Wrestling Thread Sep 15-Oct 5 | October 5th, 1982 A Wrestling/NT/Cat Legend Was Born

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But really dude, you picture me doing savage stuff?... You're really comfertable with your own sexuality.. I praise you for that...

I don't get WWE hyping all these guys up under names they've been known by their entire life and then give them a dreadful name like Finn Balor. I know it's for copyright reasons but damn, they could have just taken a "T" off Devitt. :{
Watching Nitro on the Network and totally forgot Sabu had a brief stint in WCW...dude looked so out of place lol
How do you give the IWC so much hope and then slap them in the face by changing names of their favorite newly signed wrestlers? The egos are too big in this company for its own good.
How do you give the IWC so much hope and then slap them in the face by changing names of their favorite newly signed wrestlers? The egos are too big in this company for its own good.
it's Vince he loves knowing that he has the upper hand. I'm surprised cm punk kept his name.
What you mean all these b- players?..What do you think you are?..
Any answer above a b/b+ gets you an immediate banning from this thread.
almost missed your failed shot attempt,lol just got back in from living life in the big city ,bring lights,pretty ladies,some would call the night of their lives,but its just another wednesday night for me out here in the great city.nothing like that **** hole u call home.not like you would be able to go out anyway old man,just sit in your rocking chair popping your blue pills to get through an entire stinK match.just cuz your as old as them nwa wrestlers doesnt make you some kind of authority in here,its sad that at your age youve never touched the gold or main evented anything but u call me b+ ? lol your light jab didnt even bring any ratings during that segment just shows your out of touch with the new generation.i would call you a has been but that would imply you were actually relevant at some point...probably past your bedtime anyway 

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