Wrestling Thread Sep 15-Oct 5 | October 5th, 1982 A Wrestling/NT/Cat Legend Was Born

This.I was about to mention Chena but it pains me to since I wanna see him catch the bottom rope. But did is an underrated worker. 

I would say Orton and Cena.

Orton has always been smooth, his character is just boring. Cena on the other hand, most people consider him to not be a great worker, yet most of the bigger stage matches that he has been involved in have been pretty good.
oooo my brother testify 
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Other than pretty much anything involving tables, everything Orton does is as smooth as can be in-ring. He gets my vote.
This.I was about to mention Chena but it pains me to since I wanna see him catch the bottom rope. But did is an underrated worker. 
Glad to see the respect for Orton's in ring ability. It just comes natural to him. And yeah...Cena deserves credit. He's been in many stellar matches throughout his career.
Speaking of HBK, probably my favorite Raw Match ever next to Cena and Punk.

EVERY style of wrestling was in this match. Shawn really is the GOAT

Does anyone know how the authentic shirts from the WWE shop fit. I'm between a MD and LG but not sure if they run big or small. Thanks for any help guys
My concern is what happens to Dean after his feud with Seth ends. Is he gonna get the D-Breezy treatment...? We know they had faith in him as a member of the Shield but we have also heard he's gotten that "B+ player label" as they don't see him as a Main Eventer... :smh:

Why does the company always try to choose who will be a main eventer and who will not? Let some of that work out for itself naturally. They need to elevate more guys instead of just limiting spots to a few guys. My dude Cesaro should've been flourishing a long time ago.
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The King of Jobbing

In an interesting piece of trivia, since losing the U.S. Title to Kofi Kingston back in April 2013, Cesaro has lost 10 consecutive title matches on WWE TV or PPV.
Why does the company always try to choose who will be a main eventer and who will not? Let some of that work out for itself naturally. They need to elevate more guys instead of just limiting spots to a few guys. My dude Cesaro should've been flourishing a long time ago.
Nobody thought that Batista would be a star
Why does the company always try to choose who will be a main eventer and who will not? Let some of that work out for itself naturally. They need to elevate more guys instead of just limiting spots to a few guys. My dude Cesaro should've been flourishing a long time ago.

Because Vince is a mutha ****** butthole that is so out of touch it's not even funny anymore..
Why does the company always try to choose who will be a main eventer and who will not? Let some of that work out for itself naturally. They need to elevate more guys instead of just limiting spots to a few guys. My dude Cesaro should've been flourishing a long time ago.

Nobody thought that Batista would be a star

Ehhhh, he was a HHH guy, so it would've happened regardless.

And Vince is definitely far out of touch, from the cringe inducing "comedy" he pushes to giving people 70's gimmicks well past that decade
- The Miz’s recent victory and loss of the IC Title was familiar territory for him. The Miz defeated Dolph Ziggler to win the IC Title at the WWE Night of Champions PPV. He then lost title the very next night on Raw, back to Ziggler. This is not the first time that this has happened to the Miz. Back in 2013, Miz won the IC Title during the WrestleMania 29 pre-show to Wade Barrett. He then lost the title the next night, back to Barrett.

- The Miz’s recent victory and loss of the IC Title was familiar territory for him. The Miz defeated Dolph Ziggler to win the IC Title at the WWE Night of Champions PPV. He then lost title the very next night on Raw, back to Ziggler. This is not the first time that this has happened to the Miz. Back in 2013, Miz won the IC Title during the WrestleMania 29 pre-show to Wade Barrett. He then lost the title the next night, back to Barrett.


Yep my bro and I were talking about this last night. Miz just a stepping stone B
Oh we're talking about the NEW INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION???

Stealing the Show, the Tittle and your Girl. Show Off #HEEL

WE DID THIS!!! #TeamAlpha
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This man Russo :lol: he's "booking" raw and he had bray come in and gave sister Abigail to both Harper and roman. :lol: :smh: this guy
Heath slater used to job for legends now you jobbing to jobbers in bunny out fits

Wwe2k15 trailer is out an ziggs is jobbing in that..... he needs to go to wcw at this point
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