Wrestling Thread Oct 24-30 | 10/29 Maryse Released by WWE

Oct 15, 2000


WWE Vengeance was last night, and if you missed the show, you didn't miss a whole lot.  For the most part, the show felt like a better version of Raw.  There were good wrestling matches, but most of the matches didn't really mean anything and were just there to fill the card.  It was a perfect example of the problem with WWE having so many PPVs.  This was really just a hold over show to get them to Survivor Series.  There were no title changes (not that I'm complaining), but there was also nothing especially meaningful that will be remember two weeks from now.  Here's my quick rundown of the card.

  • Air Boom d Ziggler/Swagger to retain the Tag Team Titles.  A good opener.  A lot of action, and they were given a good amount of time.
  • Dolph Ziggler d Zach Ryder to retain the US Title. This match took place immediately after the tag match, and Ziggler was blown up early in this match.  Ziggler won clean, so it made Ryder look like a loser.  Not sure what the point of Ziggler working double duty back to back was if neither of the titles were going to change.
  • Beth Phoenix d Eve to retain the Divas Title.  Better than a normal Divas match involving Kelly Kelly.  They really, really need to move onto new programs outside of the same four women.
  • Sheamus b Christian. Nothing more than a Raw match.  Crowd wasn't into it much.  Sheamus won with the Brogue Kick as Christian was charging him for a spear.
  • The Miz & R-Truth d CM Punk & HHH.  HHH really has lost a step since WrestleMania and is not looking in the best shape anymore.  The match was a major letdown, especially since many considered this the real main event of the show.  Not much heat from the crowd.  Kevin Nash returned laying out HHH with a nasty Powerbomb.  Miz and Truth beat Punk.  Punk is just another geek now.  It's official that all of the momentum he had a few months ago is now gone.  Not a good match.
  • Randy Orton d Cody Rhodes.  The crowd was not into Rhodes as a legitimate threat to Orton.  Rhodes desperately needs a character change because the baggers, voice, and mask suck.  Orton has had better matches.
  • Mark Henry vs The Big Show - No Contest - Henry retains World Heavyweight Title.  The match was fine while it was going on.  Both men traded power moves that weren't enough to put the other away, including Henry taking a chokeslam off the top rope.  The finish saw Henry hit Show with a top rope superplex which collapsed the ring as Lesnar and Show did in 2003.  Show was stretchered/trucked out.  They tried to do the same with Henry, but Henry refused help and staggered on his own to the back.
  • Alberto Del Rio d John Cena to retain the WWE Title in a Last Man Standing match.  The worked in the collapsed ring for a lot of the match which seemed strange in a last man standing match.  It was a perfect example of Cena's awful selling.  One second he's down, knocked out, getting counted out, and literally 2 seconds later he's up kicking Del Rio's !$*.  They worked hard and took some big spots including Del Rio taking a bump off the entrance set through a table.  They got back to ringside.  Cena AA'd Del Rio through the announce table.  As he was being counted down, Miz and Truth came in and laid out Cena.  Super Cena got up but then Del Rio laid him out with a belt shot to the head to get the win.  Don't worry though, Cena was back to his feet a second after the 10 count.
I give the show a thumbs down.  There were no great matches.  Most everything was forgettable, and the announcing was absolutely atrocious last night.  I can take short doses of Booker on Smackdown, but when you have to listen to him for three straight hours, his stupidity it too much to take.  And Cole was really on fire last night, being as trolling and irritating as ever.  Then thrown in their CONSTANT plugging of Twitter and how everything was TRENDING WORLDWIDE, I just couldn't take it.

So now we have four weeks until Survivor Series.  They announced last night that The Rock would not just be at Survivor Series, but he would be returning to action on the show.  We already knew that, but I don't agree with making that announcement on TV without having an angle to explain it first.  The rumor is that The Rock will be on NEXT week's Raw, as well as the Survivor Series go home Raw on Nov 14 (along with Mick Foley).  The Rock will be part of the five on five main event at Survivor Series which very tentatively is Rock, Cena, HHH, Punk, Foley vs Del Rio, Miz, Truth, Nash, and ???.  Those teams, especially Punk, Foley, and Del Rio may change.  The build for the match will begin tonight.

We'll see if they do anything with Jim Ross tonight.  I do not know if he is at the show, but Cole went out of his way to mention JR many times last night.  Of course, that could just be Vince getting off on BULLYING Ross.
Vengeance PPV Prediction Contest Results!

66 total entries.

Scores ranged from 50 to 295.

There was a tie for first place.

The average was 185.

The total possible points was 480.  The 50 pt time of the Henry/Show match was not included.

Congratulations to brasilianmami and Rusty Shackelford for winning the Vengeance PPV Prediction Contest!


And with another great showing out of Rusty Shackelford, he further widens his lead in the overall 2011 WWE PPV Prediction Contest.  Pretty amazing work!


MY NAME...My Name is iLLoQuent aka DSK.

...but you already know that.

Spoiler [+]

The Dead Man Savior has officially returned.
Would tombstone both.

And I knew Nash was gonna come back. This whole 'coming out of the crowd' thing is stale though.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

There was no official result to the match, so I'm not counting it.

Plus, I'm not recalculating all 66 scores.

no ayo or idolizing 

but thank you 4w for all the stuff you do in the wrestling thread
You guys are lucky I don't have real friends
Color me surprised, considering you have THIS up as one of your main facebook pictures


Talk about dorky

Does anyone ever ask you about this?

Probably not, seeing as how im most likely the only person who has visited your profile since you put this up.
Originally Posted by hymen man

I'd Yankem both.

*high fives everyone in thread*

Jeribkmacs NTWE Sales Pitch of the Year coming by the beginning of Raw. Stay tuned Jeriholics!
technically i did know that dsk would be back seeing as he checked out of the wellness program.

dsk, what brand u want to be in, NTRaw or NTDown?

btw, why were u suspended?
Originally Posted by hymen man

I'd Yankem both.

*high fives everyone in thread*


iLLoQuent aka DSK wrote:
MY NAME...My Name is iLLoQuent aka DSK.

...but you already know that. 

Spoiler [+]

The Dead Man Savior has officially returned.

DSK bout to dethrone GotHoles for the News & Notes again.

Spoiler [+]
jk what's up DSK
i wonder if dsk will continue wit his cena love/gimmick or will he go the jeff hardy route
wwe should have never done away with kanes mask.

mask would have been dope to own
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Color me surprised, considering you have THIS up as one of your main facebook pictures

Talk about dorky

Does anyone ever ask you about this?

Probably not, seeing as how im most likely the only person who has visited your profile since you put this up.
Club, you're reaching, broham. The entire sentence is "You guys are lucky I don't have real friends to talk about wrestling with
". Last part of that quote makes a big difference.

Let's be honest, we're all in the same boat. My friends don't like wrestling, either. So, I come here to shoot the *!#* about it/%@$!+#+# during free time. Nothing wrong with that.

That flier, though.

On another note...

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Color me surprised, considering you have THIS up as one of your main facebook pictures

Talk about dorky

Does anyone ever ask you about this?

Probably not, seeing as how im most likely the only person who has visited your profile since you put this up.
Club, you're reaching, broham. The entire sentence is "You guys are lucky I don't have real friends to talk about wrestling with
". Last part of that quote makes a big difference.

Let's be honest, we're all in the same boat. My friends don't like wrestling, either. So, I come here to shoot the *!#* about it/%@$!+#+# during free time. Nothing wrong with that.

That flier, though.

On another note...


you might as well just come out in the middle of my promo and say "dont worry fans! its all pretend!"
Oh, it's time? *Tucks *!+# back into pants.* Kelly Kelly, I can no longer Rock Out with my Fozzy Out with you tonight, I have business to attend. Come find me later, okay toots?


*walks to ring*

Spoiler [+]

Ladies and gentleman of NTWE, Jeriholics around the world. Men, put down your beers. Mothers, take your newborn off your breasts. Newborns, grip your stuffed animals tight. I'm going to have you wanting more.

I present to you, myself, Jeribkmac. I heard Team NTDown is looking for a final roster spot for NTSeries. 3dgar or me. Hmm.. tough choice? I don't think so.

Let's compare.

Would NTDown rather be represented by this?

or by this:

Flawless attire, demeanor, ring presences, mic skills, you name it, I have it. Why would you even dare to think 3dgar would be the better choice? His movesets is probably more recycled than his own Punk .gif usage. With me, you'll witness acts such as:


You get the point.

VeintiSiete, we go back. We've had our differences, but what better way to join forces than at NTSeries. You, me, and the rest of Team NTDown without a doubt will leave with a win.

I have a match scheduled for the I.C. Title that same night, but if Dork Ziggler or whatever that Jeff Jarrett-lookin-jackrabbits name is can work a duel match on a PPV, so can Jeribkmac.

VeintiSiete, no rush on your decision. Just be aware, I am ready to go, wherever, whenever (word to the Hardcore Title). NTWE wants saving? Jeribkmac is ready to SAVE them, and it starts with taking down Team NTRaw.

*exits ring*

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