Wrestling Thread Oct 20 - Nov 2 | 10/27 Raw - Rollins Defeats Ambrose in HiaC w/ Help of Bray Wyatt

i think punk is playing the wwe like the stock market. he is waiting until they need him most. and sign some crazy contract

I swear, at this point I'm almost 100% convinced this whole Phil Brooks scenario is a work..And if it is then it will Vince's swan song to the industry..
i think punk is playing the wwe like the stock market. he is waiting until they need him most. and sign some crazy contract

I swear, at this point I'm almost 100% convinced this whole Phil Brooks scenario is a work..And if it is then it will Vince's swan song to the industry..

Stop mixing your percs with red wine... I assume you drink wine, because only old people drink wine...
Stop mixing your percs with red wine... I assume you drink wine, because only old people drink wine...

It's not just percs bro..Got them Flexeril, Naproxen, Ambien, and Prescription Compound Cream..Not to mention the blood pressure meds, cholesterol meds, and the nerve pain meds..And I don't drink ackahawl..Just Pepsi and bottled water..
Stop mixing your percs with red wine... I assume you drink wine, because only old people drink wine...

It's not just percs bro..Got them Flexeril, Naproxen, Ambien, and Prescription Compound Cream..Not to mention the blood pressure meds, cholesterol meds, and the nerve pain meds..And I don't drink ackahawl..Just Pepsi and bottled water..

Real talk... Have you tried Marijuana for your issues?...
Dude that's ****** up... Not saying it would be beneficial to you, but that Ohio hasn't adapted medicinal Marijuana... Yet another L for Ohio...
Dude that's ****** up... Not saying it would be beneficial to you, but that Ohio hasn't adapted medicinal Marijuana... Yet another L for Ohio...

Yeah Ohio consistently stays behind the times and taking L's..I don't know if it'd benefit me either..Last time I smoked was 1995 and all I remember was weed made me very tired, which wouldn't be good for me cause I have a 6 yr old son that is my world and I'd hate to take/do something that'd make me sleepy and miss time with him in any way..

I've realized the error of my ways.

Glad to see that..You're good people PLVN.. #RE2PECTdaNTWT
Yeah Ohio consistently stays behind the times and taking L's..I don't know if it'd benefit me either..Last time I smoked was 1995 and all I remember was weed made me very tired, which wouldn't be good for me cause I have a 6 yr old son that is my world and I'd hate to take/do something that'd make me sleepy and miss time with him in any way..
Glad to see that..You're good people PLVN.. #RE2PECTdaNTWT

sig check :nerd:
I'm going to bed, but if anyone wants the BOLA 2014 link send me a PM and I'll send it to you..Good night NTWT.
i think punk is playing the wwe like the stock market. he is waiting until they need him most. and sign some crazy contract

I swear, at this point I'm almost 100% convinced this whole Phil Brooks scenario is a work..And if it is then it will Vince's swan song to the industry..

I hate to sound like a broken record but I've always been confident since he left that he'd be coming back to win the Rumble and then main eventing WM. Such an easy storyline too with him saying that all the other part-timers do it and he did it to prove a point. Summer of Punk 2 :smokin
i think punk is playing the wwe like the stock market. he is waiting until they need him most. and sign some crazy contract

I swear, at this point I'm almost 100% convinced this whole Phil Brooks scenario is a work..And if it is then it will Vince's swan song to the industry..

I hate to sound like a broken record but I've always been confident since he left that he'd be coming back to win the Rumble and then main eventing WM. Such an easy storyline too with him saying that all the other part-timers do it and he did it to prove a point. Summer of Punk 2 :smokin

I'm torn between what I think he will do. I actually don't even care if he comes back or not. the company may miss him but I don't.

but if he returns at the rumble (I don't think he will) without anyone on the internet spoiling it, the roof will blow off the wichovia center.
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