Wrestling Thread Sep 15-Oct 5 | October 5th, 1982 A Wrestling/NT/Cat Legend Was Born

The American Badass gimmick sucked, can't believe they did that.

"Try me and I'l make you famous"

Agreed. Him dragging a leathered-out Hogan was one of the most unintentionally funny segments I've ever seen
where the video/ gif , ?
The only time I liked Biker Taker was when he debuted that gimmick. My goodness the crowd was going crazy

Man y'all dialed up the nostalgia machine today. That's what made me wanna join NTWT, y'all are a wealth of knowledge and remind me of things I forgot or missed cause my stepdad is a buster who hated wrestling, so i would miss shows occasionally. Kurt was so damn talented in every aspect of the wrestling business. In ring, serious promos, comedy, just great in every element.
I hope that someone can answer this:

The current storyline on Total Divas is that DBry and Brie Bella eren't getting paid because they aren't on TV (at the time).

I was always under the assumption that wrestlers get paid when they are at home with injury. For example, Rey Mysterio is currently getting paid. But, I just read a shoot interview in which Ricardo mentions not getting paid because he wasn't booked on house shows (where they apparently get the most pay outside of PPV).

So, I guess my question is: do wrestlers get paid when they are home recovering from injury and are not working shows or PPVs?
Man y'all dialed up the nostalgia machine today. That's what made me wanna join NTWT, y'all are a wealth of knowledge and remind me of things I forgot or missed cause my stepdad is a buster who hated wrestling, so i would miss shows occasionally. Kurt was so damn talented in every aspect of the wrestling business. In ring, serious promos, comedy, just great in every element.

I know this was discussed before, but to me him and Shawn Michaels were the total package as far as all of that goes. Every single aspect of wrestling, but I'd put Angle above HBK in the comedy department. Angle literally played every single type of heel/face character. Funny, goofy, serious, psychotic, chicken-****, serious. Dude did everything. Wish he was truly 100% healthy for a last WWE run, but I'm just afraid Angle would implode from a Curb Stomp or something
^this is a guess in the dark but I'm assuming they do but not just not much. I think they still get merch money(which takes a hit when your not there) x base pay (which could be under a few hundred thousands) but its cutting it close financially to a lifestyle you built off of working 300 nights a year x getting paid each appearance.

So in short yes...just relatively not a lot.
I know this was discussed before, but to me him and Shawn Michaels were the total package as far as all of that goes. Every single aspect of wrestling, but I'd put Angle above HBK in the comedy department. Angle literally played every single type of heel/face character. Funny, goofy, serious, psychotic, chicken-****, serious. Dude did everything. Wish he was truly 100% healthy for a last WWE run, but I'm just afraid Angle would implode from a Curb Stomp or something
let him come back n be raw gm or something he's still more entertaining than BOtch hogan 
Peep Game Peep Game I would agree with you. Shawn's comedic timing was awkward occasionally compared to Angle who was always on point. I wish Kurt hadn't went to TNA and just took some time off to clean himself up and rest and come back refreshed...Like if WWE had given him a leave of absence to get better, cause he was one of the best all around and unfortunately we all assume he's incapable of passing a WWE physical due to damage sustained over a long period of time. From all accounts he's beaten his demons and that is a major positive in itself. But he needs to retire with the WWE. It's only right. Repping for the 3 I's: Intensity, Integrity, Intelligence :smokin :pimp: :nthat:
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