Wrestling Thread September 1st-3rd/ Weekend Edition/ Mae Young Classic Available Now First 4

First day off in 10 days, treated myself and the lady to brunch


Pork ragu on cornbread with overeasy eggs with some cold brew
The fans wanted Ziggler to be somebody even up until last year. Now I think they've given up.

Pretty much. The fans were firmly behind him during his feud with Miz (who again, is a low-key miracle worker for people), but after how bad his heel turn was, he really may need a legit break, whether NJPW or something non-wrestling related. The fans giving up on him is one thing, but phoning it in like Orton is another issue.
ziggler still got it. they got to have something in store since he still works with the top guys in dark matches

is summer bae still part of the wwe?
i know she was cleared and was training at the perf center a few months back
Do we know who these Fashion Files episodes are going to lead Breezango to feud with?
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