Wrestling Thread October 1st-31st/ No Mercy Tonight At 8PM ET/ Dolph Zigger Last Match

Which one of you neckbeard losers said Sasha was anywhere near top 5 in the world

She's trash b

this is a botchfest in itself
I never said Top 5, I said better than Cena.  And she's far from trash, dude just trying to get noticed and you gave him his 15 minutes, DC
She can't even stay healthy for two months b she botched herself back to the shelf in this match

Cena only been hurt like 5 times his career
Honestly can't believe Charlotte wins what was the point of havin her lose in the dirt place?
They may as well have let Charlotte keep the title on that 1st Brand Split Raw :rollin :rollin no wonder titles are terribly devalued
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