Casekicks vs. DCAllAmerican (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Hell in the Cell)
Gizmo The Cat - This match is a Hell in the Cell. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Deep In The Sea, DCAllAmerican!!! (crowd boos **)
[DCAllAmerican comes to the ring. ]
Gizmo The Cat - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Some Place That's Angry, Casekicks!!! (crowd cheers ****)
[Casekicks walks to the ring. Teddy Long is the referee for this contest. Teddy Long checks DCAllAmerican's boots and knee pads.
Casekicks tests out the ropes.
(ding, ding, ding) Casekicks gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Casekicks does a cartwheel and kicks DCAllAmerican in the face.
DCAllAmerican gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Casekicks.
Casekicks is back on his feet.
DCAllAmerican stands up.
A flying hip attack by DCAllAmerican takes Casekicks down.
DCAllAmerican takes Casekicks to the floor.
Casekicks is driven further into the ringside mat by DCAllAmerican with a diving elbow smash.
DCAllAmerican is up again.
DCAllAmerican hits Casekicks with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
had pants - Casekicks takes a elbow drop.
[DCAllAmerican is back on his feet.
DCAllAmerican hits Casekicks with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Gizmo The Cat - elbowdrop!
[DCAllAmerican stands up.
Casekicks hits a koppo kick on DCAllAmerican.
had pants - Casekicks executes a koppo kick.
[DCAllAmerican hits a jumping elbow hrust on Casekicks.
Gizmo The Cat - DCAllAmerican executes a jumping elbow thrust.
[DCAllAmerican hits Casekicks with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Now DCAllAmerican standing.
DCAllAmerican jumps and elbow smashes the lying Casekicks.
had pants - Casekicks takes a diving elbow smash.
[Casekicks gets up.
DCAllAmerican dives off the top rope with a somersault bodyblock, taking the wind out of Casekicks.
Gizmo The Cat - DCAllAmerican with a flying somersault bodyblock.
[DCAllAmerican gets up.
Casekicks rolls into the ring. DCAllAmerican follows.
DCAllAmerican swings a steel chair and hits Casekicks.
Casekicks is bleeding as a result.
Suniversal - My God!! What a match!
[Casekicks gets back to his feet.
Casekicks hits him with a back fist.
Casekicks connects with a flying knee. DCAllAmerican goes down.
Casekicks executes a corkscrew legdrop on DCAllAmerican.
Gizmo The Cat - Casekicks executes a corkscrew legdrop.
[DCAllAmerican trys for a flying lariat but Casekicks avoids it.
DCAllAmerican applies an elbow submission hold onto Casekicks.
Referee Teddy Long is checking for a tap out.
... ... Casekicks is fighting the hold. ... ... Casekicks trys to escape. DCAllAmerican breaks the hold.
Casekicks leg lariats DCAllAmerican, sending him to the mat.
Casekicks takes DCAllAmerican to the floor.
Suniversal - Casekicks can't get a pin at ringside.
[Casekicks rolls onto DCAllAmerican connecting with a knee.
Casekicks measures DCAllAmerican up and drops a closed fist.
DCAllAmerican gets up.
DCAllAmerican trys for a somersault slam but Casekicks avoids it.
A side kick by DCAllAmerican turns the match around by knocking Casekicks to the ringside mat.
DCAllAmerican hits Casekicks with an elbowdrop.
had pants - DCAllAmerican with a elbowdrop.
[DCAllAmerican climbs to his feet.
Casekicks gets back to his feet.
Casekicks delivers a kick to the head of DCAllAmerican.
DCAllAmerican stands up.
DCAllAmerican gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Casekicks.
Casekicks grabs DCAllAmerican by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
Casekicks uppercuts DCAllAmerican.
Casekicks with a headscissors takeover on DCAllAmerican.
Casekicks chants start.
had pants - DCAllAmerican takes a headscissors takeover.
[DCAllAmerican runs out of the cage. Casekicks follows.
Casekicks kicks DCAllAmerican in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the concrete.
had pants - Good scissor kick by Casekicks.
[Casekicks takes DCAllAmerican to the top of the cell.
Casekicks executes a corkscrew legdrop on DCAllAmerican.
Gizmo The Cat - corkscrew legdrop!
[DCAllAmerican is up again.
DCAllAmerican executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Casekicks.
Casekicks is driven further into the fencing by DCAllAmerican with a diving elbow smash.
DCAllAmerican climbs to his feet.
DCAllAmerican hits Casekicks with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
DCAllAmerican is up again.
DCAllAmerican hits Casekicks with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Suniversal - Casekicks takes a elbow drop.
[DCAllAmerican moves back to his feet.
Casekicks executes the jumping sidekick on DCAllAmerican.
DCAllAmerican gets back to his feet.
Casekicks dropkicks DCAllAmerican to the face.
Casekicks climbs to his feet.
DCAllAmerican gets up.
Casekicks sends DCAllAmerican through the top of the cell to the mat.
Casekicks chokes DCAllAmerican with a camera cable.
Casekicks hiptosses DCAllAmerican.
Gizmo The Cat - Casekicks executes a hiptoss.
[Now DCAllAmerican standing.
Casekicks bends over as DCAllAmerican elbows him in the midsection.
Suniversal - elbow to midsection!
[DCAllAmerican hits a flying karate chop right to Casekicks's neck.
had pants - flying karate chop!
[Casekicks hits a spinning leg lariat on DCAllAmerican sending him to the mat.
DCAllAmerican gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Casekicks.
Gizmo The Cat - Casekicks executes a diving elbow smash.
[Casekicks is back on his feet.
Casekicks fist drops DCAllAmerican on the mat.
had pants - fist drop!
[Casekicks gets back to his feet.
DCAllAmerican stands up.
Casekicks leg lariats DCAllAmerican, sending him to the mat.
Suniversal - Casekicks with a leg lariat.
[DCAllAmerican stands up.
DCAllAmerican gets locked into the headscissors submission by Casekicks.
Teddy Long is checking for a tap out.
... ... DCAllAmerican trys to escape. ... Casekicks breaks the hold.
Casekicks swings a chair and hits DCAllAmerican.
DCAllAmerican is bleeding as a result.
Gizmo The Cat - My God!! What a match!
[Casekicks jabs DCAllAmerican.
Casekicks kicks DCAllAmerican in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the mat.
Casekicks drops DCAllAmerican on some tacks.
Casekicks knee drops DCAllAmerican.
DCAllAmerican gets back to his feet.
Casekicks superkicks DCAllAmerican.
Casekicks thrust kicks DCAllAmerican in the head.
Casekicks goes for a pin.
Teddy Long counts the pin.
...1 ...2 ...3
had pants - Casekicks has won the match!
Gizmo The Cat - The winner of this match, Casekicks!!!
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