.
BDB kicks DragonFly's head out of desperation because DragonFly blocked BDB's first kick.

Suniversal - DragonFly takes a enzuigiri.

[BDB gets up.
BDB hits DragonFly with an elbowdrop.
BDB climbs to his feet.
BDB takes DragonFly into the ring.
BDB hits DragonFly with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
BDB climbs to his feet.
DragonFly puts BDB on the top rope and executes a superplex.
BDB trys for a splash but DragonFly avoids it.
BDB drags DragonFly to the floor.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
BDB swings a Steel chair and hits DragonFly.
DragonFly is bleeding as a result.
BDB executes the twisting moonsault on to DragonFly.
BDB climbs to his feet.
DragonFly does a cartwheel and kicks BDB in the face.
BDB moves back to his feet.
DragonFly takes BDB off his feet with a short-arm clothesline
BDB climbs to his feet.
BDB takes DragonFly into the ring.
BDB hits a jumping elbow hrust on DragonFly.

had pants - BDB executes a jumping elbow thrust.

[DragonFly is driven further into the mat by BDB with a diving elbow smash.
Now BDB standing.
DragonFly gouges BDB's eyes out.
BDB get nailed with a double axhandle chop from DragonFly.
DragonFly hits BDB with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
DragonFly is up again.
Now BDB standing.
BDB jumps from the top rope and hits DragonFly with a flying armdrag.
BDB stands up.
DragonFly gets up.
DragonFly holds his head after recieving an earringer from BDB.
DragonFly bites BDB's arm out of desparation.

had pants - BDB takes a arm bite.

[BDB jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on DragonFly.
BDB climbs to his feet.
DragonFly is driven further into the mat by BDB with a diving elbow smash.
BDB moves back to his feet.
DragonFly gets back to his feet.
DragonFly pokes BDB in the eye with his thumb.

Suniversal - BDB takes a thumb to the eye.

[DragonFly gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
BDB gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on DragonFly.
BDB executes a ropeflip hiptoss on DragonFly.
DragonFly moves back to his feet.
Out of desperation, BDB dives from the second turnbuckle, shoulder blocking DragonFly.
BDB moves back to his feet.
BDB hits DragonFly with an elbowdrop.
BDB stands up.
BDB hits DragonFly with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
BDB covers DragonFly.
Teddy Long counts.
DragonFly escapes.
DragonFly gets up.
DragonFly goes for a backdrop driver but BDB dodges the attack.
DragonFly nails BDB with a belly-to-back suplex.
DragonFly climbs to his feet.
DragonFly kicks BDB on the mat.
BDB stands up.
BDB elbow smashes DragonFly in the nose.
BDB goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps DragonFly.
BDB gets back to his feet.
BDB covers DragonFly.
Teddy Long counts the pin.
DragonFly escapes.

Gizmo The Cat - BDB should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[DragonFly is back on his feet.
DragonFly grabs BDB by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
DragonFly uses a running lariat to take BDB down.
DragonFly drags BDB to the floor.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)

Suniversal - ringside is covered with blood from these fighters.

[BDB moves back to his feet.
Flying somersault drop kick by BDB puts him back in the match.
Now BDB standing.
BDB gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by DragonFly.
DragonFly bends over as BDB elbows him in the midsection.
They fight into the aisle.
BDB and DragonFly move back to ringside.
BDB and DragonFly move back into the ring.
BDB hits a flying karate chop right to DragonFly's neck.

had pants - BDB executes a flying karate chop.

[A flying shoulder block send DragonFly to the mat.
BDB stands up.
DragonFly with a gut-wrench suplex on BDB.

had pants - That gut-wrench suplex was very good.

[DragonFly stands up.
DragonFly executes a leg hammerlock on BDB.
Teddy Long is checking for a tap out.
... DragonFly tightens the hold. ... BDB trys to escape. ... DragonFly tightens the hold. DragonFly breaks the hold.
DragonFly sends BDB to ringside.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)

had pants - What an outstanding match!

DragonFly measures BDB up and drops a closed fist.
BDB climbs to his feet.
BDB goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps DragonFly.
BDB moves back to his feet.
BDB kicks DragonFly's head out of desperation because DragonFly blocked BDB's first kick.
BDB stands up.
BDB takes DragonFly into the ring.
DragonFly is driven further into the mat by BDB with a diving elbow smash.
BDB stands up.
BDB hits DragonFly with an elbowdrop.
Now DragonFly standing.
BDB hits DragonFly with the Asia moonsault bodyblock.
Now BDB standing.
BDB drags DragonFly to the floor.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
DragonFly comes from behind and bulldogs BDB.
DragonFly moves back to his feet.
BDB gets hit with a diving elbow smash from DragonFly.
DragonFly executes a corkscrew legdrop on BDB.
DragonFly gets back to his feet.
DragonFly and BDB move back into the ring.
DragonFly rolls onto BDB connecting with a knee.
BDB gets up.
BDB sends DragonFly into Teddy Long he goes down.
DragonFly gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
BDB sucks chants start in the crowd.
BDB dives off the top rope with a somersault bodyblock, taking the wind out of DragonFly.
BDB is back on his feet.
EdgarFly comes to the ring.
22Styles runs to the ring.
22Styles suplexes BDB.
22Styles grabs BDB's arm, drops down, and has him in an arm grapevine.
22Styles chants start.
BDB stands up.
EdgarFly suplexes BDB.
EdgarFly sucks chants start in the crowd.
BDB stands up.
EdgarFly on the turnbuckleBDB rising from the mat,EdgarFly leaps from the top rope with a bodypress.
EdgarFly gets up.
Now BDB standing.
Ordered is restored.
Teddy Long gets up.
DragonFly sends BDB to ringside.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
DragonFly sets BDB up DDTs him into the floor.
BDB gets up.
DragonFly kicks BDB in the stomach.
BDB is up again.
DragonFly slaps BDB.
DragonFly hits BDB with a single arm DDT.
DragonFly gets back to his feet.
DragonFly with a falling splash on BDB.
Now BDB standing.
DragonFly nails the bridging back suplex on BDB.
DragonFly gets up.
DragonFly body slams BDB.
DragonFly applies an arm wrench to BDB.
DragonFly hits BDB with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
DragonFly stands up.
DragonFly climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on BDB.
DragonFly climbs to his feet.
DragonFly places BDB on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex.
DragonFly is back on his feet.
DragonFly knees BDB and rolls back to his feet.

Suniversal - They better get back to the ring!

[DragonFly puts BDB in an arm grapevine submission.
BDB is back on his feet.
DragonFly spinning mule kicks BDB.
BDB climbs to his feet.
DragonFly hits BDB with the double arm DDT into the floor.
DragonFly dives head first into BDB.
DragonFly climbs to his feet.
DragonFly goes to the ring. (.........9)BDB moves toward (...........10).

Gizmo The Cat - DragonFly has won the match!

Gizmo The Cat - The winner of this match, DragonFly!!!


Guess you couldn't adapt.

View media item 1235743
"22stylez chants begin"
Last edited:
Next Match:

Bullet Society vs. Franknbeans & John2st

Gizmo The Cat - This match is a Standard Match tag match. On there way to the ring at this time, Bullet Society!!!

[Bullet Society come to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - and their opponents, the team of Frank N Beans & John2st.

[Frank N Beans & John2st walk to the ring. Teddy Long is the referee for this match. Frank And Beans drops Sad Gosling with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat.
Sad Gosling drops Frank And Beans with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat.
(ding, ding, ding) Frank And Beans executes the guillotine choke on Sad Gosling.

had pants - Frank And Beans executes a guillotine choke.

[Frank And Beans moves back to his feet.
Frank And Beans puts Sad Gosling in an arm grapevine submission.
Sad Gosling tags in JohnnyRedStorm.
Frank And Beans rolls onto JohnnyRedStorm connecting with a knee.
JohnnyRedStorm climbs to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm tags Sad Gosling.
Sad Gosling is back on his feet.
Sad Gosling runs and tackles Frank And Beans. Sad Gosling punches him in the head.
Frank And Beans tags in John2st.
They lockup. John2st sends Sad Gosling to the corner of the ring.
Frank And Beans clotheslines Sad Gosling.
John2st clotheslines Sad Gosling.
John2st executes a headlock takedown.
John2st tags Frank And Beans.
Sad Gosling gets knocked on the ground and John2st flips onto him.
Frank And Beans piledrives Sad Gosling.
John2st knees Sad Gosling and rolls back to his feet.

had pants - Sad Gosling is being double teamed!

[John2st stomps Sad Gosling.
Sad Gosling is back on his feet.
Sad Gosling leg lariats John2st, sending him to the mat.
John2st is back on his feet.
John2st picks up Sad Gosling and front slams him on the mat.
Sad Gosling gets hit with the shooting star press from John2st.
Teddy Long counts the pin.
...1 ...2
Sad Gosling kicks out.

Gizmo The Cat - John2st was so close!!

[Sad Gosling tags JohnnyRedStorm.
JohnnyRedStorm goes off the top nailing Frank And Beans with a flying elbow drop to the gut.
Frank And Beans clotheslines JohnnyRedStorm.
John2st tagged in by Frank And Beans.
JohnnyRedStorm gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Frank And Beans comes over and smashes JohnnyRedStorm's head into it.

Suniversal - Come on ref! Do something!! JohnnyRedStorm is being double teamed!

[JohnnyRedStorm uses a lariat on Frank And Beans.
JohnnyRedStorm grabs Frank And Beans and applies an arm wrench.
Frank And Beans is back on his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm uses a cradle suplex on Frank And Beans.

Gizmo The Cat - If JohnnyRedStorm keeps using moves like that cradle suplex he could win the match!


Suniversal - What an outstanding match!

[Sad Gosling tagged in by JohnnyRedStorm.
John2st short-arm clotheslines Sad Gosling to the mat.
Sad Gosling gets hit with the shooting star press from John2st.
Teddy Long counts the pin.
...1 ...2
Sad Gosling kicks out.
Sad Gosling is up again.
Sad Gosling gets tiger suplexed by John2st.
John2st climbs to his feet.
Sad Gosling is back on his feet.
Sad Gosling gets hit with a dragon scerw from John2st.

Gizmo The Cat - John2st executes a dragon screw.

[Frank And Beans tagged in by John2st.
Frank And Beans climbs to his feet.
Sad Gosling gets knocked on the ground and Frank And Beans flips onto him.
Now Frank And Beans standing.
Sad Gosling climbs to his feet.
Sad Gosling grabs Frank And Beans's leg and takes him down.

Suniversal - single leg takedown!

[Frank And Beans tags John2st.
Sad Gosling gives John2st a reverse neckbreaker.
Sad Gosling stands up.
Sad Gosling puts John2st in an arm grapevine submission.
John2st brings in Frank And Beans for Frank N Beans & John2st.
Sad Gosling goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Frank And Beans.
Frank And Beans brings in John2st for Frank N Beans & John2st.
Sad Gosling fist drops John2st on the mat.
Sad Gosling moves back to his feet.
John2st tags Frank And Beans.
Frank And Beans sets Sad Gosling up DDTs him into the mat.

Gizmo The Cat - This is just awefull! Sad Gosling is being double teamed!

[Now Frank And Beans standing.
Frank And Beans executes the jumping sidekick on Sad Gosling.
Sad Gosling is up again.
Sad Gosling pins Frank And Beans against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.

Suniversal - forearm choke!

[John2st tagged in by Frank And Beans.
Sad Gosling jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on John2st.
Sad Gosling moves back to his feet.
John2st makes the tag to Frank And Beans.
Sad Gosling with an illegal chokehold on Frank And Beans.

had pants - Sad Gosling executes a choke hold.

[Sad Gosling punches Frank And Beans in the head.
Frank And Beans makes the tag to John2st.
John2st stands up.
John2st trys for a shoulderbreaker but Sad Gosling avoids it.
John2st puts Sad Gosling in the double reverse chinlock.
Teddy Long asks Sad Gosling if he quits.
... ... John2st breaks the hold.
Sad Gosling trys for a side slam but is not strong enough to lift John2st.
Sad Gosling puts John2st in the double reverse chinlock.
Teddy Long asks John2st if he quits.
... ... John2st escapes.

Suniversal - The WWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[John2st brings in Frank And Beans for Frank N Beans & John2st.
Sad Gosling superkicks Frank And Beans.
Now Frank And Beans standing.
Frank And Beans makes the tag to John2st.
John2st trys for a ropeflip moonsault but Sad Gosling avoids it.
John2st drags Sad Gosling to the floor.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
John2st chokes Sad Gosling with a microphone cable.
John2st hits the Samoan drop on Sad Gosling.
They head back into the ring.
John2st goes off the turnbuckle with a flying sommersault splash.
John2st gets back to his feet.
John2st grabs Sad Gosling and applies an arm wrench.
Sad Gosling climbs to his feet.
Sad Gosling gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
John2st executes a corkscrew legdrop on Sad Gosling.
John2st moves back to his feet.
John2st with the Flying Elbowdrop on Sad Gosling!
Sad Gosling gets hit with the shooting star press from John2st.
Teddy Long counts the pin.
...1 ...2 ...3

Gizmo The Cat - The winners of this match, Frank N Beans & John2st!!!


Guess yall couldn't adapt either.
Next Match:

Bullet Society vs. Franknbeans & John2st

Gizmo The Cat - This match is a Standard Match tag match. On there way to the ring at this time, Bullet Society!!!

[Bullet Society come to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - and their opponents, the team of Frank N Beans & John2st.

[Frank N Beans & John2st walk to the ring. Teddy Long is the referee for this match. Frank And Beans drops Sad Gosling with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat.
Sad Gosling drops Frank And Beans with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat.
(ding, ding, ding) Frank And Beans executes the guillotine choke on Sad Gosling.

had pants - Frank And Beans executes a guillotine choke.

[Frank And Beans moves back to his feet.
Frank And Beans puts Sad Gosling in an arm grapevine submission.
Sad Gosling tags in JohnnyRedStorm.
Frank And Beans rolls onto JohnnyRedStorm connecting with a knee.
JohnnyRedStorm climbs to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm tags Sad Gosling.
Sad Gosling is back on his feet.
Sad Gosling runs and tackles Frank And Beans. Sad Gosling punches him in the head.
Frank And Beans tags in John2st.
They lockup. John2st sends Sad Gosling to the corner of the ring.
Frank And Beans clotheslines Sad Gosling.
John2st clotheslines Sad Gosling.
John2st executes a headlock takedown.
John2st tags Frank And Beans.
Sad Gosling gets knocked on the ground and John2st flips onto him.
Frank And Beans piledrives Sad Gosling.
John2st knees Sad Gosling and rolls back to his feet.

had pants - Sad Gosling is being double teamed!

[John2st stomps Sad Gosling.
Sad Gosling is back on his feet.
Sad Gosling leg lariats John2st, sending him to the mat.
John2st is back on his feet.
John2st picks up Sad Gosling and front slams him on the mat.
Sad Gosling gets hit with the shooting star press from John2st.
Teddy Long counts the pin.
...1 ...2
Sad Gosling kicks out.

Gizmo The Cat - John2st was so close!!

[Sad Gosling tags JohnnyRedStorm.
JohnnyRedStorm goes off the top nailing Frank And Beans with a flying elbow drop to the gut.
Frank And Beans clotheslines JohnnyRedStorm.
John2st tagged in by Frank And Beans.
JohnnyRedStorm gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Frank And Beans comes over and smashes JohnnyRedStorm's head into it.

Suniversal - Come on ref! Do something!! JohnnyRedStorm is being double teamed!

[JohnnyRedStorm uses a lariat on Frank And Beans.
JohnnyRedStorm grabs Frank And Beans and applies an arm wrench.
Frank And Beans is back on his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm uses a cradle suplex on Frank And Beans.

Gizmo The Cat - If JohnnyRedStorm keeps using moves like that cradle suplex he could win the match!


Suniversal - What an outstanding match!

[Sad Gosling tagged in by JohnnyRedStorm.
John2st short-arm clotheslines Sad Gosling to the mat.
Sad Gosling gets hit with the shooting star press from John2st.
Teddy Long counts the pin.
...1 ...2
Sad Gosling kicks out.
Sad Gosling is up again.
Sad Gosling gets tiger suplexed by John2st.
John2st climbs to his feet.
Sad Gosling is back on his feet.
Sad Gosling gets hit with a dragon scerw from John2st.

Gizmo The Cat - John2st executes a dragon screw.

[Frank And Beans tagged in by John2st.
Frank And Beans climbs to his feet.
Sad Gosling gets knocked on the ground and Frank And Beans flips onto him.
Now Frank And Beans standing.
Sad Gosling climbs to his feet.
Sad Gosling grabs Frank And Beans's leg and takes him down.

Suniversal - single leg takedown!

[Frank And Beans tags John2st.
Sad Gosling gives John2st a reverse neckbreaker.
Sad Gosling stands up.
Sad Gosling puts John2st in an arm grapevine submission.
John2st brings in Frank And Beans for Frank N Beans & John2st.
Sad Gosling goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Frank And Beans.
Frank And Beans brings in John2st for Frank N Beans & John2st.
Sad Gosling fist drops John2st on the mat.
Sad Gosling moves back to his feet.
John2st tags Frank And Beans.
Frank And Beans sets Sad Gosling up DDTs him into the mat.

Gizmo The Cat - This is just awefull! Sad Gosling is being double teamed!

[Now Frank And Beans standing.
Frank And Beans executes the jumping sidekick on Sad Gosling.
Sad Gosling is up again.
Sad Gosling pins Frank And Beans against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.

Suniversal - forearm choke!

[John2st tagged in by Frank And Beans.
Sad Gosling jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on John2st.
Sad Gosling moves back to his feet.
John2st makes the tag to Frank And Beans.
Sad Gosling with an illegal chokehold on Frank And Beans.

had pants - Sad Gosling executes a choke hold.

[Sad Gosling punches Frank And Beans in the head.
Frank And Beans makes the tag to John2st.
John2st stands up.
John2st trys for a shoulderbreaker but Sad Gosling avoids it.
John2st puts Sad Gosling in the double reverse chinlock.
Teddy Long asks Sad Gosling if he quits.
... ... John2st breaks the hold.
Sad Gosling trys for a side slam but is not strong enough to lift John2st.
Sad Gosling puts John2st in the double reverse chinlock.
Teddy Long asks John2st if he quits.
... ... John2st escapes.

Suniversal - The WWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[John2st brings in Frank And Beans for Frank N Beans & John2st.
Sad Gosling superkicks Frank And Beans.
Now Frank And Beans standing.
Frank And Beans makes the tag to John2st.
John2st trys for a ropeflip moonsault but Sad Gosling avoids it.
John2st drags Sad Gosling to the floor.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
John2st chokes Sad Gosling with a microphone cable.
John2st hits the Samoan drop on Sad Gosling.
They head back into the ring.
John2st goes off the turnbuckle with a flying sommersault splash.
John2st gets back to his feet.
John2st grabs Sad Gosling and applies an arm wrench.
Sad Gosling climbs to his feet.
Sad Gosling gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
John2st executes a corkscrew legdrop on Sad Gosling.
John2st moves back to his feet.
John2st with the Flying Elbowdrop on Sad Gosling!
Sad Gosling gets hit with the shooting star press from John2st.
Teddy Long counts the pin.
...1 ...2 ...3

Gizmo The Cat - The winners of this match, Frank N Beans & John2st!!!


Guess yall couldn't adapt either.

View media item 1235744
Next match:

Case vs. MeanGene

Gizmo The Cat - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Miz's Front Porch accompanied by MeanHova, MeanGene!!! (crowd boos ***********)

[MeanGene comes to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Dayton accompanied by jdcurt, Casekicks!!! (crowd boos *********)

[Casekicks walks to the ring. Teddy Long is the referee for this contest. MeanGene checks out the ring.
MeanGene gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Casekicks.
(ding, ding, ding) MeanGene bites Casekicks's arm out of desparation.
Casekicks hits a kneeling headbutt to MeanGene's groin.
MeanGene short clothslines Casekicks.

Gizmo The Cat - MeanGene with a short clothesline.

[MeanGene rolls onto Casekicks connecting with a knee.
Casekicks is up again.
MeanGene gives Casekicks a reverse neckbreaker.
MeanGene gets up.
Casekicks gets hit with the shooting star press from MeanGene.
The ref starts the count.
...1 ...2
Casekicks kicks out.

had pants - MeanGene should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[Casekicks moves back to his feet.
Casekicks locks MeanGene in a full nelson and slams him to the mat.
MeanGene gets hit with the shooting star press from Casekicks.
Teddy Long counts.
...1 ...2
MeanGene kicks out.
Casekicks locks him in the arm hammerlock submission.
Teddy Long asks MeanGene if he quits.
... MeanGene trys to escape. ... ... ... MeanGene trys to escape. MeanGene escapes.
Casekicks and MeanGene go to the floor
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
MeanGene picks up Casekicks and executes the cradle DDT.

Suniversal - That cradle DDT was very good.

[MeanGene climbs to his feet.
Casekicks stands up.
MeanGene and Casekicks move back into the ring.
They lockup. MeanHova sends Casekicks to the corner of the ring.

Suniversal - MeanGene is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[MeanGene nails Casekicks with an inverted DDT.
MeanGene is back on his feet.
Casekicks is locked in the elbow submission by MeanGene.
Teddy Long is checking for a tap out.
... ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) Casekicks escapes.
MeanGene sends Casekicks to ringside.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
They lockup. MeanHova sends Casekicks to the corner of ringside.
MeanGene executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Casekicks.
Casekicks stands up.
Casekicks hiptosses MeanGene.
Casekicks jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on MeanGene.
They head back into the ring.
Casekicks puts MeanGene in an arm grapevine submission.

had pants - MeanGene takes a arm grapevine.

[MeanGene gets hit with the shooting star press from Casekicks.
The ref starts the count.
MeanGene kicks out.
Casekicks executes a headlock takedown.
MeanGene climbs to his feet.
Casekicks hits a ropeflip moonsault on MeanGene.
Casekicks gets back to his feet.
MeanGene moves back to his feet.
Casekicks low blows MeanGene.
MeanGene gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Casekicks.

Suniversal - Casekicks with a diving elbow smash.

[Casekicks is up again.
Casekicks rolls onto MeanGene connecting with a knee.
MeanGene gets hit with the shooting star press from Casekicks.
Referee Teddy Long makes the count.
MeanGene escapes.
MeanGene gets back to his feet.
A flying shoulder block send MeanGene to the mat.
Now Casekicks standing.
MeanGene gets hit with the shooting star press from Casekicks.
Teddy Long counts.
MeanGene escapes.

Gizmo The Cat - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like MeanGene.

[Casekicks executes a neck-breaker on MeanGene.

had pants - The WWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[Casekicks gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.

Gizmo The Cat - MeanGene with a elbowsmash.

[MeanGene pins Casekicks against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Casekicks executes a belly-to-belly suplex on MeanGene.
Casekicks sucks chants start in the crowd.
MeanGene stands up.
Casekicks gouges MeanGene's eyes out.
Casekicks dropkicks MeanGene to the face.
Now Casekicks standing.
MeanGene gets knocked on the ground and Casekicks flips onto him.
Casekicks gets up.
MeanGene moves back to his feet.
Casekicks wraps his legs around MeanGene's neck and puts him in the figure-four sleeper.
The referee is checking the situation.
... MeanGene trys to escape. ... Casekicks tightens the hold. ... Casekicks tightens the hold. ... Casekicks tightens the hold. ... ... ... MeanGene is fighting the hold. ... MeanGene is fighting the hold. ... ... MeanGene taps out.

Gizmo The Cat - The winner of this match, Casekicks!!!
Next Match:

Bullet Society vs. Franknbeans & John2st

Gizmo The Cat - This match is a Standard Match tag match. On there way to the ring at this time, Bullet Society!!!

[Bullet Society come to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - and their opponents, the team of Frank N Beans & John2st.

[Frank N Beans & John2st walk to the ring. Teddy Long is the referee for this match. Frank And Beans drops Sad Gosling with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat.
Sad Gosling drops Frank And Beans with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat.
(ding, ding, ding) Frank And Beans executes the guillotine choke on Sad Gosling.

had pants - Frank And Beans executes a guillotine choke.

[Frank And Beans moves back to his feet.
Frank And Beans puts Sad Gosling in an arm grapevine submission.
Sad Gosling tags in JohnnyRedStorm.
Frank And Beans rolls onto JohnnyRedStorm connecting with a knee.
JohnnyRedStorm climbs to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm tags Sad Gosling.
Sad Gosling is back on his feet.
Sad Gosling runs and tackles Frank And Beans. Sad Gosling punches him in the head.
Frank And Beans tags in John2st.
They lockup. John2st sends Sad Gosling to the corner of the ring.
Frank And Beans clotheslines Sad Gosling.
John2st clotheslines Sad Gosling.
John2st executes a headlock takedown.
John2st tags Frank And Beans.
Sad Gosling gets knocked on the ground and John2st flips onto him.
Frank And Beans piledrives Sad Gosling.
John2st knees Sad Gosling and rolls back to his feet.

had pants - Sad Gosling is being double teamed!

[John2st stomps Sad Gosling.
Sad Gosling is back on his feet.
Sad Gosling leg lariats John2st, sending him to the mat.
John2st is back on his feet.
John2st picks up Sad Gosling and front slams him on the mat.
Sad Gosling gets hit with the shooting star press from John2st.
Teddy Long counts the pin.
...1 ...2
Sad Gosling kicks out.

Gizmo The Cat - John2st was so close!!

[Sad Gosling tags JohnnyRedStorm.
JohnnyRedStorm goes off the top nailing Frank And Beans with a flying elbow drop to the gut.
Frank And Beans clotheslines JohnnyRedStorm.
John2st tagged in by Frank And Beans.
JohnnyRedStorm gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Frank And Beans comes over and smashes JohnnyRedStorm's head into it.

Suniversal - Come on ref! Do something!! JohnnyRedStorm is being double teamed!

[JohnnyRedStorm uses a lariat on Frank And Beans.
JohnnyRedStorm grabs Frank And Beans and applies an arm wrench.
Frank And Beans is back on his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm uses a cradle suplex on Frank And Beans.

Gizmo The Cat - If JohnnyRedStorm keeps using moves like that cradle suplex he could win the match!


Suniversal - What an outstanding match!

[Sad Gosling tagged in by JohnnyRedStorm.
John2st short-arm clotheslines Sad Gosling to the mat.
Sad Gosling gets hit with the shooting star press from John2st.
Teddy Long counts the pin.
...1 ...2
Sad Gosling kicks out.
Sad Gosling is up again.
Sad Gosling gets tiger suplexed by John2st.
John2st climbs to his feet.
Sad Gosling is back on his feet.
Sad Gosling gets hit with a dragon scerw from John2st.

Gizmo The Cat - John2st executes a dragon screw.

[Frank And Beans tagged in by John2st.
Frank And Beans climbs to his feet.
Sad Gosling gets knocked on the ground and Frank And Beans flips onto him.
Now Frank And Beans standing.
Sad Gosling climbs to his feet.
Sad Gosling grabs Frank And Beans's leg and takes him down.

Suniversal - single leg takedown!

[Frank And Beans tags John2st.
Sad Gosling gives John2st a reverse neckbreaker.
Sad Gosling stands up.
Sad Gosling puts John2st in an arm grapevine submission.
John2st brings in Frank And Beans for Frank N Beans & John2st.
Sad Gosling goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Frank And Beans.
Frank And Beans brings in John2st for Frank N Beans & John2st.
Sad Gosling fist drops John2st on the mat.
Sad Gosling moves back to his feet.
John2st tags Frank And Beans.
Frank And Beans sets Sad Gosling up DDTs him into the mat.

Gizmo The Cat - This is just awefull! Sad Gosling is being double teamed!

[Now Frank And Beans standing.
Frank And Beans executes the jumping sidekick on Sad Gosling.
Sad Gosling is up again.
Sad Gosling pins Frank And Beans against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.

Suniversal - forearm choke!

[John2st tagged in by Frank And Beans.
Sad Gosling jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on John2st.
Sad Gosling moves back to his feet.
John2st makes the tag to Frank And Beans.
Sad Gosling with an illegal chokehold on Frank And Beans.

had pants - Sad Gosling executes a choke hold.

[Sad Gosling punches Frank And Beans in the head.
Frank And Beans makes the tag to John2st.
John2st stands up.
John2st trys for a shoulderbreaker but Sad Gosling avoids it.
John2st puts Sad Gosling in the double reverse chinlock.
Teddy Long asks Sad Gosling if he quits.
... ... John2st breaks the hold.
Sad Gosling trys for a side slam but is not strong enough to lift John2st.
Sad Gosling puts John2st in the double reverse chinlock.
Teddy Long asks John2st if he quits.
... ... John2st escapes.

Suniversal - The WWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[John2st brings in Frank And Beans for Frank N Beans & John2st.
Sad Gosling superkicks Frank And Beans.
Now Frank And Beans standing.
Frank And Beans makes the tag to John2st.
John2st trys for a ropeflip moonsault but Sad Gosling avoids it.
John2st drags Sad Gosling to the floor.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
John2st chokes Sad Gosling with a microphone cable.
John2st hits the Samoan drop on Sad Gosling.
They head back into the ring.
John2st goes off the turnbuckle with a flying sommersault splash.
John2st gets back to his feet.
John2st grabs Sad Gosling and applies an arm wrench.
Sad Gosling climbs to his feet.
Sad Gosling gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
John2st executes a corkscrew legdrop on Sad Gosling.
John2st moves back to his feet.
John2st with the Flying Elbowdrop on Sad Gosling!
Sad Gosling gets hit with the shooting star press from John2st.
Teddy Long counts the pin.
...1 ...2 ...3

Gizmo The Cat - The winners of this match, Frank N Beans & John2st!!!


Guess yall couldn't adapt either.

shooting star press ***
Top Bottom