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I don't wanna drudge up 6+pages just for my response, but I will say, speaking from a Japanese knowledge only, that it is NOT just Asia that further solidifies the "beta/alpha" male personality dynamic. It has certainly dug it's claws into Western cultures as well through various sorts of media (film, lit, tv, etc.) however, Asian/Japanese culture tend to put more stock into being honorable ( this is certainly an arguable concept of what is and is not), passive/submissive, and quiet. This is male AND female as they are still a very patriarchal society with very intricate matriarchal sub-routines/practices.

Western media and the little coverage that we give Eastern cultures that are not further than India, have furthered the idea that Asian men are this "beta"stereotype when in fact in some cultures that could not be further from the truth. What really has resulted in the low birthrates/marriage/dating numbers is not only economic unrest, but the introduction of Western ideas such as Feminism, Workplace/Wage equality, the more "me first" Western mentality that is shunning and tossing aside the traditional cultural standard of family focused care and prosperity, along with the influx of actual non-native residents themselves.

posters here have stated themselves they are finding these mediated interpretations corny or offensive (with every right to) as they are concretizing those negative stereotypes.

I could only imagine how frustrating it is to be an Asian male having to deal with this.

Where is this generation's Bolo Yeung?

But as a whole, masculinity is shunned upon, not just Asian men but the image of black men has been killed by the media for decades too, so I feel them
oh DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican , I replied to your mention on the NBA thread, apparently media theory and big words are shunned upon in sports threads.

I accidentally stumbled in there once, and had some knowledge on something they were discussing, so I threw it out there. Those idiots started clowning on me for no reason other than how I posted, and I never went back lol.
No carbs means no fruits, veggies, nuts, legumes.

Why would you even consider that?

Where is your fiber coming from?

What is promoting executions?

Supposedly, you don't need fiber and the meat is enough to promote bowel movements, albeit in smaller amounts and not as frequently. The part I'm unsure about is getting the proper nutrients without having to take supplements. From what I've read, some of the junk and plant-based things we consume are the reason why we need so much minerals/vitamins thus cutting those out will mean you can get the proper amount of things like iron from meat. I mean, you don't necessarily have to go extreme and cut out fruits/veggies, but the theory is they aren't needed.

However, I'm not 100% sold on it yet.
Pretty chill for the most part can't complain.
good to hear man!

Yeah there are some wild dudes in there.
I mean, I get that isn't probably what someone would hear in a sports discussion during your everyday average sports talk, but I don't quite understand why?

No one in here gets bent out of shape or tries to be cute if I go "theory mode" on something, I was just involved in academia for so long that is just how my brain works now and I have a difficult time shutting it off. I don't see why we can't look at sports the same way we view other forms of entertainment/media, through a critical lens. It does not have to always be fandom and demarcated lines of love and hate.
I've never seen any of his work, but I'd imagine Vince is a fan of the fact that he's 6'7" and in good shape.

Dijak is pretty good. Haven't heard him talk but he's quite charismatic from what I've seen.
Bad Moon Rison Bad Moon Rison been giving her that good D

I could only imagine how frustrating it is to be an Asian male having to deal with this.

Where is this generation's Bolo Yeung?

But as a whole, masculinity is shunned upon, not just Asian men but the image of black men has been killed by the media for decades too, so I feel them

I guess it really looks at what and how you define "masculinity." I totally agree that black men have had it extremely difficult here and abroad for years and years, which is absolutely problematic, however I would say that by over accentuating what certain cultures deem "masculine" furthers the issues. Sexism, chauvinism, misogyny, etc. have no place in ANY culture or society, and one could argue that what the Western ideal of masculinity is brings those problems with it.

I think media is a huge cog in the machine that furthers divides amongst humanity in general, but don't mistake me for saying media is solely to blame, it just plays its part. Not calling it out when we see things going wrong is just as bad and important.

But for me to be seen as a "regular everyday man", I cannot cry, be sensitive, wear make up, say certain things or act certain ways, etc. To me that limits not only myself, but it limits how others experience interacting with me and learning about/understanding me.

Yall would call this burnt

that looks good! Doesn't look burnt to me, but I cook so lol.
There's a difference between getting run out, and realizing that there's no talking to most of those morons, so you leave. Even the so called "clowning" was ignorant.
I think I dodged a bullet. Almost like shining light at a deer and stunning it haha. I don't think anyone understood half of what I said anyways.
I've significantly cut back my posting in the NBA thread because it's full of some of NT's biggest idiots
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